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Member Since 01 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2013 23:06

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In Topic: [In Development] Suggestion to fix annoying camera angle

08 April 2013 - 10:32

While it did take some getting used to, I find the existing angle to be perfectly fine. 


Mish, you mention that sometimes you would like to see your character up close?  Perhaps some kind of character viewing interface would solve that; something similar to the view we get when first creating a character.


Yes, that would do the job just fine. :)

In Topic: [In Development] Suggestion to fix annoying camera angle

07 April 2013 - 20:29

I also think the current camera angle is fine, but sometimes I feel that I want to look at my character's face or armor form close and I can't because the camera angle won't allow it. The only time you see your face is when creating the character...

In Topic: [In Development] Camera

02 April 2013 - 00:27

It would be nice to have a 1st person view as well, but make it so its required to zoom in to get to it, this way it does not cause performance issues. But as for viewing angle i would say making it another 10 degrees would be good for user friendly gameplay, although i have no idea the effect it would have on the games performance. Another way around this though could be to make a download pack for the game, that way part of it loads from the users pc instead of from the servers.


1st person would have great impact on performance, as well as adding 10 degrees more. You can tell that because the higher the camera goes the fewer elements appear on the screen, and the lower it goes the more elements appear on the screen(ex, if there is a tree that is far away from you you will not be able to see it from top-down but you will be able to see it if you lower the camera). This would cause the computer to render more objects in every frame and therefore load your processor and graphics card more.


The developers did say something about adding hardware support though, so let's just wait and see.

In Topic: Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

01 April 2013 - 23:38

Make it so that you continue chatting even after you press enter, until you "de-select" the chat box. That way you don't have to press enter every time you want to type something new.



Not sure if it exists or not, but it would be very helpful to see currently active quests.

Also, is it just me or are the questbooks only 50% full even though I have completed all quests in them?




If 2 players follow each other, it results in an infinite follow circle in which each player follows the other. While not necessarily being a bug, I find this very amusing. Please don't remove it :)

In Topic: [In Development] Camera

01 April 2013 - 22:50

Yeah I hope they will either add this or add this as an option... I suppose it's a matter of personal taste. I think having less enter presses overall makes larger in-game conversations a lot more enjoyable.

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