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Member Since 13 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 03 2022 19:53

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In Topic: Idea for Special Offer Bonus

04 October 2014 - 04:33

More donations ARE better for the game - of course they are ..


and I think that they'd get more donations from giving the epic pots as part of their special offers than they would from giving reserve stamina.


Asking for reserve stamina IN ADDITION to the 20% bonus fsp's AND the loyalty tokens AND the epic pot is just being greedy.


Ultimately, the more the cows give away "free" with these offers, the more players will want ...

Okay, lol. This will be my last post on here. For the $60 purchasers, they could get 6000 reserve stamina instead of the epic potion. They still get the 20% and the loyalty tokens, but no pot. The people who don't spend $60 in one purchase, get 20% of their purchase as reserve stamina (so 5$ = 30fsp + 250 stamina) so that way, even the people who don't drop 60 at a time get something. It will also make the potions more of a rarity, and should bring up the prices, and keep them from having to make them better, and better, and better every time.

In Topic: Idea for Special Offer Bonus

03 October 2014 - 05:03

I see what you mean. I didn't even think about that, but they could readjust the stamina amounts for the $60 purchase. And the thing is, it also helps the people who don't drop $60 every time. That way even buying $20, they still get a bonus on top of the 20% fsp.

In Topic: Idea for Special Offer Bonus

02 October 2014 - 21:43

Sure, take away the chest rewards and add this instead ...


'cos I'm sure you're not meaning in ADDITION to the extra fsp's and the bonus loyalty points and the epic chests - 'cos that would just be being greedy ;)

That's what I'm saying. Instead of the chests. To  be used on global events, or just spare stamina on a hunt. I would think it would help guarantee the price in chests won't drop either.

In Topic: 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

23 September 2014 - 05:14

Nice rough draft, hopefully they will take some ideas and go with this. It will change PvP dynamically, and give them some direction to play in as well!! You have my vote Shardoom.

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