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Early Game Overhaul.

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#1 TheCount


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 00:44

While new end game content is great, but with work going into a mobile version I believe the early game needs a lot of love. The majority of the mobile gaming community is casual, so catching their attention right away is important. There are tons of aspects of this game where the players are left to find or figure out on their own, or that are only possible at higher levels. Some examples:

1. SE hunting. Dozens of times I have helped new players beat their first SE, and they are usually excited when they get that first SE kill. My proposal is to add a quest in the level 10-15 range that has you hunt down an SE, maybe with an increased drop rate?

2. PvP/GvG. Before I get the "That'll only benefit you..." Speech from someone, take a look at the PvP Ladder and think of how many guilds actively GvG. Personally, I see no reason a level 5-24 PvP Ladder isn't already a thing. I believe the addition of a lower level PvP Ladder and possibly a notice sent to new players informing them of the presence of PvP Ladders would be a nice step towards getting new players familiar. And for GvG, is there a reason in particular that they changed the minimum level to 50? GvG is a way new players can make FSP, which somebody, somewhere paid for. I believe adding new items/epics/potions invented with RP items would increase the need for GvGers in general.

3. Titan Hunting. I may be wrong, but the lowest level Titan is 60? I believe adding a Titan at level 25 or 30 would catch a new players attention. Something similar to the Deepwater Kraken quest maybe?

4. Add something new. Giving new players a chance to get on even terms with veterans would likely keep them interested. I believe adding a system similar to Composing would work. For this example it will be called "Smithing" and be used to create pieces of (Bound) Crystalline gear. Maybe create new blueprints that require a certain Smithing level to craft certain items.

That's all the ideas I have thought out, lemme know what you think.

#2 BadPenny



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Posted 12 December 2018 - 01:44

While new end game content is great, but with work going into a mobile version I believe the early game needs a lot of love. The majority of the mobile gaming community is casual, so catching their attention right away is important. There are tons of aspects of this game where the players are left to find or figure out on their own, or that are only possible at higher levels. Some examples:

1. SE hunting. Dozens of times I have helped new players beat their first SE, and they are usually excited when they get that first SE kill. My proposal is to add a quest in the level 10-15 range that has you hunt down an SE, maybe with an increased drop rate?

2. PvP/GvG. Before I get the "That'll only benefit you..." Speech from someone, take a look at the PvP Ladder and think of how many guilds actively GvG. Personally, I see no reason a level 5-24 PvP Ladder isn't already a thing. I believe the addition of a lower level PvP Ladder and possibly a notice sent to new players informing them of the presence of PvP Ladders would be a nice step towards getting new players familiar. And for GvG, is there a reason in particular that they changed the minimum level to 50? GvG is a way new players can make FSP, which somebody, somewhere paid for. I believe adding new items/epics/potions invented with RP items would increase the need for GvGers in general.
New players are in PvP protection until level 25 for a reason.... mainly so that they aren't plagued by XP loss when they are just learning.  Although I enjoyed this as a "younger player" it's disheartening to some to lose levels when just starting out.  

3. Titan Hunting. I may be wrong, but the lowest level Titan is 60? I believe adding a Titan at level 25 or 30 would catch a new players attention. Something similar to the Deepwater Kraken quest maybe?

4. Add something new. Giving new players a chance to get on even terms with veterans would likely keep them interested. I believe adding a system similar to Composing would work. For this example it will be called "Smithing" and be used to create pieces of (Bound) Crystalline gear. Maybe create new blueprints that require a certain Smithing level to craft certain items.

That's all the ideas I have thought out, lemme know what you think.

Just one old lady's opinion




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#3 TheCount


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 01:55

I recommended a message be sent to new players, it could explain that XP loss would be a part of PvP. The idea of this post is to come up with ways to get new players familiar with as many aspects of the game as possible.

#4 Mellyn


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 02:39

These are all great ideas, Count! The mobile platform is going to be wasted effort if you can't keep the players interested and engaged


Perhaps xp loss% could be less for the lower levels then gradually ramp up to full % by level 50. How long does it take the average player to get from level 25 to level 50?

#5 TheCount


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 02:59

I have no true average, but with guidance a player can get over level 80 day one from my experiences helping players myself.

#6 Tastria



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Posted 12 December 2018 - 06:01

Looking back at my youthful (game) days...


     I do agree with the concept of "get 'em hooked early", I don't know if a low level SE is the way to do it, as those early levels were gone all too fast back in the day of 500 starting stamina, now, with the additional stamina that most players get, you're beyond level 15 before you know it.


Low level gvg/pvp:  This I DO remember!, and this was way before 100 stamina hits, I hated, hated, hated losing that XP!  In fact I kept the first character who hit me on my enemies list for a couple of years.  I didn't have much to do with gvg, as I didn't join a guild until level 250 or so.  Anyway, I essentially agree with Penny here. 


The "Smithing" suggestion has merit, I'm not sure how well it would work out, as I know I never had a piece of Crystalline gear until I was well over level 100, but then I wasn't in a guild, and only chatted with other newbies as green as I was.


I think that  if the Mentoring system had actually been implemented, it would have accomplished a lot in keeping newer players in the game, as it is now, guilds are essentially the place where low level players can learn "stuff", like, "Ahhhh Grasshopper, PvP can hurt!"  And there a a LOT of  -guests- out there who never join, and get dis-heartened right off the bat.


I'm not trying to pour cold water on Count's idea's, just trying to add  to his.  A good brainstorming session usually produces results, maybe nothing like what the group had intentionally intended, but results non the less.     

Edited by Tastria, 12 December 2018 - 06:04.

#7 Josh1404



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Posted 12 December 2018 - 10:55

A quest to introduce them to SE hunting sounds like a good idea. As long as the increased drop rate is only active during this quest.


I don't have a problem with a new lower PvP band for brand new players to the game to try. I don't have a clue why the minimum level is 50. Most likely to do with multi guilds that farm RP so they can't just make new characters and hit immediately I am guessing. Making them do some levelling might be an effective deterrent for that.


New epics maybe works but it's hard to encourage people to go after RP epics when titan drop equivalents require so much less financial investment and therefore cost much less. Nobody is going to spend a fortune on an RP invented epic when they can buy a titan drop with the same stamina gain for way less. Only way to make them more viable options is to add more stamina gain to incentivize players to go after them.


New lower level titan is a good idea. Don't have a problem with it. Quest based is better for this to lead newer players into it. 


Not quite sure what your last suggestion really entails. Blueprints for what? If you mean create unique gear unattainable to the rest of the game I am 100% against that. All gear has to be available to all players.


Some good ideas. And in the spirit of achieving something that's really needed for the longevity of the game. I agree with Tastria a community brainstorming session could help these ideas develop a lot. Hopefully you will get more feedback. :)

Edited by Josh1404, 12 December 2018 - 11:01.

#8 EpicPiety



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Posted 14 December 2018 - 02:15

Revamping early game has been something i've constantly referenced for player retention over the years. The tutorial needs to be longer than simply 2 minutes for such a complex game :). I remember revamping tutorial being on their list somewhere though so maybe it's a priority... hopefully it is :).

#9 BadPenny



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Posted 14 December 2018 - 23:08

Revamping early game has been something i've constantly referenced for player retention over the years. The tutorial needs to be longer than simply 2 minutes for such a complex game :). I remember revamping tutorial being on their list somewhere though so maybe it's a priority... hopefully it is :).

IMHO, the tutorial should lead directly to the epic arc, as it's so useful in teaching many aspects of the game.  Obviously, these should be expanded somewhat to teach more, but since the author is gone, I'm not sure how they would implement this.  

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#10 Pardoux



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Posted 15 December 2018 - 06:32

IMHO, the tutorial should lead directly to the epic arc, as it's so useful in teaching many aspects of the game.  Obviously, these should be expanded somewhat to teach more, but since the author is gone, I'm not sure how they would implement this.  


Easy - get someone else to carry on the writing. I fail to see why the original author leaving is such a deal breaker ?

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#11 gapukas



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Posted 15 December 2018 - 08:29

Something sure has to change, there are a lot of new people coming and then going away - maybe giving it another shot in a few years, perhaps starting with the starter guide to give an amazing first impression of the game - like you know a visual tutorial where arrows point and theres like text saying what and were what is, for me the hardest part of the game was buffs - if there would be quests to explain those and the questgiver himself buffing you as you complete the quest you already know what kind of buffs you need starting out at lower levels. Also there should be a lower level titan than 60 and the min gvg limit should get lower not forcing people to level up against their wishes (atleast to 45 or so).


i dont like the smithing idea, well atleast the current toughts at the moment - thats what blueprints, arena are for in my opinion. Lets say IF the crafted gear got like a range of random stats that will be allocated to them, it would be worth it like making a sword with like 800 armor and 300 hp - then having 1 more sword already with like 800 att 300 dmg, like you know random stats on crafted items - id be into that. And maybe adding ores to maps what people can collect and sell on the auction house thats used in smithing, that would also be added into some global event prizes.

Edited by gapukas, 15 December 2018 - 15:27.

#12 BadPenny



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Posted 15 December 2018 - 17:14

Something sure has to change, there are a lot of new people coming and then going away - maybe giving it another shot in a few years, perhaps starting with the starter guide to give an amazing first impression of the game - like you know a visual tutorial where arrows point and theres like text saying what and were what is, for me the hardest part of the game was buffs - if there would be quests to explain those and the questgiver himself buffing you as you complete the quest you already know what kind of buffs you need starting out at lower levels. Also there should be a lower level titan than 60 and the min gvg limit should get lower not forcing people to level up against their wishes (atleast to 45 or so).


i dont like the smithing idea, well atleast the current toughts at the moment - thats what blueprints, arena are for in my opinion. Lets say IF the crafted gear got like a range of random stats that will be allocated to them, it would be worth it like making a sword with like 800 armor and 300 hp - then having 1 more sword already with like 800 att 300 dmg, like you know random stats on crafted items - id be into that. And maybe adding ores to maps what people can collect and sell on the auction house thats used in smithing, that would also be added into some global event prizes.

Excellent points

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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