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Spacefarer: Galactics (post 1/4)

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#1 ss_jago11

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Posted 17 April 2009 - 03:23

Page 1: Templates & Tutorial
Page 2: Human Society
Page 3: Kulan Society
Page 4: Darbenthian Society

Racial Template:

Limit 1 per person. Max 1 for every 5 actual people existant, but begins with 4 presently. Races should be at least reasonably different from eachother.

Race Name:
Race appearance: Either a FULL explanation, or a picture.
Guilds: This is the list of potential guilds. Explanations of each are optional.

Homeplanet: Explain your homeplanet.

Racial Benefits: You may have 3 freebies. Any more, and each one requires an equivalent penalty.

Racial Penalties: No limit. The more you have, the easier it will be to gain 'Credits'.

Racial History: Make it a good one. It must have at least 5 full lines.

Racial Profile: This is qualities that make up the society, not to be confused with the benefits and penalties that affect the society.

Racial Governments: What governments will this race have? All means all general governments, but you can also create your own.

Racial Techs: These are the techs your race has developed. It must be a decent tech tree of at least 40 techs. Above 100, each 10 requires a penalty, or sacrifice a racial bonus. Each tech has 15 levels, and you can upgrade at a cost of 1 level. Lv4 is considered modern level.

Player Template:

Training: Choose a reasonable number. The more and better they are, the lower your credit level. 5 average skills begins at lv5 usually.
Credit level: Lv1-11. (usually 5) depends on the features you have. You cannot chose this. I will say the level.

Example Player template:

Name: Jerome Bayron
Race: Humans
Guild: Defense Corps

Biogenics Scientist
Military Scientist
Weapon proficiency: Rifles
Vehicle proficiency: Atv's
General Leadership

Credit Start: Lv6


This is a spacefaring simulation where players manage actions on a interplanetary level. All thats to it is to rp your player, indicating things you want to build, research, and interact with. For example, you could discover applied mechanics lv1, or antimatter weapons.

However, most features are based an a tech tree dependant on the race's main assetts. For example, those with the improved colonization assett would find it easier to gain habitation tech levels, and colonize other planets.

#2 ss_jago11

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Posted 17 April 2009 - 03:24

Race Name: Humans

Race appearance: Humans, Duh. No explanation neede.

Guilds: Defense Corps, Interstellar Pirates, Pax Humanica, Galactic Marines, The Confederacy, Silver Sentinals, Cynexian Techies, The Zealots, Miltech Industrialists.

Homeplanet: SOL IV. An earthlike planet. Many events have happened on this planet, and many more will occurr.

Racial Benefits:

Diplomatic Affinity. (allows advanced diplomatic options)
Improved Research.
Improved Leadership.

Racial Penalties: None yet.

Racial History: The human history is full of violence and strife... lets begin with the dawn of the 21 century, thus.

GY(galactic year) 0 - Humans Establish a form of galactic time keeping due to recent developments.

GY 1 - First recorded FTL drive recorded. Developed by a faction called cynexian techies, a guild devoted to research.

GY 5 - First Colony Ship founded. Establishes a mining establishment on a nearby asteroid belt. Its called Nar Shadda.

GY 12 - Another Colony ship founded. Discovers an Eden planet. Named it Genisis. Due to the religious ferver, a faction called the 'Zealots' is formed.

GY 20 - A rebellion erupts. 2 factions emerge. Defense Corps and Interstellar Pirates.

GY 21 - Shortly after the first battle between the factions, Another faction rises to power called Pax Humanica. They oppose the very existance of alien presences/influence, and want to cleanse the entire universe of them.

GY 25 - Another Planet, Rocky, was colonized. Named Borix. An industrial league rises to power here called Miltech Industrialists, who seek merely profit.

GY 35 - Some Defense Corps and Cynexian Techies are recognized for their astounding achievements. Galactic Marines are born, which represent the most elite of the defense corps. (cannot choose this guild, but you can promote from defense corps and techies)

Racial Governments: All.

Racial Techs:

Agriculture Lv3
Habitation Lv3
Metalurgy Lv5
Engineering Lv5
Economics Lv3
Literacy Lv4
Mobility Lv4
Mining Lv4
Government Lv3
Science Lv5
Siege Lv5
Industrialization Lv5
Magnetism Lv4
Fortification Lv4
Medical Lv3
Chemistry Lv3
Cartography Lv4
Flight Lv5
Spaceflight Lv6
Electronics Lv4
Construction Lv4
Biogenics Lv5
Lazers Lv5
Ion Tech Lv5
Education Lv4
Tactics Lv4

#3 ss_jago11

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Posted 17 April 2009 - 03:25

Race Name: Kulans

Race appearance: Imagine a Hippo made human, but with a darker skin.

Guilds: D'Tinix Merchants, R'Caeon Techies, V'Anchon Defense Corps

Homeplanet: An oceanic planet with many forested areas. its mainly a helter skelter of island, usually no larger than 5x5 miles, except the mainlands which are anywhere from 15x15 to 50x50 miles. There is only 8 such lands, and each of them has a major city.

Racial Benefits:

Economic Affinity
Diplomatic Affinity. (allows advanced diplomatic options)
Agricultural Affinity.

Racial Penalties: Pacifist race

Racial History: Like usual, we will begin with the spacefarer ages.

KR(kulan recconing) 212 - Dawn of the spacefaring age. Research on spacefaring begins to commence.

KR 220 - The first colony ships are developed. 3 nearby planets are established.

KR 250 - Present day situation.

Racial Governments: Confederacy, Democracy, Republic.

Racial Techs:

Agriculture Lv5
Habitation Lv4
Metalurgy Lv3
Engineering Lv3
Economics Lv5
Literacy Lv5
Mining Lv3
Government Lv2
Science Lv3
Industrialization Lv4
Fortification Lv4
Medical Lv4
Chemistry Lv4
Cartography Lv5
Flight Lv3
Spaceflight Lv5
Electronics Lv3
Construction Lv4
Biogenics Lv3
Education Lv6
Tactics Lv5

#4 ss_jago11

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Posted 17 April 2009 - 03:26

Race Name: Darbenthians
Race appearance: Vampiric Body structure, but almost always covered in a cloak. Red glowing eyes are often seen poking out of the concealment.

Guilds: Slave League, Shadow Sentinals, Imperators.

Homeplanet: A dark shadowy planet. Mainly swamplike. There are many caves, of which most darbenthians work and live in.

Racial Benefits:

Advanced Stealth
Expert Shipbuilders
Pisonic Capabilities
Expert Espionage

Racial Penalties: Extreme Xenophobia.

Racial History:

The history and future of this race is almost always the same. From the dawn of the society, the imperators were always at the top of the heirarchy, then the sentinals, then the slaves. All newcomers begin as slave status. Revolts are frequent, but almost always quelled within 3 days, except a lone time in the distant past.

Racial Governments: Dictatorship, Communist.

Racial Techs:

Stealth Lv5
Subteranean Habitation Lv10
Agricuture Lv5
Metalurgy Lv5
Siegefaring Lv5
Literacy Lv5
Education Lv5
Enginering Lv5
Fortification Lv5
Shields Lv5
Mobility Lv5
Spaceflight Lv5
Industrialization Lv5
Government Lv5
Espionage Lv5
Construction Lv5
Plasma Tech Lv5

#5 ss_jdwba1

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Posted 20 April 2009 - 12:11

is there a link to this game

#6 ss_jago11

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 22:46

NO, this is the rp.

Also, I made an oops, this cannot be sigma storm.

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