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Member Since 14 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 10 2015 20:26

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Unsold Auction House Items go Straight to Backpack Option

09 April 2015 - 23:20

So long as it was optional, i wouldn't complain. I sometimes use the AH and mailbox as placeholders so that I can scavenge, hunt LEs, get frags, etc.

In Topic: Triple Shard Event

09 April 2015 - 00:59

So the shards listed have already been tripled? Then why are only 2 of the 12 I've done just now divisible by 3?

In Topic: Quit setting us up for failure ..

26 February 2015 - 17:58

I agree that frag stashes should NEVER be untagged. However, since composing potions are guild tagged, I think that we should be given the option to allow the stashes we get while hunting global creatures to be placed in a 'guild stash' that can be taken from by guildmates. If this is put in preferences, then we have to choice of keeping the frag stashes for ourselves, or for players like me who don't compose, we can give the stashes to guildmates who do compose for the guild.

In Topic: The Second wave of Dragons arrive!

26 December 2014 - 19:33

Twins egg is CoAtt/CoDef 250, 30 minute duration

In Topic: The Dragons Return!

25 December 2014 - 14:54

My only objection to the eggs being unbound now is the timing. I specifically didn't hunt the dragons this round because I don't need the LE gear and didn't want to take up what few bp spaces I have available holding eggs that I prob won't use any time soon, if at all. Now that it is Christmas Day, when most people are spending time with their families, and with just a few hours left in this event, suddently the eggs can be sold. Since they are unbound now, I think the time on them should be extended.

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