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Member Since 14 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 22 2013 05:10

Topics I've Started

Major flaw

20 April 2013 - 04:24

I just went scavenging 300 times for 2500 each and I had FI 800 on. I got no items. wtf is up. There is no way in hell the odds are that bad. 

2D Sprite's 6FSPS

24 July 2012 - 00:55

Remember to use a watermark on each .png until you get paid so there is no stealing.

Hello, I am looking for 12 2D Sprites in.png format. The sprites will be used in a game I am working on. I would need 3 frames of the sprite walking (Up, Down, Left and Right). No weapons on... gear is as follows.

- Size 32 vertical and 26 horizontal
- Body (White Hoodie) with hood up
- Legs (Blue Jeans)
- Black shoes
- Hands should be seen from outside the hoodes sleeves
- Skin tone (American Tan *Not red)

Avatar Updates

11 July 2012 - 15:58

Hunted Cow Studios the problem isn't that the multiple frame png's are only supported on FireFox Google Chrome 8 can proccess them also. You guys should also be writing this game in HTML5 so it is supported by all browsers. Well almost all Google chrome supports everything.

Abandon Quests

08 July 2012 - 20:32

I think we should have the ability to abandon a quest like if we started then went back it a while later but, was lost on what to do. We should be able to redo it

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