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Member Since 30 May 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 28 2014 20:37

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In Topic: [In Development] Story Dungeons

14 June 2014 - 07:36

All orange quests soloable? *puts better boots on* I'm runnin'!

In Topic: Please add solo content

13 June 2014 - 07:08

An mmoRPG (RPG, not a pvp thing like LoL) needs to be about that _possibility_ of interacting with others, not something where you can't do anything without others. Trading, killing some monsters together, maybe 1-2 group quests... But that's all that should be. Do you know which NPCs I never talk to? The ones with orange exclamation marks above their head!




Grouping is not having fun playing, it's needing to be there on time, uninterrupted by irl, as well as synching your playstyle with others to form a working group instead of doing what you feel like. This sounds kinda the opposite of what a game should be. Sure, elementary schoolers probably have the time to be there uninterrupted all day and are nerdy enough to do it for the game, itself, not for their own fun, but as for me, when I come home from a long day of work, I'd like to _rest_ by playing as I want, when I want.

I haven't used up my one hour exp bonus item I got early in the game because I NEVER actually had one frickin uninterrupted hour when I could play Eldevin. Grouping for me would be that I frequently went afk with irl reasons or sometimes so fast that I couldn't even tell anything, maybe not even having time to click the logout button (which wouldn't do anything while under attack, anyway).


So, it's all great when an mmoRPG (RPG) receives elevated group possibilities, but you just can't force people to play internet based, evolving RPGs not solo. Launching an offline RPG (on PC or console) is not the same, those don't get weekly/monthly updates and such, and such.

Sure, sure, sure you could say that all should be group in Eldevin and if one wants solo, then search another mmorpg... But last time I checked Eldevin wasn't a group only game. Not until it's possible to farm, mine, forage, etc. alone. When one won't be able to grow crops alone, like, one people would need to plant the seeds and other to water them, and so on, and so on, then will Eldevin be a group only thing.


As for highest gear, it's ok if you can get it only in groups, if you need it only in groups, aka when the biggest bosses are in group requiring dungeons and the solo quests/areas always have monsters/bosses that can be killed without equipment from dungeons.



Even with all that, Eldevin is much more group based than I would like, especially that such solo content like gathering and crafting seems to have no use so far and the solo quests are mostly just "go talk with xy" or "kill X of Y" or "walk to the area next to here, click on this item I give you now and come back", but I STILL don't know better nowadays. Among all the mmorpgs I tried, only two could keep me longer than a week. One is forever in ruins now, the other is... Eldevin. I just have no choice.

In Topic: Please add solo content

11 June 2014 - 17:59

I was very happy reading in the this week patch thread that a low level dungeon or quest or what becomes soloable. Fixing things from the beginning to upwards? Sounds perfect.


An MMO has a long way to go while it's still in its first years. So, after the hype of the first few days was gone for me and I started to see the flaws or such, I already started to hope that Eldevin will also be on the route like many other MMORPGs were, being better and better. My only concern is that after this uphill fun, all MMOs I checked out had their downhills and eventual fall. However, while Eldevin game content is free, I won't feel that I wasted my money (since I paid no money if it's free). Unlike at other MMORPG... ... ...


So, best of stregth, devs and owners!

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