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Member Since 17 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 12 2020 16:42

#896526 Daily, Weekly, Random Event Ideas..

Posted by johnagod on 28 October 2014 - 11:54

Great idea! It would encourage players to try out new aspects of the game and make people WANT to log on everyday. Events don't even have to be that big for example, 20% extra XP from creatures for 24 hours or double/triple composing xp (as stated already).


Posted by johnagod on 27 October 2014 - 23:22

So it will be over when Halloween actually arrives. Great planning :P






Not necessarily, don't the events always last 4-5 days?

#896194 Leveling... long time...

Posted by johnagod on 25 October 2014 - 11:12

I actually like levelling and it's probably my main source of income in the game. However I do agree with the people saying it simply takes TOO long to get to EoC. I know that EoC obviously isn't meant for everyone to achieve but for people who have been playing for 5-6 years (like myself) and are still at or around HALF WAY to EoC, it's a bit of a joke.


I know, I HAVE spent a lot of time either titan hunting, pvping, SE hunting, farming and obviously if it wasn't for that then I wouldn't be still at level 989 lol.


But the problem I have is even at less than halfway to EoC, it takes me about 3700 stamina (with all necessary hunting buffs like distil 50, AL 200+, Lib 239, Stalker 175, Overkill 175 etc.) just to level up once. My stamina gain and XP gain are both maxed. So with my current stamina rate (+107 per hour), I earn 2,568 stamina per 24 hours. That's on average 0.7 levels per day (and yes this is with max stamina and xp upgrades?)


If I was to take this value and calculate (on average) how long it would take for me to reach level 2275 (current EoC), it would take (2275-989) / 0.7 = 1837 days OR just over 5 YEARS.


Bearing in mind, this value above doesn't include LE events, seasonal events which have quests, global events, etc. And I haven't taken double XP events into account or any global epic pots but with with the other events, I think they both cancel each other out (for me anyway as I don't spend money on current stamina for XP events). Also this is providing that I hunt as soon as my stamina hits maximum value.


So another 5 years for me to reach level 2275 it seems. And it's not like I can upgrade my character any further to make this a shorter time. The only thing I can think of it buying current stamina (which is not really an option considering how much it costs for it to be effective). 3,700 stamina for one level is awfully large, don't you think? It's a bit disappointing that even with max upgrades, all necessary buffs, I can't even make one level per 24 hours.

#895428 Caves and Creatures!

Posted by johnagod on 19 October 2014 - 18:26

The simple answer here is there is never any demand for the items (legendary) that are in the caves. we all want to drop 100 fsp worth of gold and get 500 fsp back. there are not enough people playing the game to make hunting legendaries in the caves worth while. If fallen sword is to have a real future the devs need to take a keen look at the bare mechanics of the game. the issues we have with the caves are from low activity in this game, there just is no market for 200 new sets of these armors. when we broke the 1k level cap this game has had too much content for too few players. at what point do we make the game harder to level and more content filled for the levels we have. were going to be seeing people level 2500 soon and I at less than 600 am well in the top 5000 of total players. so consider how many people dont need these two level 900+ sets.. the market does not exist for what is coming in to the game. this game is headed straight for the edge of a cliff. I think FS is a great game and have always loved it (especially in the last few years) but the main problem always stays the same. too many levels too few players. heck they should carbon copy this game call it fallen axe but make level harder each time you level up.. the progression would be slower, we would see alot of use out of every item, when you do buy a new set you actually use it for more than two weeks, and the economy would reflect the usefulness of the items that come in to the game ( these are great gears just the same problem of no one to use them). just my thoughts not interested in arguing :D


Completely agree. What we need is either a huge campaign to bring in new players or to simply remodel the whole game and make it more challenging. I love being able to one-hit creatures 100% of the time (sometimes even elites) but this just takes the fun and challenge out of the game. I miss when there were few LE sets and SE sets were what you NEEDED to level up. Nowadays it's just enchant this, epic that, extra damage for every set you have equipped, every set is a 2 piece set...? The only challenging thing left in this game is finding out what sets go best with each other lol

#877115 Game almost complete stop 9:52 Server time

Posted by johnagod on 03 July 2014 - 12:57


cloudflare issues i would guess as i came back just now and had this error:


Error 1001 Ray ID: 1442a03d76820cdd DNS resolution error
What happened?

You've requested a page on a website (www.fallensword.com) that is on the CloudFlare network. CloudFlare is currently unable to resolve your requested domain (www.fallensword.com). There are two potential causes of this:

  • Most likely: if the owner just signed up for CloudFlare it can take a few minutes for the website's information to be distributed to our global network.
  • Less likely: something is wrong with this site's configuration. Usually this happens when accounts have been signed up with a partner organization (e.g., a hosting provider) and the provider's DNS fails.



Just had this again. Had it for the last almost 10 minutes now and I've just used all potions to start hunting. So frustrating 

#825818 Help the upcoming Legendary.

Posted by johnagod on 05 December 2013 - 20:40

Cool idea about the new legendaries! I don't really mind the levels and stats but PLEASE do not make them inventable. People user Quest Finder 175/200 or Resource Finder (up to 400) and they can invent hundreds and hundreds of items and the novelty of finding a decent item is worn away. Make the drop rates really low so there won't be a tonne of items flooding the market and it will give a better satisfaction to someone when they actually do get a drop

#796184 Start (de) composing now?

Posted by johnagod on 17 June 2013 - 16:03

Yeah I've got some old, worthless LE gear in my BP that I'm waiting to get rid of. I'm in no hurry to make any potions but I'd like to get these items decomposed asap :)

#794506 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by johnagod on 08 June 2013 - 18:13

If someone has leveled high enough to reach, let's say, 1000 and then unwillingly got into some guild war at happened to be deleveled 25 times, then why shouldn't they be able to stay in the same area and attack the level 1,000 creatures? They did the work to achieve that level so why shouldn't they be allowed to easily level back up to where they achieved? I don't see the huge deal people are making about it. It's not like they're getting past level 1,000 easier, THAT would be abusing the system. But if someone has made the work to get to a certain level then they should be easily able to re-obtain the levels they have ALREADY achieved!!

#794460 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by johnagod on 08 June 2013 - 17:25

Don't really see the problem with it HCS. If I was at EOC I'd probably want to delevel and then level back up again quickly. probably for the extra guild xp and gold!!


If you're able to beat a creature way above your level, you should be able to earn extra XP. Makes sense.

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