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Member Since 20 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 23 2015 19:25

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Repair Costs Game Breaker I.M.O.

30 April 2014 - 17:55

As the game will soon be Steam bound I worry that most players will be very much put off by the cost of dying (repairs) the ratio is across the whole spectrum not just the high level characters. 
As a low level you have little cash and are shielded from repair bills but even at my low level (level 19) I find dying (repairs) majorly ruins the game for me. 
I know the economy of games is a game breaker for all titles but to be honest the repair bills are extremely disproportionate to the potential to earn the cash to pay for them. As a supporter technically I could buy cash but I think this is a very bad idea in any game. 
There are many threads like this one but I don't see that anything has been done to redress the imbalance. 
Games need repair costs but not detrimental ones. I cant see me ever tanking this game it would be a complete disaster. 
I use the shop as devs will know but I think that ignoring peoples plea for a more realistic repair cost will be a major flaw in any Steam launch as most players from Steam will balk at the repair costs. High repair costs do majorly destroy the enjoyment of games. All probably said before though not by me.


I am new (not new to MMO's) but thats my point the Steam players will be too. 
My apologies to all founders long time members in advance that see yet another tired thread about an old chestnut but the old chestnut is the Elephant in the room IMO

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