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Member Since 08 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2016 09:23

#938885 Discrepancy between armor classes

Posted by Akalas on 14 July 2015 - 19:09

The new heavy armor set gives 115 more vitalitty than the light armor one. I understand wanting to give melees more hp but this is a huge amount and therefore a huge buff, I wouldn't say for example that warriors were underpowered compared to other classes before this.


Even so, I wouldn't have a problem with it if light armor at least got a similar energy bonus instead of vit and medium armor was half/half. I'm still content with my armor and I know the existing armor probably won't be changed, I just hope this will be taken into consideration for the eventual level 50 end-game armor.


If you're gonna give heavy armor a ton of extra stats, either give us other stats like energy or make it take fewer resources to craft, 3k hp is not minor.

#933085 Friendslist: can't add friend

Posted by Akalas on 19 May 2015 - 19:05

Another somewhat annoying thing is that when any of your friends go on/off the scroll bar resets to the bottom where the offline are. So I have to scroll to the top every single time I want to look at the friend's list

#930407 Flake fusing

Posted by Akalas on 01 May 2015 - 00:22

With the new patch it will cost 250ep to reroll infernal weapons, which means we will only ever need 90 infernal flakes. The same as elemental flakes, 90 for jewelery set & helmet.


But we still get infernal flakes from ICC and elemental flakes from RG/BT weeklies, so why not combine them instead of having to spam world chat to get some value out of them?


It could be something like this:


5 lesser elemental flakes + fusion powder + small arcane shards = 1 elemental flake

5 elemental flakes + fusion powder + arcane shards = 1 infernal flake

2 (or perhaps more )infernal flakes + fusion powder + large arcane shards = 1 greater flake


I went by current costs in artisan awards but it doesn't have to be at these exact values.

#929566 Rebalance End Game Loot/Quests

Posted by Akalas on 22 April 2015 - 23:39

We can't do the same boss 30 times per day for half a year or a year until lvl 50 is added, and every other instance is now useless for character progression after you get your lvl 45 gear.


Trial of the Champions & Arena are in desperate need of a rework, my group did them somewhat recently for the sake of variety and we were very disappointed. They take a long time (ToC takes hours) and give worse rewards than a story mode run of TR or To3.


ASV & ARG even before the 47 patch were worse than RG loot-wise for the time they took but with fp being scarce back then, people that had finished their weapon set didn't mind tagging along. Now it's completely pointless for anyone that got their weapons or can do ICC.


But for me the worst of all is that everything you need and don't get from ICC, is obtained by grinding solo. After spam-killing the same boss over and over again, the last thing I want to do is to grind mobs. ASV is part of the same story as ICC, why not make it drop at least as many shadow cores as a warrior can get solo grinding during that time? As for ARG, Rumble is (almost) as hard as Treya with the addition that it takes quite a bit of time to get to him, make him give a decent chunk of gold or something.


I disagree with nerfing Treya's drops, it's far too late for that, some of us have already done 400+ runs. But we absolutely need something, anything worthwile to do besides ICC and mob whacking. At end-game there are 2 resources we need that ICC doesn't provide: gold & shadow cores. And both of those are obtained by solo grinding rather than doing group instances, I find that a poor design all around.

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