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#955727 Ways to maximize your XP gain during the event

Posted by Rocknoor on 21 December 2015 - 23:12

Suicide, in my opinion is the best way to maximize your XP gain. Minimum potions and Reckoning=More XP. Even cutting out SSI to improve chances of Reckoning to hit on Conserve, AL or Lib. Use a high comp pot with Ke, SH CoAt and Use EW for your damage/attack stats. Then overkill, sacrifice and pvp prestige.


Reckoning does not impact on SSI, Doubler, Global Boster or Counter Attack.

#945718 PvP Ladder/ Bounty Board Improvement Ideas

Posted by Rocknoor on 19 August 2015 - 21:23

Quite frankly I'm sick and tired of this PvP debate...a solution was tried it was screamed down by PvP'ers who now want alternatives...I say move PvP revisions to the back of the line and deal with the Arena problems, GvG problems and the myriad of other problems this game has before revisiting a segment of the game that a small but vocal minority continually complain about.

#945629 Re: Now Locked Update v2.3 - Broken Parts Of Update!

Posted by Rocknoor on 19 August 2015 - 15:59

I think that we need to wait another reset or two before we can truly get the numbers accurate. I chose not to opt in because I was down to 200 stamina after seasons. Am I going to opt in later? Maybe, but I solely know that I opted-out based on the amount of stamina I had. 

I'm sorry guys today I have way to much time on my hands...1st we did not give the Season's any chance at all before the PvP segment was screaming about the PvP changes so why wait for a reset or two to get accurate numbers on it. 2nd the reset has now passed 27 hours and the BB has nothing but air on it. 3.  Lets talk about this ladder's hardcore participation and again I'm going to focus on the 750 and up ladders.  We already know that 50% of the participants in this segment (ladders 750-2999) are from the same guild lets look at the what these "hard core" PvPer's are wearing...Ladder 750-999 4 participants, 2 wearing stam gear 2 not, ladder 1000-1499, 7 participants 3 in stam gear 4 not, ladder 1500-1999 1 wearing stam gear 4 not (3 are from same PvP guild), ladder 2000-2499 2 wearing stam gear, 10 not ( this ladder has 10 participants from the same guild) ladder 2500-2999 7 in stam gear 3 not. From the participation totals we have 38 players of which 15 or 39.47% are battling it out in stam gear and the one ladder which has 10 of 12 in actual combat gear has 10 participants who can't hit one another. Explain to me again please why we reverted to this absolutely abysmal PvP ladder and BB system and for what was hoped to be accomplished with it? I understand that I am omitting the below 750 levels but it seems that we upended a promising  PvP update to satisfy literally a handful of  PvP players.  Again let me reiterate, of the 38 participants in the 750 and above ladders 23 are in actual combat gear and of those most can't hit each other and 15 are "fighting" in stam gear. Given what I am looking at the Season and Bounty Board that was just dismantled was a vast improvement over what we have reverted to.

#945573 Re: Now Locked Update v2.3 - Broken Parts Of Update!

Posted by Rocknoor on 19 August 2015 - 06:54

Think about it before jumping to conclusions. The 3 day cool down was instituted because some players who detest PvP were being bombarded with attacks for Prestige hourly. When Prestige began it was earned hitting ALL players every hit. Gaining Prestige on every hit was how it was supposed to be earned had it not been from complaints from players who want nothing to do with PvP.


The Ladder is now filled with MORE players who OPTED-IN(Who expect to be attacked). If you add the new 10 stam attack=1 Prestige and 100 stam attack=10 Prestige rule to earn the points, sorry the only players trading are the ones playing the Ladder. Add some decent potions as rewards to use with the tokens and you will have a vibrant Ladder. That is what we want. It's another reason to join the Ladder. Why do earn Prestige every BB attack? Because the players are on the BB have an expectation of being there!

There are a total of 69 players on the ladders right now, comprising a total of 31 from the lowest level to 749 and a total of 38 from 750 to 2500.  You are asking for special treatment for a minuscule population of the FS community that the rest of the community has no interest in participating in.  You speak of a Ladders filled with players who opted in but in reality from the 38 players in levels 750 to 2500, 19 of them, a full 50%, are players from your guild who cannot hit each other.  I would hardly call that a successful roll out of the ladder but it is a wonderful opportunity to build up more prestige in a manner that the majority of FS players don't want to participate in should HCS waive the 3 day CD. I do not begrudge your guild's participation in the ladders I just object to the lifting of the 3 day CD for prestige hits.  

#945456 Game Update v2.83

Posted by Rocknoor on 18 August 2015 - 20:43

Posted Today, 12:23


Yup you're right...now 5 hours into update and 0 bounties posted...working oh so well.


If you've got some ideas on how to improve it, please post up a suggestion thread on it and lets discuss it. We/re not opposed to making changes, but lets discuss them first and see if we can agree on something the majority of the community likes smile.png


We'll take a look into this tomorrow  smile.png


8 hours into the reset and we finally have a level 275 on the BB...yea!!!.  Hoof you had the answer, the Seasons while not perfect provided more PvP activity than I've seen in years.  The BB was filled with targets and with targets that provided risk with the inclusion of Hunter XP loss.  HCS continually caters to the "I want to take XP from someone crowd".  They are a minority in the game yet you give them a disproportionate voice in PvP matters.  I don't care if I take XP from you or not but I liked the challenge of going against fully buffed higher levels in the Seasons.  Many players commented that they learned alot about PvP in those 2 Seasons but will now shelve their PvP activities because you reverted back to an incredibly flawed and broken PvP system.  HCS had a promising formula in your PvP update, one that could have used a little tweak here and there but one that was immensely preferable to the PvP abomination that you have reverted to. 

#945445 Game Update v2.83

Posted by Rocknoor on 18 August 2015 - 19:36

I agree with you, asking the community is the best thing !!!


you kept bounties on the season despite players being against it because you knew that without these season bounties the BB would hardly have any activity & you were right !!!


FACT: bounties on the season increased activity on the BB !!!

FACT: when you removed PvP ladder bounties, the BB activity decreased !!!


why would you put bounties on the season but remove them from the PvP ladder and then wonder why there is hardly / no BB activity?


Bounty postings on the ladder should not be allowed for the simple reason of the potential of widespread abuse.  On the 2000-2499 ladder there are 12 participants 10 of which are from the same guild known for taking 5 levels on a whim. Should someone in this guild decide they don't like someone they can devastate a player they are on the ladder with repeated take 5 bounties . On the 1500-1999 ladder there are 5 participants and 3 of them are from the aforementioned guild.  No, under no circumstances should ladder hits be Bounty Board eligible. Each segment of the game should stand of it's own accord, the ladder should not be used to populate the Bounty Board.

#945394 Game Update v2.83

Posted by Rocknoor on 18 August 2015 - 16:34

As of this moment the Bounty Board has zero, zip, nada, rien pick any language you want there is no one on it.  Great job revitalizing the Bounty Board. Admins, you threw the baby out with the bathwater on the reset.

#945362 Game Update v2.83

Posted by Rocknoor on 18 August 2015 - 15:15



It's been talked about to death and overwhelmingly approved by players. I'm not sure what's the hold up? Are we going to see you around a while to continue developing the game or is it going to be the same cow delays working on other projects? I'd like to see the major PvP revamp in place before we return to enjoy "part-time" development again. Thanks Hoof!

Lou, you already saw the major PvP revamp and the "vast" majority didn't like it, so now we are  back to the same old dead useless ladders and a desert of a Bounty Board where it is pillow fighting for the hunters because they suffer no XP loss. You guys got what you wanted the dismantling of the new system you're probablynot going to see any substantial changes to PvP for quite some time. Enjoy the results of the poll, you've (collective you) earned it with your incessant complaining.

#944347 PvP Seasons & Bounty Board - Poll Results

Posted by Rocknoor on 11 August 2015 - 00:48

Thx for the update HCS, our PvP is back ;)

No, Guild V. Player is back real PvP died a long time ago.  HCS at least keep Bounty Hunter XP loss on the Bounty Board. 

#941160 PvP Season Update Completed

Posted by Rocknoor on 24 July 2015 - 21:34

And there's no counter bounty, right?

Correct, bounty hunter can now lose XP and Gold on a loss.

#941151 PvP Season Update Completed

Posted by Rocknoor on 24 July 2015 - 21:26

How works the bounty ticket cost?

1 ticket per attack

#941121 PvP Season Update Completed

Posted by Rocknoor on 24 July 2015 - 19:52

Agreed, understand I was not passing judgment you (collective you not personal) determine what kind of PvP'er you are not someone else passing judgment from their  perspective. If I see a huge bounty on someone well below me yes I'm going to take it I'm in it for the profit too, but all things considered I try to stay at my level or better for the challenge...will I take on a fully buffed and prepared EOC'er, not on your life but I will take on a reasonable challenge.

#941107 PvP Season Update Completed

Posted by Rocknoor on 24 July 2015 - 18:51

Those that hunt(ie the ones that would opt out) rarely wear offline pvp sets, so there's little challenge in hitting them.


From a "PVPer"s perspective, I'd just assume them not be available to farm rating from.

From a bounty hunters perspective I see that you, fusion, are in the Crystal tier, so you've been hitting these cream puffs quite frequently, but I also notice that you have absolutely no bounty kills recorded under the new system. That's where the challenge is with buffed and prepared players and you apparently have not risen to to that challenge.

#941102 PvP Season Update Completed

Posted by Rocknoor on 24 July 2015 - 18:30

Both in favor and not in favor of the opt out button.  From a PvP'ers perspective this reduces the number of targets available substantially for seasonal ranked attacks, from a non-pvp'ers perspective this get them out of the constant gold drain when hunting so why not a compromise. Just spit-balling an idea here but a concern to most levelers is getting pounded for gold when they are hunting  from ranked seasonal attacks so why not have a button that they can activate say twice a week that gives them 3 hours of protection from gold loss from only ranked seasonal attacks while they are hunting.  After the 3 hour period the gold protection expires and they are back to full exposure from gold loss in the seasonal rankings. An option along this lines negates the need for an opt out button and keeps the seasonal ranked inventory fully stocked with all active FS players.  To be fair to potion makers gold from AH sales should go directly into their bank account and not be subject to loss from ranked attacks.

#934574 Bounty Free Publications In Bios?

Posted by Rocknoor on 03 June 2015 - 20:24

Saying that farming Prestige is an art, try PvPing for real and you'll see how different that is, hitting offline targets wearing Epics is an art just like killing bunnies using a shotgun, on a bunny nest, filled with freezed bunnies that can't even run, is an art.

There is no real PvP in this game, real PvP died when Hunter XP loss was removed from the BB. Now it's all about attacking unsuspecting targets without warning, without warning every PvP target is a freeze-dried bunny.

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