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Fallen Sword: Campfire Stories

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#1 JustConix


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Posted 16 July 2019 - 16:39

Good evening everyone,
With the mobile app development progressing and a new age approaching, it's time to gather around the campfire and tell your story. Tell us of your adventure from snowy mountain top to the dark depths below. Tell us the legendary tale of how you and your guild managed to bring down that titan of stone. Tell us of the time you entered the arena and emerged victorious! Tell us your story!
We are planning on putting a little something together for the launch of the Fallen Sword mobile application, and we want your stories front and centre! We want to celebrate 13 years of stories and the transformation the game has gone through since it went live back in 2006. We are still a good while away from mobile launch and don't currently have a date for when that will be, but we want to be prepared for when we do.
We want to know your most memorable moments over the years, your favourite quests, your greatest achievement, interactions with guild mates and conflicts with enemies! We want to know the reason for your continued interest in Fallen Sword, and why you still love the game after all these years! 
We are looking forwards to hearing all your stories and we hope you continue making more memories in the years to come! 
~The Fallen Sword Team

#2 Removed4427



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Posted 16 July 2019 - 18:11

a newb sends me a PM asking if he can send a ST: a level 1 common drop in exchange for 1000 gold


sure, i reply, 1k gold for 1 common frag is a good deal


the ST came ... "click here to view"


I saw the 1000 and my mouse moved and hovered over the "accept" button 


then i noticed the newb had "accidently" entered 1000 FSP instead of 1000 gold




#3 BadPenny



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Posted 16 July 2019 - 18:55

One fine day I was perusing the Find Player list and noticed that a particular community manager was struggling with an extremely heavy load of gold.  After about 13 hours of hourly hits, I successfully relieved him of his burden.  The next day, I ended up losing 10 levels, as he posted every hit for a handful of dots each, then posted in the FSBox to let everybody compete.  As luck would have it, he swung back at me prior to posting, so, he lost a few too....  

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#4 gapukas



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Posted 17 July 2019 - 05:18

Cracking up 20 guild conflicts per week for months, comparing how much damage we did, raging over deflects - best time in fallensword ever.


We once decided to go after the #2 pvp guild at the time - when we initiated the conflict all the players there were lit up with buffs like the 4th of july :D


When i first was making the lvl 100 titan quest, i tried to kill it for a week then quit trying - still havent killed it many years later :D

Edited by gapukas, 17 July 2019 - 05:31.

#5 Subject



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Posted 18 July 2019 - 00:33

Phftt my story is better than all of these combined.... you ready for this? Ok here go...

In west Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'

I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought 'Nah, forget it' - 'Yo, homes to Bel Air'
I pulled up to the house about seven or eigth
And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air

#6 BadPenny



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Posted 18 July 2019 - 01:01

I did not know that Will Smith played FS.... Next thing we know he'll be telling us his parents just don't understand.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#7 goolsby7



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Posted 18 July 2019 - 19:38

Let me take you on a small journey. Come, sit here at the fire as I tell my tale.


Almost a decade ago (at the time of writing, the 27 of next month makes it officially a decade), I stumbled upon this world by means unknown to me. It has been so long that the cause eludes my memory. Early on in my stay within this world I met a wonderful woman under the name MLafou who was the leader of the now non-existant M.O.M. (Mother of Miracles). I was brought in and was greeted with warm smiles and welcoming words. Many years were spent within the halls of M.O.M. and I shall never forget them, nor do I wish to. They were some of my favorite years within the world of FS. We had a great many conflicts with other guilds, filled with many giant battles and many tossed words. All of it enjoyable and in good fun. We even began a smaller guild at the time with the intent to train those of lower levels into stronger players. The Rising Immortal Phoenix (TRIP). Though Im sure they will still deny this to this day as they have before in the past, but the past is the past and there is no need to fight about it. Eventually, as we aged, those of us who were younger became caught up in life outside this world and began to fade away. It was a sad sight, but it is the way of the world.


Sadly Nothing truly lasts forever.


After a particularly long time away I came home to find it in shambles. The castle grounds of M.O.M. were naught but empty ruins. Everyone was gone and I was alone. It was a truly sad day, and one i shall never forget. Many friendships were made in those days and some still stand strong. Even now I am still close friends with MLafou outside of this world and and happy for it to be so.


Without a home, I began to wander the world of FS once again, lost and alone with few that i had been with still around. One day, I met TERRORDOG, and i joined him in a venture to help raise a guild. This lasted a short while before I was given the helm and he moved on to other things. I myself am not a leader. I can take charge when need be But I do not prefer to keep hold of such a title. I to eventually moved on, leaving the small hut behind to join My current home and resting place, The Legendary Warriors Stronghold (LWS).


I had met our leader, Lapdragon, through TERRORDOG and had become friends quickly with her. When I had left the hut I found my way to The Stronghold. For years i have helped support my guild, build our walls higher, and teach the younglings the ways of this world we stay in. I can remember the old days, when we would set bounties upon our foes and oppressors to destroy them in force. The days of feverish fights between guilds in our attempts to rise it fame (we held second on the leaderbords for some time before we finally stepped down).


The fire is naught but coals at this point.


In all my years in this world many of us call home, I have witnessed the ups and downs, the victories and failures, improvements and downfalls, and met a multitude of people. I would not trade it for anything. I have made a great many friends, allies, and memories that I hold close and dear. I may not be here forever, but the memories will be. Along with those memories comes a story about a simple in world item. The Cerulean Rose. Many know it as a resource dropped by certain enemies, but it holds a special place for me and a few others.


With that, I leave you with the cause of my title withing the Stronghold.


Guardian of the Roses

"Be wary of where you step, for I am the Keeper of the Blue Roses. Step on one of those roses and I swear there will be hell to pay!

A rose is given to those who are kind at heart and pure of soul. Only those of the highest honor are deserving of this treasure, as it is the greatest sign of not only affection, but trust, faithfulness, and loyalty. A rose from a lover is red, to match the love shared. A rose from a friend is blue, to symbolize the hardships that they bear together, and not alone.

Behold, you are truly the greatest friend!"


Only 3 people have ever received this message and the rose that accompanies it.

Gold / Kill peaks at about Level 310 or so - and then drops again twice - once at 1601 (from average 300g / kill with no doubler/mer/th to 250g / kill) and then again at at 1626 (down another 50g / kill to an average of 200g / kill)


#8 mary4ever



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Posted 19 July 2019 - 17:30


The rise and fall of the trolls


As I look into the campfire I recall old events. This is my story & I am the narrator of this tale. In the golden age wars were a common thing, many skirmishes occurred & among them a war between 2 super powers in which I took part in. Not a day went by without blood being spilt, heroes and warriors emerged, as did a certain individual. This particular one started calling himself the strongest in the whole realm, even went as far as crowning himself the leader. He had a deep rage burning inside him towards all races, he started demanding total obedience, dictating who to ally ourselves with, whom to talk to and the list goes on. When confronted by his allies he totally lost it, consumed by rage he started swinging his sword like a madman, attacking allies and enemies alike as his appearance took the shape of a troll. This led to the end of the war with his side losing due to his crazy actions & it is rumored that the mad troll was spotted mortally wounded in the “sacred plains”, waiting for his return …….


Unbeknownst to us all another troll was biding his time in the darkness, gathering information & observing those brave warriors. When he first made his move, he was accompanied by his obedient sidekicks, 2 naïve inferior goblins. He was a grotesque creature & unlike his predecessor he prided himself in lying, deceit & cowardice. The 2-faced troll twisted facts to his own liking with the help of his 2 naïve sidekicks & even had a god trusting him. Thus it lead to the realm deteriorating & people emigrating. He basked in the misfortune of others & as the people started losing all hope, a higher god descended enforcing a law that was not to the liking of the troll as he had seen through the trolls lies & deceit. Enraged that he could not find joy in the misfortune of others anymore he vanished, leaving behind his loyal sidekicks with a single message saying “Snow Shrine” …..


As time passed the 3rd & most insignificant troll made his appearance. He came from a wealthy family but as a child was neglected by his parents so he sought the attention of others, no matter what, which led to his delusions.  He built himself a secret base underneath his families estate & his wealthy lifestyle was provided by stealing from his grandma. His delusions grew so severe that he was banished from “free speech” which fueled his need for attention even more. He started stalking & pestering “the eternal defenders”, an order he admired by slipping letters under their doors just to get a reaction out of them. Seeing them ignoring him, he applied to join his idols but when they denied him entry his delusions manifested. Even after the troll joined the “laughing stock” order he would at nights stalk each member of “the eternal defenders”, sometimes slipping them letters and every now and then going after their flags, just to satisfy his abnormal need for attention. As I sit around the campfire I make my way back home, feeling the presence of the troll circling around my order excitingly shrieking in a high pitched voice for attention …..

3 players on iggy (1 troll & 2 players whose posts never make any sense)

#9 BigGrim


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 09:46

One fine day I was perusing the Find Player list and noticed that a particular community manager was struggling with an extremely heavy load of gold.  After about 13 hours of hourly hits, I successfully relieved him of his burden.  The next day, I ended up losing 10 levels, as he posted every hit for a handful of dots each, then posted in the FSBox to let everybody compete.  As luck would have it, he swung back at me prior to posting, so, he lost a few too....  

I remember that! That was fun! Completely forgot I had a pile of gold on hand! :D

~ Grim

#10 Filletminion



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Posted 25 July 2019 - 10:46

Game mechanics have come and gone , Just like many great people.
What was fun is no more, mad race to level 500 inside 12 months then 1100 inside 2 years, a well deserved year off and back to eoc.

I really enjoyed some fun times here Panic was a phenomenal guild, Strykes  back in TEQ for giving me a chance when I did not meet entry requirements and a week later adding me to guild leaders. Lol I was and am noob all through. Zordor for teaching game mechanics and GVG at EF showed me how to play without guides.

Playing the ladder with Maxxmass and Maehdros priceless best times ever, Joining Big Trouble and finding fun with KJ a 7 member guild defeated a top 10 guild in a relic war hilarious.

gold hits galore and almost never being bountied was priceless,
in 2009 going to marketplace just before bed and buying 34 m gold and discovering I had used my deposits already, and waking up with 10 mill...

Arguing with game admins added some banter and another layer..


But really just like Wil e Coyote never quite getting the prize.

#11 macb00k



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Posted 25 July 2019 - 11:35

Many many things have come and gone. I remember the days of first joining pulling together the amount of help I once received from the fellow members, it truly was my first family! Sadly we all disbanded and sought out new adventures. After going a few other guilds, nothing ever felt the same. While they were all lovely they just weren't Pulling Together, that's when I sought on making a guild of my own. Terrors from Hell was a great experience and I made plenty of amazing people and helping return the mentorship I was once given. Sitting strong for so long I was then offered the helm back here at Pulling Together from my good friend and mentor RabidBeast. It was a dream come true and I fought for years to make him proud, to make all the old existing members proud! After many ups and downs, thefts and broken promises it all became less and less worth it. A failure.

Few months past and that's when I was told that they were proud, that I built a great standing family for all! Now I still miss everyone (and I'm not gonna lie this is making me a touch emotional) that was once part of our great family! The mentors that have made me the player I am today. And I'm so proud of my family now that WE have all built.

This is one of my fondest memories and frankly it was the Pinnacle of my fallensword career.

#12 Tastria



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Posted 25 July 2019 - 12:41

      I came across the game in a Craigslist ad (with the link included)  The game description sounded intriguing, and not being a fool, I didn't clink on the link, but went to the game directly.

     I remember thinking, "This sucks!"  I couldn't kill anything, I was even having trouble with rats, when a total stranger sent me an enchanted pick ax.  Best.  Weapon. Ever.    :)  And from there on I was hooked.

     Looking back I wish I had used that link, and at the very least made a note of who sent me the pick ax.  The first person certainly deserves a ton of FSP for recruiting me, and the second my continued thanks for keeping me in the game. 

     Oh, and that second person defined how I play the game.  Newbies ALWAYS get buffs, and I have given away tons of pick axes and other gear.  Just paying it forward.

#13 darknin12



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Posted 25 July 2019 - 13:49

The most memorable moment for me was when I first started off and I wanted some dots. I started dumping the very little gold I had on the fsp draw and when I finally won I was so excited. LOL

#14 Sadrea


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 14:26

I first joined FS because a really good friend of mine was playing it and he got me into the guild he was in, Men of Earth. After about six months, we kinda had a falling out. I decided it was time to move onto a different guild. Neither of us are the type to start drama, but I figured avoiding awkward situations would be best for both us.


I was level 152 when I left the guild, but still very much a noob. I knew the basics of hunting, but that was really about it. My only inkling on how to even look for a guild was to pull up the Top Rated Guilds by Level list and see what was out there. I looked at several different ones and read their descriptions. Eventually, I found one that really caught my eye, that screamed "you need to apply here!" That guild was The Wicked Players.


So, you can imagine by disappointment when, after the hours I had spent combing through guilds and then the hour or so I spent filling out the app to make sure it was perfect, I received a message from a recruiter politely declining my join request. I started the search again.


I had just about made up my mind on another guild to apply to when I got a message from Shadrick asking if I was still looking for a guild and still interested in joining TWP. I said yes on both counts.


"But I thought my application was denied?" I asked.

"I'm one of the guild founders," he said. "I outrank them."


Next thing you know, I was in TWP.


It wasn't until then that I truly realized exactly how much of a noob I still was. I learned even more about hunting, combat sets, buffs outside of the xp gold ones, aspects of Fallen Sword I had never thought about exploring like the arena, bounties and upgrades. Plus everyone was so welcoming, they made sure I felt included and answered any questions I had, no matter how stupid. While I had seen in the description and the questionnaire the bits about them being a warring guild, I didn't think much of it. I figured it was just an empty warning like the guild founders used to do on the old AOL RP chat rooms to keep people from messing with their members.


Boy was I ever wrong! I found that out about a month later when I got to experience my first guild war.


At first, I couldn't help but wonder, "What the hell did I get myself into? Was joining a mistake?" It was all very overwhelming. Finding targets in the opposing guild to hit hourly with 100 stam hits, hitting targets hourly, bounties, loosing levels, participating in delevlings, leaving the guild to strip naked, have your own levels dropped by the guild and rejoin to be within range of someone in the other guild or having allies delevel you, etc. To someone just coming into it all, it was complete and utter madness. I panicked and turned to guild chat for help. They were happy to help me out by walking me through how to gear up based on my targets in the guild, explaining everything I needed to know about about PvP and getting my first hits out of the way. It didn't take long before I was hooked on guild wars and was throughly enjoying myself.


After getting a couple of wars under my belt, I decided to make the process for finding targets easier. I taught myself how to make basic Excel sheets and would input the enemy guilds roster in it by level to post on our message board. This landed me the role of Minister of War for awhile.


The last war I was involved with before I had to take my hiatus was a big one. I can't remember which guild it was with, but it lasted right about a month. It finally ended when one of the guild founders of the opposing guild, who had been away from the game that whole time due to RL, came back online. He was very shocked by all this and immediately got in touch with MaxDamage, I believe, and got the process started for a ceasefire. By the time it was all over, I was at least 80 levels below my virtual level and needed a break. I was burned out after all that, after doing nothing but hourly hits for so long. When I tried to come back a couple of months later, there had been so many changes to the site it was almost impossible to play on AOL dial-up anymore. They had just introduced the titans and my old computer hated it. So, I gave up, just popping in periodically to collect my gold, spend xp and say hi.


I finally came back after several years in November of last year. I came back to find TWP a largely dead guild, which made me very sad. They weren't just my guild, they were my second family. It got lonely playing by myself after awhile. Back to the Top Guilds by Level List I went. I recognized a lot of the same names I had looked at before, but this time most of them were weeded out immediately for having level minimums I wasn't quite at yet. Thankfully, Fallen Alliance had no such minimum and in them I have found my new family.


As a funny side note, it was my time with TWP and my experiences with guild wars that make me want to laugh every time I am bountied for doing 10 stam hits for Daily Quests. I actually DO laugh when they attempt deleveling as it's never organized, so the most I've lost since being back is 3 levels.

Edited by Sadrea, 25 July 2019 - 14:32.

“Like I said before, your body is not a temple. It's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.” - Anthony Bourdain

#15 LadyJ



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Posted 25 July 2019 - 15:11

Best memories for me were the 750-999 ladder, against some of the greatest pvpers known to this game, along with my partner at the time, then weekly gvgs on the members of that guild, the #1 vs the #2 gvg guilds at the time, one weekend we'd engage on them, the next they'd engage on us, and at all times we'd spend the 24 hours of the conflicts buffed up to the brim in all the big event chests (except for the easter ones, we never used those for pvp lol), all the while battling for each others relics <3 another key moment in the game for me was when a certain guild dropped me 100 levels inside of 3 hours, back in 2013, I did deserve it, but it made me work harder to protect myself :P guess thats what made me really into pvp

#16 laptribe



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Posted 25 July 2019 - 18:33

This game will always mean this world to me it is how I met the love of my life almost 7 years ago  :wub:


Here is to the next 13 and long may it continue :)

#17 Flamie



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Posted 25 July 2019 - 19:16

Like most everyone, I started FS because someone I used to know played and pulled me in.  I had no idea what kind of adventure I was in for. 

I was fairly new when I ended up co-founder of The Dark Stalkers with an inactive guild founder, and eventually became founder. MaxDamage of The Wicked Players took me under his wing and taught me a lot of how to be a founder... we became like sister guilds (near the end of my time on FS I joined The Wicked Players for a bit, then went home to rest in the Dark Stalkers, where I belonged).  I can't express to you how much I loved both guilds and how amazing most of the people in them were.  We were small, but organized.  We definitely made an impact especially in theft, and war.  We never backed down from a fight with bigger guilds, and we weren't afraid to lose levels, especially if it meant getting a good gold hit. We had some EPIC wars (one of which I think I ralleyed something like 30 guilds to either fight by our side, or were set to help us out on bounties... all because a guild founder accused one of my guys of causing someone to have a heart attack and die in RL... dead person coming back to the game after a month, of course.) My guild mates were like family, and I was mama bear. I wasn't afraid to protect them or our guild... and we were kick a$$.

I can't express how many fond memories I have of Fallen Sword, and how much it has impacted my life.  I miss "the good old days", with the early people who made it great.  I love knowing we impacted the game.  (points to the monster Dark Stalker), and knowing we helped contribute to the 5 level cap when deleveling in bounties when we helped our Wicked allies with a war, and probably a few other rule changes.  I remember having Radneto almost on speed dial IM because my avi was always getting reported and yoinked, and he would put it right back up.... but mostly I remember the people... the community. The amazing people kept me coming back. 

Unfortunately I had to take a hiatus from FS for a while due to a toxic RL situation which had tendrils in FS, which caused me to kinda lose my mind at the end. but even now, I have so many fond memories of  Fallen Sword, I can't help but smile when I think of the good old days, and would love for the Dark Goddess to make a return and find some old friends....maybe sometime soon.

Edited by Flamie, 25 July 2019 - 19:43.

#18 Egami



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Posted 25 July 2019 - 20:19

November 14, 2017: 1st Guild ever to complete all 5 GAs!
An excellent day when BotDL became, hands down, the "best Guild" in game for ever and ever... none of that silly other stuff that has changed hands so many times, lol. But hey, kudos out there to those that think something else is worthwhile. 
Btw, gold offer still up for anyone with the guild integrity to follow in BotDL's footsteps.

#19 thisple



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Posted 26 July 2019 - 04:23

I remember when ...

  • FSP only cost 75,000 gold
  • A Writing Ward cost 3,000 FSP
  • UB200 would prevent damage to crystal gear
  • There was constantly over 1,000 people online at a time
  • I also remember the first time I tried to invent a Writing Ward... and failed :angry:
  • When we used to delevel ourselves so we could get more GXP
  • My guild chat would constantly have 30+ pages of txt
  • TEW lost #1 spot
  • FS Helper was first introduced (I haven't used it since new map was introduced)
  • The race to composing level 60 was something we watched everyday
  • I had to figure out how to correctly use Counter Attack Buff to 1-hit based on Doubler level

Most of all I remember all the cool people met along the way that are still friends to this day.

#20 Sadrea


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Posted 26 July 2019 - 05:02

We had some EPIC wars (one of which I think I ralleyed something like 30 guilds to either fight by our side, or were set to help us out on bounties... all because a guild founder accused one of my guys of causing someone to have a heart attack and die in RL... dead person coming back to the game after a month, of course.)


Good grief, I had forgotten all about that. Everyone's reactions over at TWP was pretty priceless over that little gem. :lol:

“Like I said before, your body is not a temple. It's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.” - Anthony Bourdain

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