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Legendary Event!

06 September 2024 - 13:16

Hi all,
The following creatures have been spotted stalking the Realms! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!
Raggghza the Troll (Legendary)
Raggghza the Troll was long thought to have been killed by the noble knight Sir Defron. However the knight never dealt the killing blow and left the Troll for dead. Unknown to him and the people, Raggghza survives and has now returned to strength and is after the fresh meat of man, his favourite meal!
Recommended Level: 10+
Fire Dragon (Legendary)
The Scrolls of Lore describe these crimson fire breathing creatures as non-aligned guardians of ancient treasures. These magnificent, rare, ancient beasts have been seen guarding sacred treasures deep within the South Lands.
Recommended Level: 35+
Thundror the Frost Giant (Legendary)
Thundror the Frost Giant is one of the servants of the evil Shadowlord and is often sent to civilised lands to wreak havoc upon the nations of his enemies. Thundror feels no pain and shares his masters hatred for his enemies.
Recommended Level: 100+
Cu Sith (Legendary)
Cu Sith is a giant magical hound from the northern moors of Vallshire. The Cu Sith is rumored to be under the control of beings ancient and fey that reside in the moors. Why these beings harbour such hate to the rest of the world is unknown, however Cu Sith is their greatest weapon and with it on the prowl, few can stand in its way!
Recommended Level: 150+
Kronor the Hunt Master (Legendary)
Kronor the Hunt Master is a creature described in the myths of the local peoples. However it turns out that the hunt master is all to real and has become bored with hunting game and has now begun to target the locals for sport. If he is allowed to continue in his twisted hunt then he will decimate the local community for sure so he must be stopped quickly.
Recommended Level: 225+
The Challenger (Legendary)
A normally honorable Warrior in search of worthy Combatants to test his mettle, the Challengers' mind has been twisted by Burzzthak. He is now roaming the land in a fury, looking for Warriors of power and is dispatching them by any means possible. Will you be able to fight the Challenger to a standstill and save his Honor?
Recommended Level: 475+
Mantikhoras (Legendary)
Mantikhoras, Father of Manticores is a vast leonine monster with fur the colour of cinnabar and a long, heavily armoured scorpion tail capable of firing thorn-like stingers coated in poison. This creature delights in devouring men and woman whole, leaving no remains. He stalks through the darkness, leaping great distances as, unlike his progeny, he does not have wings!
Recommended Level: 925+
Khimaira (Legendary)
Another 'Sire of Monsters', Khimaira is the primogenitor of the various Chimera that inhabit the Realms. It is the oldest and most powerful of its vile race. This huge beast has the front third of a lion, the middle is of a goat, with a goat's head rising from the centre of its spine. Both heads are skeletal and putrid! The final third of the body is draconic in nature with a tail terminating with the head of a snake that spits poison! Both the goat's head and lion's head are capable of spewing torrents of fire! This is a huge and horrifying beast!
Recommended Level: 1425+
Palmago the Stalker (Legendary)
Palmago the Stalker is an assassin par excellence! This creature looks essentially like a man shaped grey tiger. A beast in human form. It quite surprises people to find that he is also intelligent, calculating and sells his prodigious skills to the highest bidder. He's comparable to a ninja assassin, though his fur provides a natural camouflage and his claws are excellent climbing tools. They also make formidable weapons, more so when coupled with a powerful maw full of dagger-like teeth!
Recommended Level: 2175+
The Sky Hunter (Legendary)
The Sky Hunter is a hunter of superlative skill! Wielding all manner of weapons from the back of his flying lion, Nubica, he tracks and captures or kills his quarry, depending on the threat of the prey. His favoured weapon is his Sky Hunter Sword, a fine blade of exquisite craft.
Designed by : leos3000
Recommended Level: 3000+
Demons of Oucho (Legendary)
The Demons of Oucho are a vast swarm of mischievous little imps. Not evil, the imps are more troublemakers. They cause problems wherever they have spread to, hiding important tools or documents, breaking equipment and generally sowing chaos everywhere. About Oucho itself, nothing is known. Was it the creature's creator? their greatest leader? A summoning wizard? So far, no answers have been found nor are any likely to be forthcoming.
Designed by: Oucho
Recommended Level: 3875+
Spirit of the Sanitarium (Legendary)
The wounded and weary travellers of Erildath are often entranced by the welcoming false front of "Mr Inqs beverages and biscuits". Once inside, the heavy door closes behind the traveller and it is too late to escape. Most succumb to the Spirit of Sanitarium almost immediately. Gone are the days of battle and bravery, now the days are filled with happily eating Jello and tying shoelaces over and over. Nobody ever leaves and, strangely, nobody even wants to.
Designed by: Plexus37
Recommended Level: 3969+
Lion of Sol (Legendary)
A celestial from the enigmatic upper planes, the Lion of Sol breached the Divine Gate and arrived on Erildath millennia ago. For ages, the Lion of Sol has been the object of worship for the isolated and mysterious Gold Elves, who have never left their isle. 
Growing weary of the day-to-day monotony the pious Gold Elves have inflicted upon it, the Lion of Sol has recently left their isle, but now all of Erildath must suffer the consequences of a celestial touching its earth. 
With a majestic mane of solar flame and bright eyes that can burn holes in those who gawk too long, the Lion of Sol's mere existence is a disaster waiting to happen.
Recommended Level: 5400+
These creatures shall be available until 14:00 (Server Time) on Monday the 9th of September 2024.
~ The Fallen Sword team.

Pinata Frenzy XXIX

29 August 2024 - 15:04

Hi there everyone.


The Demonic Pinatas have arisen from the Light only knows where. All that is known is that these creatures are roaming the Realms, raining destruction on all who oppose them. They seem to be immune to all weapons. However, Brother Giles of the Cathedral of Ways mentions that he seems to have an unending stock of Holy Pinata Bats at his shop.


The Warriors of the Realms must gather together to rid the Communities of these horrifying creatures!


Demonic Pinata (Level 25)



The latest Global Event in Fallen Sword is now underway! In the Event, the Community must work together to destroy the Demonic Pinatas plaguing the realms.


Each player must earn a personal target for increasingly bountiful Frag Stashes (mouse over the event info on the World page for more details) while also helping the Community to attain the best total kills possible, unlocking the rewards for all.


The Global Event shall be live until 15:00 (Server Time) on the 3rd of September 2024.


For each tier that the community completes the reward will be as follows:


Bronze : 1 x Global Bronze Frag Stash II

Silver : 1 x Global Silver Frag Stash II

Gold : 2 x Global Gold Frag Stash II

Crystal : 2 x Global Crystal Frag Stash II

Ruby : 3 x Global Ruby Frag Stash II


If you qualified, the reward(s) will be delivered to your mailbox shortly after the event ends. Note that you get the reward for the tier that you have qualified for, for example if the community unlocks Gold, but you qualify for Silver, you will receive 1 x Global Silver Frag Stash II. You don't receive the rewards from lower tiers, only the tier you have qualified for.


Also if you are placed within the top 100 event contributors you will receive 1 additional Ruby Chest.


There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community.


Good luck everyone!


~ The Fallen Sword Team

Double Composing XP XCIX!

23 August 2024 - 14:59

Hi there everyone!


Today, we have our next 'Double Composing XP' event!


For the next 48 hours, until 15:00 (server time) on the 25th of August, XP gained from making Composing Potions shall be doubled, so get those potions brewing!

We hope you enjoy the 99th Composing XP Event!


~The Fallen Sword Team.

New Content! 5601 - 5625!

16 August 2024 - 13:47

Hi all,
This is a major content update, we have just added the following to the game...
-New Master Realm 'Ulterath Forest'.
- New Area 'Ulterath Forest (Darkness)'.
- New Area 'Ulterath Forest (Copse)'.
- New Area 'Ulterath Forest (Cairn)'.
- New Area 'Ulterath Forest (Vines)'.
- New Area 'Ulterath Forest (Vale)'.
- New Area 'Ulterath Forest (Ravage)'.
- New Area 'Ulterath Forest (Graze)'.
- New Area 'Ulterath Forest (Haunt)'.
- New Area 'Ulterath Forest (Stalk)'.
- New Area 'Ulterath Forest (Bone Vale)'.
- New Area 'Ulterath Forest (Wisp)'.
- New Area 'Ulterath Forest (Thorn)'.
- New Area 'Ulterath Forest (Grove)'.
- New Area 'Harrathor Forest (Thrash)'.
- New Area 'Harrathor Forest (Glade)'.
- New Area 'Harrathor Forest (Copse)'.
- New Area 'Harrathor Forest (Prowl)'.
- New Area 'Harrathor Forest (Swamp)'.
- New Area 'Harrathor Forest (Doom)'.
- New Area 'Harrathor Forest (Soar)'.
- New Area 'Harrathor Forest (Coil)'.
- New Area 'Harrathor Forest (Bane)'.
- New Area 'Harrathor Forest (Plague)'.
- New Area 'Harrathor Forest (Glitter)'.
- New Area 'Harrathor Forest (Rot Village)'.
- New Area 'Harrathor Forest (Rot Lair)'.
- 25 New Creatures.
- 2 New 'Champion' Creatures.
- 1 New 'Elite' Creature. 
- 1 New 'Common' Item.
- 2 New 'Rare' Items.
- 2 New 'Unique' Items.
- 2 New Item Sets.
- 3 New Portals.
- 2 New Relics.
- New Quest 'Dark of the Forest'.
It is rumored that a new portal to the Ulterath Forest (Darkness) has been discovered in the Borranar Wastes (Magma Pools).
A new Feedback thread is open for all who wish to comment!
~The Fallen Sword Team

Legendary Event!

09 August 2024 - 14:39

Hi all,
The following creatures have been spotted stalking the Realms! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!
Aughisky (Legendary)
The Ech Ooshkya are a race of evil creatures that dwell in swamps and lakes. They are able to change shape to appear human in order to lure their prey to their death, only transforming into the terrifying water horses they are when it's to late. Aughisky is one of the most powerful of its kind and its hunger for human flesh has caused it to wander far from its home lake of Achdoo in the search of fresh prey...
Recommended Level: 20+
Bishamon Terror from the Deep (Legendary)
The giant creature known in legend as Bishamon the Terror of the Deep, has moved onto the land from the depths of the sea to look for new food as, in it's greed, it has nearly exhausted the local sea coast of fish, whales and seals. The Bishamon eats anything and everything it sees and is causing wide spread famine as well as death as it devours its way over the lands. 
Recommended Level: 80+
King Au Xenah (Legendary)
King Au Xenah is a cruel and evil king with a lust for gold. He treated his people with contempt letting them starve outside his castle while he got richer. The peasants eventually sought help from a local wizard who cursed Au Xenah transforming him and trapping him in his castle for 100 years. Now the curse has worn off and King Au Xenah has gone mad and is out on the rampage...
Recommended Level: 150+
Rangdar the Demon Queen (Legendary)
Rangdar was once a powerful queen in the lands of Falagi. She secretly worshipped forbidden gods of death and destruction, gaining great power from them. Her court discovered her secret and tried to kill her. Mortally wounded, she managed to escape into hidden caves where she was granted Demonhood for her faith in the dark gods whom she served. In her new Demon form Rangdar has become a great and powerful evil that wishes to enslave all mankind.
Recommended Level: 325+
Jorogumo (Legendary)
Jorogumo is a wicked creature, a mix of spider and woman that is full of hate and knows only evil. She was thought destroyed in the battle of Axium on the island of Jxi. This was a foolish assumption. Jorogumo has not only survived but has grown in power and is now rampaging through the lands massacring as she goes.
Recommended Level: 500+
King Nimis the Blob (Legendary)
King Nimis was always was an unpopular leader, seen as a tyrant by many. As his greed for food grew his people begun to starve. The populace were unable to deal with the problem and desperately sought outside help. This help came in the form of a kind Witch who cursed the king and his gluttonous ways. The curse turned the King slowly into a monstrous fat creature known as the Blob that could never stop eating. The King was quickly overthrown and kicked out the kingdom. Blob now wanders the lands feeding on anything he comes across...
Recommended Level: 900+
Cucu Cyanide Hero (Legendary)
A former bardic troupe leader who poisons his victims with tormenting sounds from his supernatural lute, while shielding himself with his long hair. His disposable guise (long hair, hide jacket and fake lute) makes him untraceable. However, he must be found and stopped... who will put an end to his torturous sounds?
Designed by : cucubaubau
Recommended Level: 1350+
Shanaraq (Legendary)
Shanaraq is a grotesque creature that rose from the nearby swamps looking for warm flesh and hot blood to quench it's hunger! This strange, slithering creature is remarkably fast on land and is an utter nightmare if you are unfortunate enough meet it in the waters of his home.
Recommended Level: 2075+
Jebat the Vengeful (Legendary)
Jebat was regarded as one of the greatest warriors in the realm. Together with his childhood friends, they served their King with absolute and unfaltering loyalty. After one of his friends being accused of having an illicit affair with one of the King's court stewardesses, he was put to death without trial for the offence. The King then bestowed the rank of head of palace security upon Jebat. With this came an ancient magical weapon, believed to grant its wielder invulnerability. Jebat, believing his friend had been killed unjustly, decided to avenge his friend's death. This vengeance became a palace killing spree. Unable to calm his anger and hatred, he continues his amok in the realm.
Designed by : Profumo
Recommended Level: 2450+
Avarimon the Covetous (Legendary)
Avarimon the Covetous is stalking the realms, a demon who absolutely must have all material wealth, whether this is gold or goods. And being a demon of prodigious power and horrifying appearance, he always has the means to get what he wants, whether through terrifying the temporary owner of what he wants or tearing them limb from limb! Avarimon wants everything and has only let the latest object of his desire elude him due to said object being defended by something he cannot defeat. Yet...
Designed by : Dantalian
Recommended Level: 3150+
Prince Tyler (Legendary)
Tyler is the son of Emperor Sidd and Empress Tinny, born after the Emperor left to join the Shadow Lord. Tyler was brought up solely by his mother who instilled her values of peaceful and anti-aggressive behaviour. However, he saw his Mother's slide to darkness thanks to the corruption of the Emperor. He set out to stop this and confronted his Father, who deceived him into accepting his signet. Upon touching the signet, the Prince joined his Father in Darkness.
Designed by : siddy246
Recommended Level: 3600+
Kulkan Vigilscale (Legendary)
From deep within the depths of Erildath, Kulkan Vigilscale slumbered. A Lord and Protector of draconic kind, a recent slaughter of his kin has awoken him in a fearsome rage. He has erupted from his lair, vengeance incarnate! All who have slain his kind shall suffer!
Designed by : killerz15
Recommended Level: 4025+
Gigadardanus (Legendary)
Gigadardanus is a giant crab. Its emergence foretells the coming of a terrible fishing year.
Recommended Level: 5150+
These creatures shall be available until 15:00 (Server Time) on Monday the 12th of August 2024.
~ The Fallen Sword team.

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