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Member Since 25 Oct 2018
Offline Last Active Nov 07 2018 07:03

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Coming Soon: Game Update 1.9995!

31 October 2018 - 17:12

what about implanting a rule which would prevent a player attacking someone much smaller ? (to attack the level difference must be less than 5 and no more than 50% power difference). Exception for inactive players (or players without an alliance), which could be attacked by everybody.

In Topic: Player Suggestions

28 October 2018 - 13:53

what about implanting a rule which would prevent a player attacking someone much smaller ? (to attack the level difference must be less than 5 and no more than 50% power difference). Exception for inactive players (or players without an alliance), which could be attacked by everybody.

In Topic: Alien Territory

27 October 2018 - 08:23

what about implanting a rule which would prevent a player attacking someone much smaller ? (to attack the level difference must be less than 5 and no more than 50% power difference). Exception for inactive players (or players without an alliance), which could be attacked by everybody.

In Topic: Alien Territory

25 October 2018 - 15:01

3, would be so much easier and more fun :)

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