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Member Since 06 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 15 2017 21:00

Topics I've Started

JUST "a pvp game"?

18 June 2013 - 15:54

Why?  This game lends itself to being played by both pvpist and those who dont want to play that way.  An "opt in/out" for pvp would allow this.  FS, without a lot of changes, could become 2 games, keeping players of both.   PvP players have plenty of people to attack without attacking those who dont want to play like this.  Those who dont want this play could stay with the game as opposed to just quitting. 

Why are there fewer players and many few on line daily

28 March 2013 - 00:40

I have played for 3 year and 9 months now, and have seen fewer and fewer players daily. All the "improvements" have run off players who do not want to play only pvp. If there were an opt-out of pvp so that players have a choice of how they play, FS wouldn't be losing them all. Let the pvper play that way and those who don't want to don't have to. I keep seeing HCS repeatedly saying that FS is a pvp game but I have yet to hear them say it is "just" a pvp game. Potion makers can't sell or the thieves steal gold. Wake up, HCS, before FS dies.

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