so I posted a thread in another section and was mentioned on there maybe it's a bug.
I don't know if it is. I"m new but thought I'd post here in case it is and the devs read this section mostly.
I noticed gear and weapons that may be in my inventory lose points upon death etc.
I"m not sure how this works. I know we lose durability from our stuff upon death, assumes we do from usage for the items were are wearing too but I noticed if I have gear/weapons in my inventory that it has also lost durability to it.
I noticed this when I died and went to repair stuff and an item or two from my inventory was in the repair section too.
seen this several times so I know it's not gear/weapons that needed it.
I don't know if it is intended to be like this or a bug or something so reporting it as a bug.
If you're sure you hadn't used those items at any point then yeah, they should not lose durability.