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Member Since 11 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 09 2013 20:03

#807046 Pin Item

Posted by SlvrYeti on 18 August 2013 - 14:00

Here I am again with another suggestion! See the attachment, as always! I'd like to be able to pin an item.


For example grey common loot. Why? So I can sort all my items using auto-sort but still pin an item(s) that I wish to sell in the bottom corner for quick selling!

Attached Thumbnails

  • PinInBag.jpg

#806967 [Implemented] Ressource Gathering

Posted by SlvrYeti on 17 August 2013 - 22:27

Miss clicks is what I was getting at. But good write up! I agree and like it as it is now.

#806965 [Implemented] Ressource Gathering

Posted by SlvrYeti on 17 August 2013 - 22:11

Bots would love that too ;)

#806905 A few suggestions...

Posted by SlvrYeti on 17 August 2013 - 17:10

Some of the following have already been mentioned but here is what I feel would greatly improve the game.


#1 - Option to open all bags at once

As the title suggests, I'd like the option to open all of my bags at once.


#2 - Quick Transfer

I'd like the option to use a key command + click to quickly transfer things from my bag to my stash and vise versa.


#3 - Invert camera

I'd like the option to invert A + D to pan the camera.


#4 - Mining/Pick Action

It's annoying that when mining, after every attempt, the character puts his/her pick away and has to get it out again.


#5 - Bigger stacks (Popular request)

Already mentioned many times. Ore needs to go into bigger stacks then 10. 20 would be good.


#6 - Hovering over an item

I'd like to be able to hover over an item and for it to count the quantity of the item I have in all my bags and tell me what it is. So if I have 10 Copper Ore + 10 Copper Ore + 3 Copper Ore in another bag it would tell me I have 23 in total.


#7 - You're -> I'm

When your character is speaking to his/herself, it should really be "I'm hitting bedrock" not "You're hitting bedrock". Who is telling me I'm hitting bedrock?


#8 - Home stone cooldown

Hovering over your home stone should tell you the cool down. You shouldn't have to attempt to use it to see if you can yet and it would be nice to know when it's due to be ready.


#9 - Pets can't keep up

My NCPet can't keep up with my character. It often lags behind and as a result despawns.


#10 - Whispers

I feel whispers need their own chat tab.


#11 - Chat width

On larger screens, the option to extend the width of the chat window would be a nice addition.


#12 - Quest log

The quest log is pretty complicated I feel. I feel it should have Main Quest, Side Quest and Craft Quest tabs. Presently, I've found myself stuck in a loop doing crafting quests until it was pointed out that I won't progress the game doing them now.


Sounds like a lot but all of the above (coming from a new player) would make the game much better in my opinion.

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