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Member Since 09 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 01 2014 00:10

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Crafting improvements (in my opinion)

10 January 2014 - 06:08

I agree, stack sizes need to be increased

In Topic: Ressource Problems - Fix

10 January 2014 - 05:55

They just want money from us to buy more inventory space.


Though, I'd be more inclined to give them money for stuff if they DIDN'T do it this way. I'd rather WANT to buy stuff than feel FORCED to

In Topic: Items stack count.

10 January 2014 - 05:54

I agree. even if focusing on one profession, let's say tailoring.


You need to get cloth, which requires dye and jute, which requires jute seeds and water, maybe a scarecrow. and the cloth becomes stacks of FIVE!? and then on top of cloth you need string to make items, and then space in the inventory for said items.


To level up just 1 skills 9-10 you need about 1400 cloth. In stacks of 5...just how much time i wasted running back and forth? 


I know the reason we see stacks of 5-10 on crafting stuff is they want more money from us to buy bags, but common, get it somewhere else. The 5 stacks makes the game undesirable to play.

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