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A Rambling Drunk

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#21 fs_kufu

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Posted 22 February 2007 - 21:39

(OOC: Devonus, Lairz is the major drive at this point in the RP but it looks like a great place to join this RP.)

Kufu ignored Jan’s comment and continued to study him… he did not like Jan and he had known it from the moment he set eyes on him. There was just something about the man that made Kufu’s neck hairs stand on end. Maybe it was because most of the people Kufu had been in contact with thus far in his life were the respectable sort.

Truthfully other than the students at the academy and the host of family friend who were all officers in the military… Kufu had limited access to any other sort. Garth was the first real outsider Kufu had spent any amount of time with and he had been an honest tradesmen.

Yes, Kufu would need to avoid Jan... Less he fancied getting himself in an altercation. Jan would no doubt resort to violence and Kufu was not sure he could take him. Even more, sailors caught fighting at sea on his family’s vessels was thrown over board regardless of how far out to sea they were and he had no idea what Lairz would do.

As far as Kufu was concerned what happened in the tavern was an anomaly. He wore his sword with the ease of a veteran but in actuality he wore his sword like most people wore jewelry… out of habit formed at the age of 4. Looking at Jan he hoped his wearing of a sword was not an invite to test him.

Sai appeared topside and Kufu could not help but stare… until this moment he had not realized how isolated he had been all his life. He had plenty of female contact… it had just been relatives and servants who all seemed to look relatively similar. Sai on the other hand was so foreign to everything he had known or seen it took him Yenna’s voice to realize he was in fact staring.

"Hey you, Kufu, stop gawping and come coil some rope! And you, cap man, you too, just coz you paid doesn't mean you don't work!"

Embarrassed, Kufu nodded at Yenna and went to the pile of line used as the forward Bow Spring. After a seconds inspection he noted some serious chaffing in the eyelet. Kufu caught Yenna’s attention and asked, “Would you like me to cut out and replace this mooring eye? It’s severally chaffed and I would not trust it in any sea over 2 feet. It will shorten the line by 9 feet though.”

With an eye on the moving parts of the ship, Jan and Sai Kufu began to work.

Kufu sliced the eye off the line with his sword. He smiled at how easily the blade parted the line. Its edge was honed to such perfection… it was the little things like this that made him think about his home. His father always said, “The first thing a person will see is how you care for your weapon… enemy or friend.” In truth… he rarely paid any attention to how much he still acted like a Fulton. Sound military reasoning was one lesson he had not failed and it was the backbone of the Fulton philosophy.

Kufu sheathed his sword and instead of placing it back around his hip he adjusted the strap and placed it over his shoulder so the weapon hung down the middle of his back. This was the position he was taught to use when running… the weapon could still be drawn quickly but was out of the way of his legs.

Kufu unbraided 3 feet of the line and bent it over itself to create a new eye. Once he had the eye the size he wanted he marked it and opened the braid in the line at the base of the new eye and feed one of the three stands through it. When he could no longer get any slack out of the strand he feed the other two over and under until all three were seated snugly. He feed the remainder of the stands through to finish the splice.

Kufu was deciding the best way to incorporate the splice when one of the other new passengers approached to work next to him. With a slight motion he moved his weapon out of the way… and it crossed Kufu’s mind that his father was right… from the brief moment he saw the katana Kufu was already assessing the man in another light.

Kufu nodded to the man and said, “I’m Kufu… if you have a moment could you help me roll out this splice on the deck?”

#22 fs_lairz

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Posted 23 February 2007 - 02:07

OOC: Oops, think me and Denovus posted at the same time! My next bit works better after his so I'll just move it.

#23 fs_lairz

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Posted 23 February 2007 - 02:18

At the same time as the two men were talking to each other, Sai finished the part of the rope she was carrying and noticed that her father had lurked topside and conspicuously left the old iron stew pot on the foredeck. Time flowed differently on deck, it was somehow already noon, and no doubt her father was hungry. Again.

She started laughing unselfconsciously, covering her mouth with her hand. A glint in the water that danced in her vision for a moment drew her eyes to the two men carrying swords who were staring at her. The ones called Kufu and Denovus. She smiled back; there was something pleasing about the shape of their faces.

"Round and open." she decided. And said so out loud.

Their blank expressions answered her. She just smiled back, picked up a sack of potatoes then turned around as she walked towards where the pot had been laid out, nested in between some ballasts, a place unlikely to catch fire or get in the way.

"I hope both of you are hungry, father usually is so you'll have to get you're share quick."

Jan Finger hadn't taken his eyes off her for an instant, and leaned back and called out to her as she walked past.

"Hey Sai, I have a big knife here if you're needin' a hand!"

Sai looked back and frowned, Jan had been acting very strangely since the two new young men had come on board.

"JAN! GET DOWN TO THE HOLD RIGHT NOW!" Yenna barked out, seemingly from out of no-where.

"What in seven hells did I do this time? - Look I've got a knife right here!"

Soon it was all gone from her mind as she set about the task at hand, she got the peasant girl over to help, her name was Corra. And the old man soon offered to peel some potatoes. It was good having so many new people on the ship, it felt busy and friendly like the village used to, before they all had to leave. The ship got very claustrophobic when it was only 5 of them.

And there was something about that one man... something that made her smile again. Soon she was singing to herself, and the girl and the old man were listening, entranced.


The ship was sailing easy, everyone was where he or she was supposed to be but Yenna couldn't relax. There had been something in the red of the dawn that morning, something that said danger to her. The two new men, the one that Lairz had arrived mysteriously with and not said anything, and the one called Denovus that had paid Yenna enough gold to rent her and Sai's cabin for two nights were still working and talking to each other. For some reason she wasn't worried about them, although it meant once again she was in the hummocks while Sai got to stay in Lairz's cabin. He wouldn't be happy about sleeping on the floor but money was money.

Jan... Jan was Jan. She disliked the man intensely but there were only so many sailors who could keep their mouths shut about the captains... condition. So why did she feel unease?

There was nothing she could do, whatever would happen would happen.

#24 fs_kufu

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Posted 23 February 2007 - 03:13

OOC: sorry lost power last night.

Kufu kicked the base of the splice one last time and said, “Devonus thanks for the help… rolling the line on the deck will settle the splice so when we put strain during mooring on it, it will not slip apart.”

Kufu continued the conversation as they set about stowing the lines in the coils that readied them to send over the side. He told Devonus the story he told Garth… about how he grew up on the farm… and how he was now off looking for a quiet adventure. Kufu knew Devonus would not believe a word of it he seemed too trained to miss Kufu’s ways.

Kufu did not care though… and he doubted Devonus would really care either. Kufu continued and commented on how he felt Jan would act given the right opportunity. The conversation ended when Sai walked by and said, "Round and open."

Kufu stood there for a minute then it hit him… what she had said. In a tone full of mirth he said to her back… “Oh that’s good …Round and open… would it help if I said I was waiting to catch flies?”

#25 fs_lairz

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 19:00

Sai looked up at the man who'd come over and had just spoken.

"Is there anything else i can help with?"

She stopped singing, and gave him a smile. A thought occured, and and she changed one of the words of the song from spring to fish. Seeing he didn't understand she tossed him one of the large ugly Yumyums, its eye's almost popping out of it's head. She looked pointedly at his blade and raised a perfectly arched eyebrow.

"Bet you wish you kept you're mouth shut now eh boy?" the old man chuckled.

Soon both the peasant girl and Corra were laughing too.


The hold was a mess, crates and sacks everywhere. The new passengers had brought more than he would've normally allowed for the price they paid.

Lairz was picking through these trying to make some sense of the mess when his nose twitched, there was something on board his ship that wasn't supposed to be.

Frantically, he cleared a space on the deck, someone had chalked an evil eye near the centre of the ship, and in the middle of the ship was a thick brown package that smelt acrid and alchemical. Something fizzed and Lairz dove to the side but not before the alchemical charge detonated, knocking him unconsious.


The charge funnelled pre-packed majiks into the spell that had been cast, a semi-transparent pulse wave pulsed out from the epicentre, knocking everyone on board off their feet. The spell immediatly froze the ship's movement, anchoring it mystically with the part of the sea-bed directly bellow the ship and holding it fast. The ship lurched forward forelornly then subsided back to it's position.


Yenna was amoung the first to get to her feet, that was magic alright, a powerfull spell too. She looked around and realised the ship was being held in place by something.

But why...

Then she realised why, as on the distance she saw a skiff making speed for their position just on the horizon. They must've set off just after the Ellenai cast off.

Pirates. Closing in fast. And there they were, stuck still in the water unable to move.

"All hands! Aft!!"

#26 fs_kufu

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 01:41

Kufu rolled into a ball as the shock blasted him into the port gunwale. Upon impact his extremities shot outwards from his body softening the blow and he slid softly down onto his head.

With a grunt he rolled up and assessed the damage. Yenna was calling for all hands aft… He could see the other vessel approaching but his brain was rolling over different actions and he could not quite heed her call… Someone on the ship had assisted in this.

Kufu replayed the blast in his mind looking over the people on deck at the time… who was missing… and who was there but in the right place as not to be effected by the blast. He did not know this crew so he could not count anyone out.

Kufu watched the oncoming ship for a second for any sign of the agent’s motives. Since his ship was unmanageable… the vessel would likely pull along side with as little effort as pulling along side the pier. Running aft would do little to prevent that. The oncoming ship would want as large of a breach as possible, the more men they could get on deck at once the quicker and the healthier the cargo would be.

Kufu started to unhook the rigging and slacked the sheet lines... if they were to break their sea lock they would need to be able to catch the wind from any direction.

With a seconds more time he pushed some of the cargo away from the gunwale to aid in any stand the crew might be able to make and headed aft to see what Yenna was up to.

#27 fs_lairz

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 23:22


To the north, baring fast was the pirate skiff. It had previously been a small whaling craft but the former captain had let it fall into disrepair, it had been an easy catch for the new captain, the pirate Weise.

He looked eagerly at the ship coming towards him, it would be an even easier capture this one, fast as it was supposed to be, the Magiks they'd employed were holding it. He looked over at the black-clad stranger, an Imperial Agent of some kind who'd asked that they attack this particular boat, and paid them well in Imperial coin.

"Looks like you're little trick worked Stranger, any thing you can do about the crew?"

The man twitched from under his roabs.

"Please, do not distract me. I cannot do anything apart from hold the spell."

The man snorted as he looked away. They still had the harpoon gun from the whalers on the fore deck, once they were close enough they'd hold the ship easy enough. Maybe then this Black Coat would help out.

Not that he thought they'd need much help. He had fourteen crew, all armed and hungry against what his source had said sounded like one or two fighters then women and children.

He laughed, nothing better than easy money...


Yenna was looking out to the oncoming ship, they had twenty minutes if they were lucky. She looked around, where the hells was Lairz? He'd been in the hold the last time she'd looked.

"Sai! Go find you're father now, he could be in trouble!" she shouted over her shoulder, she saw Kurt holding a cut in his head as he stumbles towards her, and the two men they'd brought on board, Kufu and Denovus come towards her.

"Where is Jan?" the man called Denovus said in a cold voice, the look in his eye and the way he held his sword said that he knew how to use it.

"Jan-?" Yenna said confused. No, even Yan couldn't have done this... But then where was he?

"Jan can wait, if he had a part in this I'll deal with him, trust me." Yenna said, her eyes hard.

"Wha did Jan do?" Kurt said slowly from under his deep brow, still reeling from the knock, or perhaps just being his usual slow self. The peasant man had by this point staggered up, eye's wide and scared. Yenna looked on her little army, with herself, Kurt, two swordsmen she'd never seen fight and a farmer with cow dung still under his fingers they'd have to defend the ship.

Where the hells was Lairz and Jan... ?

"Right, Kurt go to the stock room, bring out the cross bows. You three, ever fired one before? They're difficult to use at sea but it'll keep their heads down and make it difficult to board, find something to hide behind. With us sittin like this they'll have pleanty time to fire at us. You," she said pointing at the farmer, "take this harpoon and stay near me. Denovus, guard the hold, this man's wife is sick and she's resting down there, protect her, her daughter and the old man. Kufu try keep the foredeck clear.

"Any questions?" she asked, just before she was about to go to her cabin and get her weapons.


Sai ran bellow deck, there was smoke everywhere and her skin tingled of magiks. She allowed them to part for her, as she quickly found her father under a pile of salted pork stuff, he was quite unconscious but her heart was filled with relief as she realised he was still breathing.

The old man and the young village girl were running down the stairs, they smelled of panic.

Sai felt her blood run hot, she stared at where the ship was coming. She knew she should be afraid, but she was not a cub anymore, and her Papa had been hurt. A deep animal part of her growled deep in her chest...

(OOC - ok guys, that's the set up, Denovus you get five of the buggers to do what you want with, Kufu take control of Kurt if you want some help, he's prob drink before the battle do whatever you want with him, and however many other pirates you want to deal with. I'll take up whatever slack with my bunch. Don't think these guy's know what's about to hit em ;)

#28 fs_kufu

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Posted 28 February 2007 - 00:14

When Kurt arrived with an array of crossbows and bolts Kufu used the voice he was taught to command with and said, “Kurt you will take 4 of those crossbows and enough bolts to last for a 5 minute stand and follow me to the forecastle. Now… move it or ill move it for you.”

Kurt looked at Kufu and then at Yenna, when the only thing he received from her was her cold stare he grabbed the gear and headed after Kufu.

Kufu picked his way through the cargo on his way forward. There was a surprising amount of crap littering the deck. The blast and lurch of the ship had made a maze of the place. Just past the foreword most bulkhead he found a palette of cargo nets and a spare spar for the lift boom.

Kurt lumbered over with the crossbows and Kufu pointed to the gunwale, “place them there and come help me feed this spare through these nets. Where is the windless control?”

Kurt gave Kufu a confused look… and mumbled “what?” Kufu rephrased the question, “where are the controls to drop the anchor?” Kurt pointed to a lever box and a crank on the port side.

Kufu nodded and instructed Kurt in assisting him in setting up the nets and attaching the spring line to the anchor. Kufu was surprised how quickly and without question Kurt climbed through the bull nose to the anchors housing.

The skiff was almost in crossbow range and everything Kufu could do was done. He placed the crossbows on the gunwale and waited. “Kurt… we will not be shooting the crossbows until the skiff is along side of us. We need to clear the front of the skiff so we can send the cargo net over… do you understand?” Kurt nodded and Kufu watched as the distance closed.

Arrows began to fly towards the skiff from aft of there position and when the Skiff was in range bolts were added to the barrage. The skiff returned fire and Kufu put his hand out to stop Kurt… “Wait for it…”

The harpoon came almost on command shaking the bowels of their ship. Kufu shouted as he pointed to the Harpoon sticking out of the hull just above the water line, “Kurt once we are breached we will need to find a way to cut that harpoon line.”

The skiff pulled along side and Kufu shouted, “Kurt fire NOW”

Kufu and Kurt let loose the bolts at the men waiting to board. Most jumped for cover save the slowest who fell back with a bolt sticking out of his throat.

Kufu shouted again, “Now” They both hefted and tossed the spar over the bow of the skiff and the cargo nets came trailing after. Kufu tuned and ran to the Lever box for the Windlass. With a kick he knocked the break latch off the release and the anchor came crashing out of the housing into the water.

The spring line followed and snapped tight when it ran out of slack. The weight of the anchor pulled on the cargo nets dragging the bow of the skiff under. The hull creaked and the upper deck cracked releasing the strain on the spine of the skiff. The pirates were frantically cutting the nets before the skiff was torn totally in two.

Kurt fired the last of his bolts dropping another pirate with a shot square in the back. Kufu pointed to the Harpoon and said, “Kurt take care of that thing, I’ll get these two.” Kurt nodded and Kufu drew his sword and jumped off the ship and landed on the skiff.

When he landed on the skiff he rolled to the lee side and his sword was ripped from his grasp. He looked up and blood sprayed him in the face. On his flight over the gunwale he managed to embed his sword into one of the pirates. The man was in his death throws when Kufu finally managed to rip the blood soaked sword free further soaking his own cloths with the man’s blood.

The words of his father echoed in his mind… Better their blood than yours boy…

The last pirate on the foredeck gave up his efforts to free his skiff and turned on Kufu. He was wielding a sick looking cutlass with chips and dings in it from obvious abuse. Kufu could not help but think this man was obviously a scab taking any weapon he could find.

It was with this thought on his mind as he realized it did not matter if he was a scab… he would probably be a more appt swordsman then he. Kufu circled to the man’s weak side and slipped on a discarded marlinspike. The pirate lunged at the same time and caught Kufu’s sword right in the chest.

With a frantic roll Kufu got out from under the man’s death spasm. Fresh blood dripped from Kufu’s entire upper body… Better theirs than yours my boy…

A soft chuckle came from behind Kufu. He spun still holding his sword at guard and his jaw dropped. Standing in the center of the deck was an imperial enforcer… and not just any enforcer. It was Dothan, one of the vilest imperial headsman.

In a very greedy tone he said, “So it was you little Aku.”

#29 fs_lairz

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Posted 01 March 2007 - 02:50

Yenna had long before this point found a high point on the ship, giving her a good view of the incoming pirate ship. She'd been down to her cabin and raced back up with her weapons wrapped up in a blanket. Quickly, she took her sword out and dug it in front of her, as she did with the seven arrows she had left so they could be easily drawn.

Without taking her eyes off the task as kurt left three cross-bows infront of the cowering peasant man below her, she strung her long bow. There, done. With one fluid movement she started loosing the first of her arrows, easily crossing the distance and luckly hitting one of the shocked pirates.

One down.... fifteen to go..

Not that she would have time, the ship was getting closer. By the time Kufu and Kurt had done whatever it was they had done, Yenna heard it just as a crash of splinters to her left, the foreship of the enemy ship was creaking. Some of thier bolts had hit home, she heard the man below her scream. In instants they were boarded.

With a scream Yenna drew her sword and dove into the fray.

One large man loomed infront of her and she managed to bring her sword up to meet his, just then to her right some one had thrown a primitive grenade that sent soot and splinters flying.

What is it with these men and their explosives?!

With a feint to her right she managed to cut a deep gash into the pirates side and bring her sword around just in time to meet another. All of a sudden, another man appeared to her side and she had no way to defend herself. Just as he was about to strike a flash of white knocked him aside.

Leaping from the hole in the deck the grenade, a blurr of white fur and fangs knocked the pirate down. The wolf's growls made the pirates stop momentarily in shock, when the biggest pirate of the all loomed over from the enemy ship.

She recognised him... Weise!!!!

"Gunter, Laos - Get the nets! I want that damn animal stopped!!" he barked, and the momentary shock seemed to be over, now it was a fight, Yenna's sword and the wolf's teeth tearing at the pirates who swarmed and stabbed around them. Blood was flung againt deckboard, screams animal and human filled the air.

From behind her, the peasant man after pulling the bolt from his shoulder charged into the fray. By this time Weise was on the Ellenai, seeing the man charging towards him with a pike, he almost mockingly knocked it aside with his scimitar and cleaved the man's head from his shoulders.

"Forward men!!" Weise screamed and soon the rest of the pirates were piling on board.


Darkness and confusion were slowly clearing, as Lairz opened his eyes. What the hell was that? Someone had planted magiks! On his ship! Slowly the world resolved itself, who was that standing there in the light.

"Sai..?" he gasped, when just then, she transformed. In an instant the girl was gone and in her place a brilliant white wolf, staring up at the newly made hole in the deck, growling.

"Sai!" he shouted as she pounced. He swore as he pulled him self to his feet, he looked around and found the nearest thing approaching a weapon - a rusted old meat cleaver and climbed up the hole after her.

No sooner was his heard over the cusp of the hole that a cross-bow bolt whizz past his ear, inches from his head.

Dammit dammit dammit!!!

none the less he pulled himself over the parapet and engaged in battle.


Wolves see the world differently from men, to Sai, everything moved more, she could smell what the odious pirates were feeling. Sweat, blood, Fear...

She had pounced on the nearest one she had seen, but soon there were others. She jumped over and behind them, and soon was on their ship, the taste of at least two men's blood in her teeth. Men with swords were falling over themselves, but she was lost in her rage. Biting this way and that she ran along the Pirate ship, at one point narrowly avoiding a net. She couldn't think as well in this form, but from what she could smell the battle had gone seriously awry.

Up ahead, she smelt a figure she knew.


A man in black was looming over him, she didn't have much time, two pirates with pikes and a net were chasing after her. She pounced, knocking the man to his side and biting an ear off for good measure was all she had for before she had to leap away, this time back onto her own ship.


Yenna couldn't see all that was happening, the aft and the foredeck seemed busy with battle, and now there was Lairz, appearing from nowhere and rushing forward like a force of nature heading straight for Weise.

The world shook.

She looked down to see blood curling around her side, a knife had been placed in it. Numb, she turned to look at the man behind her who had put it there.

".. You... ?"

She fell forward to the ground as the world went dark.

#30 fs_kufu

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Posted 03 March 2007 - 01:31

Kufu was speechless for a second… Dothan and the Rocchio family had been an enemy of his family for so long it seemed strange… there was normally an entire imperial court between them… “Dothan…”

Before Kufu could finish… Devonus threw a Kunai at Dothan but he easily deflected it with his arts. It however managed to distract Dothan long enough to get mauled from behind by a white wolf. Kufu had no idea where the heck the wolf came from but it had jumped onto his ship before his mind could form the questions.

Dothan was out cold. Kufu grabbed some scraps of the cut cargo nets and tied Dothan up and gagged him for good measure. Kufu turned to get Devonus’ help but the man had already moved on. With little regard for Dothan’s welfare Kufu dragged him up the sideboard and onto his ship.

Kufu dropped him onto the deck with a thud and swore. The Harpoon line was still intact. Kufu scanned the area for Kurt and saw him on the aft deck. With one of the pirate's dented cutlasses he hacked the harpoon line free and headed aft.

Kufu came up behind Kurt and barked at him, “Kurt! Can you not follow a simple order?” Kurt turned to face him and flashed a sickening grin. He was holding a bloody knife in his hand and in a rather patronizing tone Kurt said, “Can… or Wont”

The obvious change in Kurt made Kufu tighten the grip on his sword. Kurt stepped towards him and for the first time Kufu saw the body Kurt was standing over. It was Yenna… half conscious holding a bloody wad of cloth to her side.

#31 fs_lairz

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Posted 03 March 2007 - 03:33

Lairz had barely any idea what was going on at that moment. Apon entering the fray he'd killed at least two men and swore every swearword the sea captain knew and a few new ones he was making up as he went along. Sai was turned, there was fighting everywhere, pirates were lying about with arrows and bolts sticking out of them, and now Weise had appeared. And Lairz just knew that this was all his fault.

Some of the other lackies had backed off and eyed warily as the two big men faced each other off, Lairz had found a sword and like Wiese he was standing with one foot on his ship and one on the pirates.

"Looks like you're little secret might be out Lairz" Weise drawled as behind him Sai leapt back onto the Ellenai behind them, with an Imperial ear in her mouth.

"Not ifff i tear your throat out fffirst." Lairz growled. Then he realised, he had growled. Suddenly two voices were screaming in his head, one was the man, his begging:

By all the gods, not now, not when I need to fight!!

and at the same time, the beast roared
Kill!!! bite!!! kill!!!

His hands were shaking, and his teeth were starting to feel... big, he couldn't change now, not when he had a sword fight to win. Wiese's face curled briefly in revultion then in triumph as he spotted his chance. He lunged forwards and Lairz barely managed to get control of himself and dodged to the side. Cold steel bit into his side and he fell to the deck on the pirates side.


The men around cheered and Weise looked triumphant. He'd waited a long time for that. He looked around, there Kurt had taken out the warrior woman Yenna, and was about to deal with the mark who was backing away. If that man was a Fulton then Wiese was the Emperor, he was holding his sword at the wrong angle for the situation, it would take a man like Kurt seconds to dissarm him. The wolf had been chased into a corner and was snarling as his men closed on it with a net - but there, there was that foreign swordsman who'd been throwing around Kunai making merry hell.

Damn him. He'd take care of him himself.

Weise strode onto the ship and headed for the swordsman, when out of the corner of his eye he saw his man on the ship, Jan Finger, appear from the hold, where he'd clearly been hiding the entire battle.

It had been a rushed operation, Wiese had been planning on taking the ship anyway, there'd been a contract on the cargo and one for that daughter of Lairz going for a few days now, and the Ellenai was one of the fastest around. A fine catch. Plus killing Lairz after the fiasco of the Nabudee run had always been one of his dreams. But when the Imperial agent had come to him, saying that Jan had been an informer for the empire and had spotted a man the senete were interested in, well he had had to move that very day. Imperial money, there was nothing like it. The day was almost done he could see, it was winter and the sun was already retreating from the sky.

"Did you kill him?" Jan asked eyes wide. Wiese looked at the sniveling lank haired weasel, and gestured with his sword.

"Of course, now out of the way I want to kill that-" but Jan was looking at the sword with horror.

"You fool! I told you it has to be silver to kill him!"

Wiese frowned, then noticed over there, an early moon was appearing.

When someone is born a werewolf, they have a natural balance in them, half human half noble animal, when someone is turned like Lairz was, they don't simply become wolves, they become curses on the world.

The hulking semi-human monstrosity reared up on the other ship with a mighty bellow. The face was lycan but the hands were still semi human, but ending in claws. One short pirate was too near and with a swipe the beast tore his throat out.

Wiese and his men started running from this creature as it jumped back on the Ellenai, tearing the head clean off another grown man and not even noticing when a cross bow bolt was fired into it's side.

Soon the men who were remaining were scrambling to get out of the way, Jan, Wiese saw had immediatly jumped into the water. Soon the giant creature was coming straight for Weise. He readied his sword and drove it deep into the beasts chest, but not before he felt its jaws snap around his neck and bite.

As his head tumbled from his shoulders, the last thing Weise experienced was suprise at looking up at his own body, he didn't think you would be able to survive just as a head.

Then as the blood drained out he realised that you couldn't, and as the world went dark he died.


Sai saw that the men die that had been chasing her, the one called Denovus had moved with uncanny speed and dexterity and was now advancing toward her, holding the net.

She felt betrayal, was this man wanting to take her too? Who was he?

Wolves arn't very good at reading faces, but this one looked more... concerned that hateful. What was he saying... ?

Then Sai heard the commotion on the other side of the ship. Both Sai and Denovus looked over at the noise and screams - It was father! he'd turned ! Someone was going to get hurt.

Sai leapt over Denovus, leaving him looking slightly startled and ran to where the creature her father had become was hulking across the ship. Men were dead at his feet, and a sword was jutting from his chest but still the creature growled though clearly in pain, and coughing blood it was advancing on Kurt, he swiped at him with a claw and tore deep gouges along the man's chest.

Immediatly she jumped in the way and snarled a challenge at the blood raged mindless beast. Soon she was snaping at it, making it back away, it was wounded and knew it. It took some time but soon she managed to get her father to back down into the hold, she pounced and sent the creature rattling down the stairs. They fought, the creatures jaws slow and searching for a bite on her but she was too fast, pouncing this way and that, slowly pushing it back. She bite the sword and yanked it out pushing the creature back.

Finally it was in the cage they always had open, with one final flip she managed slam the thing shut as the deadbolts locked and the beast was locked inside.

She panted with exhaustion, and collapsed infront of the cage.


The world slowly opened up again for Yenna, the battle seemed to be over, at least no one was fighting any more. There was plenty of groaning and screaming.

She pushed herself to her feet, she saw Kurt, on his back face white staring at the mess his chest had become, behind him was Kufu holdin his sword looking shocked. And there was Denovus, holding a net and a sword with a serious look on his face.

And the pirates... well they all seemed to be dead or dying.

"Well then, I guess this means we won," she drawled, and staggered towards Kufu, holding her wound on her side.

#32 fs_kufu

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Posted 03 March 2007 - 18:31

Kufu was readying himself to rend Kurt’s confession from his flesh when Lairz and the Pirate Captain faced off. Kufu hesitated for a second and both Kurt and he turned to watch the combat… the event happened rather quickly with Lairz falling to the deck with a sword wound to the chest.

Kufu was in disbelief… he had not expected lairs to fall so easily… he had never seen Lairz fight… but still something had given Kufu the impression Lairz would do better.

Kufu switched his grip on his sword and took a few steps towards the pirate captain when Jan arrived… the next few events left Kufu dumbfounded. Lairz stood up… but it was more than Lairz…

Kufu’s mind raced through all the knowledge he had of werebeasts… which was not all that much, the academy’s teaching of altered human states was limited. He had been mulling over Dothan and the implications this attack brought.

The next events happened quickly for Kufu to respond, all he had time for was to step out of the way as the werebeast began to rend flesh and bone from anything that moved… Kufu watched the carnage… and kept himself out of the way of the fangs and claws.

Even after the event… Kufu was still motionless, his brain swirling around all the new information. It took Yenna’s voice to snap him out of it. She had righted herself and was walking towards him.

Kufu’s brain took this opportunity to wrap around itself around something it knew intimately. In a concerned voice Kufu said, “Yenna… let me take a look at that wound.”

Kufu had Yenna lift her arm slightly so he could get a good at the stab wound. He tore her garment to clear the area and touched the top and bottom of the opening. The clotting looked good and it appeared that the blade had nicked two ribs and entered the soft area around the intestines.

Kufu pulled out a flask of whisky he had kept as a memento from the tavern and poured it over his fingers. Sterilizing wounds was the only thing a Fulton was ever permitted to use alcohol for. He pushed the soft area under the ribs and stuck a finger into Yenna’s wound.

When she sucked in air he took a swig of the whisky and passed her the flask, “here drink up.” It only took him a second to inspect the area. Luckily none of the intensities had been severed and other than the tissue between the ribs Yenna could expect a quick recovery.

Kufu untied his boot and slid out a pouch that was tucked away for situations just like this. It was his surgical kit. He threaded a curved needle and started to stitch the tissue behind the ribs… then he stitched the tissue around the ribs and finally stitched the surface skin.

Kufu looked at the finished suture and was actually proud of his work. He had never actually performed this on someone else… he had always been the lucky one to get sliced. With a slight chuckle he thought it was far easier working on someone else.

“Yenna, keep that arm close to you so you do not stretch out your ribcage too much. You should have full use in a few days”

#33 fs_lairz

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Posted 03 March 2007 - 19:56

Yenna looked down at the work he'd done and looked back up into his face.

"That's good work Kufu, there really is more to you than meets the eye." Yenna paused while in the background Denovus was splashing around in the water. "Though I guess you wouldn't be the only one on this boat for whom that's the case. Go on, you better help Denovus back on board."

While Kufu went off to do as he was directed, Yenna looked around at the mess, some pirates no doubt had slunk off swimming hard for the opposite shore once things had started going south. Good, word spread fast around taverns and docksides, with any luck the Ellenai wouldn't be bothered again anytime soon.

But now what to do? The captain, she could hear thrashing around his cage, and Sai hadn't made an appearance again, and they were stuck to the pirates skiff.

A moment later Denovus came back on board, soaking wet dragging the Unconsious Jan Finger with him, he threw him down onto the decking beside the partially dead Kurt, his chest ripped open and bleeding on the deck.

Yenna looked at herself at the two other men, as the peasant girl and the old man reappeared.

What would Lairz do? We've got to get to port, with five to sail one ship...

Or two

She looked at the pirates skiff

Well I guess that's ours now

"Now, Denovus, Kufu, I know I probably owe you two an explaination about what just happened, but in truth I don't know the whole of it myself.
Kufu, make sure that the harpoon is secure, we're going to drag that ship back to port. Denovus, if you can still move try and find two or three of these scum who value there lives enough to help us haul this mess to Laulau, kill any who dissagree and throw the dead and dying off the ship. We need as little weight as possible to make this work."

Denovus motioned to the unconsious Jan.

"Jan... so I take it he was in on it too huh? Don't worry, I'll chain him to the captain's cage, that should keep him behaved if he wakes up. Cora, old man, do what Kufu tells you. By the looks of things the binding has come undone and we can move, and I want to get away from here as soon as possible."

Soon the two others were doing as directed and the ship slowly was coming back to life. The dead were thrown overboard, Cora looking on ashen faced as Yenna and Denovus hauled her father overboard. Jan was chained to the cage where Lairz was snarling and clawing trying to get out, if he woke before morning the first thing Jan would see would be the beast trying to eat him. If it was Lairz he awoke to things could actually be worse.

And Sai, Sai was still in her wolf form, lying on the hull panting with exhaustion. Yenna picked her up with her one good arm and carried her upstairs to their shared cabin where she put her in her bed. With any luck she would be human in the morning.

Yenna stepped out onto the deck again, Denovus, clearly a man of means had rounded up three dock scabs and terrified them enough into working for the Ellenai now, soon the ships would be underway.

Kufu had stopped what he was doing and had reappeared with another unconsious man, a black clad imperial by the looks of things

What on earth was an Imperial doing here?

"Chain him below with Jan"


That was done quickly, and soon Yenna was helping with the preparations. It was slow given how exhausted they all were, but the ships were once again heading south. They'd been lucky, very lucky.

Yenna looked back at the faces of Kufu and Denovus.

"Denovus, keep an eye on our three new conscrpts, I would talk with Kufu for a while."

The man named Kufu came up to where Yenna was leaning against a barrel.

"Now that that's done, I want you to tell me why an Imperial agent would be on that ship. I thought I'd ask you, as you're the only one here who has a military academy sword strapped to your waist"

#34 fs_kufu

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Posted 06 March 2007 - 02:24

Kufu looked at Yenna… he did not want to have this conversation. He was not sure why Dothan was on that vessel… nor did he have any idea why the pirates attacked them. He could guess a thousand reasons but they would still just be guesses. So what he said next was not necessarily a string of lies… they were more a string of half truths.

“Yenna your guess is as good as mine. I don’t know if Lairz told you what happened in the tavern but I can assure you 3 roughneck sailors were not worth the note of an imperial agent.” Kufu pointed to the remainder of the blood stains from the wolf attack, “Would any of this be part of it?”

Kufu shot a remorseful look at his sword… “And this little beauty was given to me by my second oldest brother on my 4th birthday… he had just graduated from the Fulton Acadamy of Military Excellence. It took me three years just to lift it enough to do anything other than drag it around. I myself have never actually graduated from any Acadamy… was mostly home schooled. But I have not seen my brother in over 15 years… he left for war in the south and never returned.”

It was true… his brother had gifted him with the Fulton sword before he left for war in the south 15 years ago… Yeah Okay so he was now the Commander of the griffin riders the most feared army the empire had in its ranks but that was beside the point.

“You seemed to know the Pirate Captain… anything there I should know?”

#35 fs_lairz

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Posted 07 March 2007 - 03:23

Yenna looked at the man, there definately seemed to be more here than he was saying, but she didn't push the matter.

“You seemed to know the Pirate Captain… anything there I should know?” Kufu asked. Yenna sighed.

"Weise is.... Weise was one of our less favourite people. We worked with him once on a smuggling run, we were supposed to be taking medicines and supplies round the back of an Imperial cordon, but Wiese and some of the other captain's thought it more profitable to smuggle weapons.

"As you can see from the Captain's... condition, commiting high treason in these waters was something that we didn't need. There was a storm and we ran into a small patrol, Captain Lairz was already ready to leave at this point and the thought of killing some conscripts for someone elses profit didn't appeal. So, we left. The smugglers killed all the sailors but not without loosing a ship worth of munitions. Sufficed to say Weise and his compatriots wearn't too pleased."

Yenna frowned.

"Though the gods alone knows how they got an Imperial Enforcer to help with his little revenge. I can't think of many private captain who could afford that kind of skill."

No matter, she thought, can't dwell on it now.

Lairz had let this Kufu on board because he suspected he was under the werewolf curse, that didn't seem likely now. But what of their other guest, Denovus? A fighter of such uncommon skill, she was grateful of course to both of them, they would all have been dead without their help.

But still, Yenna would have given a great deal to know what Denovus's intentions in Laulau were.

"Can I leave you incharge up here Kufu? I'm going to go downstairs to keep an eye on our new guests. Also when the captain wakes up in the morning he's going to want to know what happenend."

And with that Yenna groaned and limped off to the hold, seeing the two ships being sailed badly by their patchwork crew, but nonetheless the lines were being cast, the wind was blowing at they were moving.

All the time Denovus's cold eyes kept an eye on the three wounded pirates, now press-ganged into temporary crew for the Ellenai


The ship sailed through the night, and as dawn slowly broke, Lairz's mind slowly slunk back into his body, like a cat that had been prowling the streets all night. His body felt battered but energised, and his stomach was unusually full.

As he smacked his lips he leant up and felt a stabbing pain to his chest, he looked down to see himself naked from the waist up, with a white already healed scar on his chest.

Slowly recollections began to return to him, as he felt the scar.

A sword through the chest and barely a mark, well there's a good side to everything I guess...

He looked out of his cage and frowned. There was Jan looking horrifide staring at him, and on the other side was some bloody-headed man in black, surrounded by a circle and cross of thick salt. A primitive binding spell, one that interferes with alchemy if his memory served.

"Captain!" Jan whimpered. "Oh thank the gods you're awake! There's been the most terrible misunderstanding! You have to unchain me!"

Lairz frowned as he got to his feet and let himself out the cage, the lock simple for a man but thankfully beyond the ken of the mindless beast he became.

Actually why did he change so early in the lunar cycle? The magiks maybe...


"Shut up Jan. Where's Yenna?"

"Right here captain." she drawled from the shadows looking exhausted.

"What in the seven hells happened?"

Yenna smiled.

"Wiese, among other things. I think you ate his head..." she started, and continued to fill the captain in.


When Sai awoke it was already morning. Her whole body ached, one of the problems associated with falling asleep in a shape comfortable for a creature with four legs.

Still she was in bed, and as she blinked she realised her father was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"How are you feeling, tiger?" He said in the soft tones of their native language. She smiled.

"I'm fine." she then leant forward and impulsivly hugged him. As he held her he closed his eyes.

"Yenna and the others told me what you did after I changed, you got me in the cage by yourself, I'm sorry you had to do that I could've hurt you."

Sai tilted her head to one side.

"Not really, you were too slow and stupid." Lairz blinked then laughed, but only for a moment before becoming serious again.

"Still... it's becoming more difficult for us, for me to control it. One of these days I think I'll just change for good and forget who I am."

Sai looked concerned, then smiled.

"That'll never happen, me and Yenna will remind you who you are." she paused and sniffed the air. "Where are we?"

"You were asleep for two days, we're just sailing past the pud-Laulau region, we'll be docking in a few hours"

Sai stared at him then jumped out of bed and wrapped a long-coat around her before running onto the deck bare-footed. The sun was high in the sky and all along the eastern bank she could see small hamlets that were gradually blending into each other, becoming towns before finally becoming Laulau, the great southern city.

The city rose up in the distance, white buildings shining and the air hot and busy with the smoke of industry.

She wondered what awaited them there, among the busy streets and fine palaces. She looked over to where Kufu and Denovus were standing, she didn't know but she knew it would be interesting.

#36 fs_kufu

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 05:00

Kufu was twitching with worried curiosity and he could not get Dothan’s words out of his head… what had he meant, had his family been notified?

Kufu did not trust Dothan… he would surly have agents waiting at the port for their arrival. The thing that bothered Kufu the most was not getting the chance to find out what Dothan had meant… and since they were towing the pirate boat there was no chance Dothan’s agents would mistake which boat he was on either.

Kufu watched the shoreline change as they approached the city and the tension became too much for him to bear. Everyone seemed to be topside so Kufu slipped down to where Dothan was contained.

The hold was barely lit by the one lantern swinging from the mid-beam. Both Dothan and Jan were secured to an iron cage large enough for a good sized beast. Kufu nudged Dothan with his boot. He seemed to be in some sort of meditation. His eyes opened and Kufu could see a glint of satisfaction in Dothan’s eyes.

In a voice more like a growl Kufu said, “Dothan, tell me why I should not kill your worthless hide right now?” Dothan’s expression did not change nor did he attempt to reply. Kufu shook his head. “Its not every day one gets to question the grand inquisitor. Now let me see if I get this right.” Kufu slugged Dothan in the face with his right hand. Dothan’s head shot back and blood sprayed from a gash now opened on Dothan’s eyebrow.

Dothan slowly returned his head to stare at Kufu with a look Kufu felt better represented Dothan’s position. “Now are you going to cooperate with me?” Kufu slugged Dothan again this time smashing the bridge of Dothan’s nose. Blood gushed out and Dothan choked on blood and air.

Kufu had never really interrogated someone before. He had done very well in all the test cases and he had even got a few of his classmates to confess to crime better left under the carpet… it basically came down to knowing the man you were trying to break.

Kufu took the gag out of Dothan’s mouth and he gasped for air. If looks could kill Kufu would have fallen dead right there. In a light voice meant to mock the agent Kufu said, “Now before I kill you do you want to tell me what you were about?”

Dothan laughed… it sounded raspy and was bubbled with blood, “If you were not a dead man I might have offered you a job. You do know that your family has put a price on your head. But I have other plans that involve you… the Thrustright’s have also placed a bounty on your safe return… one that should bring you to us first since its triple what your own father has offered. But that does not matter now… because I’ll take you in myself.”

Kufu slugged Dothan again, opening another gash over his left eye this time. Dothan cursed and Kufu kicked him into the cage… “Now how did you find me?” Dothan gasped in air as he tried to intimidate Kufu by laughing. Unfortunately it only succeeded in making Dothan sound half mad.

“Aku you’re a bloody fool. If you hit me again you will be of no use to me… and I’ll kill you myself.” Kufu slugged Dothan again splitting his lip open. Dothan was beginning to look like a slab of meat on the chopping block. Kufu used a sharp voice and said, “Now tell me what you were up to or this will go on all day.”

Dothan spit blood on the floor and growled, “You’re as blind as the rest of your family. I had an agent following a mark at the tavern… an assassin we hired for a few jobs. Whenever one shows up without an invite we always end his contract. You might remember his work… Your unfortunate brother Tanner former captain of the imperial guard knows his blade very well.”

Dothan grinned a bloody grin… his lip mangled from Kufu’s last blow. Kufu kicked him several more times until Dothan was crumpled to the floor. “Lies… Tanner died in battle!”

Dothan chuckled and continued, “My agent happened to see your little bar fight… I have to tell you though I thought it would have been one of your other brothers. You never really could fight your way out of a paper bag. Even with that raw hide on the hilt there are only a few weapons like that…now Aku and Kufu have bounties on their heads. You know I’m glad it was you after what you did to Kristine. So what’s it going to be? You coming with me to a place that befits your birth or are you going to force me to kill you?”

Kufu smiled, this would be the first time he would enjoy killing someone. He drew his family’s sword and drove it into Dothan. Jan dove at Kufu until his chains drew him short… but it still managed to knock Kufu enough that his sword only pierced Dothan’s arm.

Kufu stomped on Jan’s head but he was gone… actually both Dothan and Jan were gone. In there place was a hole in the hull which was letting all sorts of water in. Kufu swore and started tipping sacks and barrels into the open hole until the water slowed… Kufu had knocked Dothan clear off the magical bindings which were holding him captive.

While Jan had distracted Kufu Dothan had somehow managed to make a hole big enough to fit two people through in the bottom of the boat. Kufu scrambled around until the water had stopped leaking in… now he had to find Lairz and explain what had happened.

#37 fs_lairz

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 18:42

" And if you wish for me to find out why that imperial was here, i will get the information. Whether through persuasion of the imperial on board, or by snooping around this port. I can find out, but that is also your decision to make." Denovus said. Lairz looked at him and was considering his response when, suddenly the ship shuddered again.

Lairz cursed and ran downstairs, what else could possibly be going wrong now?

As he ran down into the hold, he saw Kufu on his back staring at a gaping big hole in the hull of the Ellenai.

"What the.... that damn Imperial!" there was no other explaination, he's some how gotten free of his binding and hurled a chanter at the hull, breaking free. It looked like Jan had escaped free too. Yenna soon appeared behind Lairz.

"He... he broke free. How?" she said distraught.

Lairz shook his head.

"He must've been stronger than we thought. Don't worry about it, it's my ship, I'm the one who should've choked the rat before he woke up. DAMMIT!" he said punching the hull wall beside him.

Well this is a beautiful situation isn't it? How much time do we have before he tells his friends where we are?

He looked at Kufu.

And isn't it conveinient that the one person who knows who he really is has just dissapeared?

"Dammit, everyone on deck. Now."


A few moments later, everyone including the three dragooned pirates were assembled on the deck.

"Right, as you can probably tell we're going to have to make our stay in port very short. Firstly I'm going to sell that damn whaler skiff to pay for repairs on the Ellenai, it's not going to be cheap to get it done as quickly as I want it but anything left over will be split evenly between the rest of you, you've earn't it. Appart from you three," he said to the pirates, "You three have earnt your lives, nothing more.

"I don't want to be in port any longer than I have to, under 24 hours if possible." If nothing goes wrong he thought to himself, "After that we sail for one of the free cities, Yunta probably. You're all free to come with me if you chose, if not Laulau is as good a place as any to dissapear. Any questions?"

The old man who had come aboard with Cora and her mother looked confused.

"Why would we want to dissapear?". Lairz glared hard at them.

"Because that was an Imperial Enforcer on that ship. They're not supposed to exist, nor are they supposed to leave any trace of their actions. I for one am not coming back to this port for some time after this, you I suggest catch the next mail coach you see out of town and go wherever it goes. Ok, Denovus, a word before you go."

As the rest started making the final preparations before they would dock in Laulau, Lairz took Denovus to his side.

"Denovus, what you said eariler, if you have something to do in Laulau and wish to leave I wont stop you. But while me Yenna and Sai are doing our repairs, could you maybe ask a few questions around the port, find out what's going on. I need to know, if it was me the Imperials were after, or one of you. Of course I can pay if you need the money."

#38 fs_kufu

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Posted 18 March 2007 - 23:22

(OOC: I was waiting for Devonus to post… but I’m just going to post and he can fill in his own blanks.)

Kufu waited anxiously for the Ellenai to dock and receive the customs inspection. He spotted the imperial agents waiting on the pier posing as the local customs officials… the fools should really change their boots next time. Not many customs agents can afford that type of craftsmanship.

Kufu took an opportunity to tie the rat guards on the foreword mooring lines. He crawled out on the line about three feet and attached the thin metal cone that would detour all but the most ambitious rats. After it was secure and the proper chaffing precautions were in place he quickly scanned the area and shimmed down the rest of the line onto a heavily populated area of the pier where towns folk and local fishermen were haggling over prices.

Kufu took a quick mental scheme of the area… his brain working as usual, it noted the other vessels which piers were guarded and which areas provided the best cover for shadier dealings. It noted where the customs office was located and how many wagons were waiting out front. It also noted several posters of wanted criminals… and which merchants were more likely to sell information to the empire.

Kufu watched the “imperial” customs officers step on board the Ellenai. He would need to clear the dock immediately at this point they thought he would still be on the ship… once he did not turn up he better be far away from the immediate area.

Kufu had left a message for Lairz under the door in his cabin. He hoped Lairz would be able to read the intended message. The message read, “Captain the Norseman of my homeland far to the north have called me home. I will travel a day and return to the waters of flight. My people have not forgotten me the Gnarled Wizard and the red vine welcome you. Gold is the memory of happiness but a shipwright’s wealth comes from his friends. Seek the pin and balance company pay them nothing until the work is complete.”

Kufu knew Lairz would know right off that it was a nonsense letter… he just hoped he would wait the day for Kufu to return before leaving. If not he was off to find his own transportation. He was headed to the Gnarled Vine Tavern where he had met the owners of the shipyard company Pin and Balance a few years ago. His family traded services with them all the time… all it took was a token bearing the emblem of the Fulton Fighting ship and he just so happened to have one. After all it was his fault the Ellenai almost sank.

Kufu wound his way up to the Gnarled Vine Tavern he had not been there in years. He had changed a lot and grown into a man but he knew one thing… Old men like Sven and Silgan rarely changed their habits… he was sure they would be here for dinner.

Kufu entered the tavern. it seemed far more musty and dark than he had remembered. The wonders of youth… make everything seem so glamorous. Now he saw it for what it was… a pub full of drunks.

Kufu picked a table off to the side and hoped he would find the duo soon. The barmaid came by and he ordered a draft of the darkest ale they had to offer… a nutty porter called Black Bark. He sipped it down and it eased his worries and the stress from his past few days dripped away. He rather enjoyed the flavor… the ale was gone before he knew it so he ordered another one.

A few rowdy patrons were causing a ruckus at the table next to Kufu so he got up to further himself from them. One of the men got up and jumped in his way… in a slurred voice the man said, “wareeees u fink to are goGing?”

Kufu did not bother to answer he just side stepped the man to pass. The man grabbed Kufu by the shoulder and spun Kufu around to face him. “Dis I fay ju kan leaf?” Kufu shook his head and said, “friend you would be better off sitting back down.” Kufu tossed him a brass and said, “here your next drink is on me.”

Apparently that was the wrong thing to say, the drunk grabbed Kufu’s drink and Dumped it on him. Still with the look of shock on Kufu’s face the drunk said, “Sher is ob u… what u got a prob’em wit dat?”

Kufu just blinked and the drunk swung at him. Kufu’s stepped back and grabbed a chair from the table and slid it between them. The man stumbled over the chair and continued to swing at Kufu. The place was crowded and Kufu ran out of room… he blocked as best he could but managed to take a few hits to his right eye area.

Blood blurred Kufu’s vision and he pushed the drunk off him. The bouncers arrived and picked up the drunk and carried him outside tossing him to the dirt. One of the bouncers came back and handed Kufu a towel. Before Kufu could ask if he was about to be kicked out the bouncer called the bar maid over and said, “Refill his drink and seat him at a new table.”

The girl scooted him over to a table on the other side of the tavern and asked Kufu if he needed anything further. Kufu thought he remembered the girl from his last visit so he took a stab at her name, “Petra?” Her expression changed and she said, “do I know you?”

Kufu smile as he held the towel to his face, “No not really you were working here the last time I came through town. I was looking for a few friends of mine Sven and Silgan… do you know if they will be in today?”

Petra smiled back, “Oh those old farts will be in shortly… they never miss a meal.” Kufu nodded and said, “Good please get them their first round on me and tell them Rift sends his regards.” Kufu slid a few silvers to the girl, “this should cover it… and please keep the rest. I’ll have another Black Bark if you would be so kind.”

The girl’s smile broadened and she curtsied to him and scurried off. It took the bothers another hour to arrive and Petra delivered her message. When she pointed to Kufu he nodded and Kufu could see Sven and Silgan face draw in skepticism. After Petra left Kufu went over and introduced himself.

“Good sirs, I could see the look on your face… I did not mean any miscommunication. I just left Rift and the Fulton’s Pride a week ago.” Kufu slid the token face up on the table. “He granted me this token to fix my vessel… unfortunately I was wrecked at sea and my Slip Stream was lost. I was fortunate enough to be rescued by the ship Ellenai who also took damage in the same storm. I was hoping that Rift’s good faith could be applied to my rescuer in my stead.”

Sven nodded and spoke in the crackly old voice Kufu remembered, “The Fulton token will always be honored, Rift is a fine man and one who brings us plenty of business… this war in the south has every war ready vessel off on fool’s errands. But who am I to complain… it’s to my benefit.”

Kufu made small talk for a few minutes and went back to his table to let the brothers eat in peace. They would send a crew in the morning to the Ellenai. Kufu ordered a few more rounds and commenced in getting himself sloppy drunk.

A few hours later Petra came over to flirt as the dinner group had left and now only the drinkers remained. She chatted in a light voice and pointed out a few notables in the crowd, “And the fellow over there is Thayne Captain of the local Imperial Guard, he is one of our most famous patrons. He’s a Fulton you know.” Before Kufu could stop her she called to Thayne. “Thayne my dear this man knows your brother Rift.”

Horror filled Kufu… and he got up to leave. He stumbled for a second and said his good bye to Petra. However Thayne caught up to him at the door. “Sir our lady Petra said you know my brother Rift… do you have any word from him?”

Kufu could see the look of recognition on Thayne’s face. Thayne was never quick witted and hearing Thayne made Captain was a surprise, but not as much as Aku Fulton the outlaw. Thayne stumbled over his words as he pushed Kufu outside. “By all the unholy Aku you have just signed your own death warrant. Father will be proud of me for ending the Fulton Disgraced!”

Kufu swayed as the alcohol affected his senses. He managed a retort, “Sir I ammm not who jou think… THhhhiss Aku is unknown to me my name is Kufu. I was a sailor on the Fulton Pride that is all.” Thayne drew his sword, “Drunk!!! Do you not have an ounce of respect left? No matter this ends here… regardless of what you are calling yourself.”

Kufu stumbled into a stance and drew his sword… it was identical to Thayne’s save the leather Kufu had wound around the hilt covering the Fulton insignias. Thayne advanced and started his attack, position #3. Kufu glided to the left and blocked the blow with a flick of the wrist and for good measure he kicked Thayne in the backside as he passed.

Thayne growled and attacked from position #9. Kufu did not move he merely swayed in his stance. Thayne let out his victory cry as his sword came down on Kufu’s head. The cry became a gulp as Kufu stepped into Thayne and twisted into The swing. Kufu drove his knee straight up into Thayne’s tea bags.

Rage is the only thing that kept Thayne on his feet. Several other members of Thayne’s party were now drawing their swords. They would not let their Captain get disgraced by a drunkard. Before his mates could engage Thayne charged Kufu from position #15… it was an unwise more on Thayne’s part. Kufu waited, the problem with #15 was if you missed you had no time to counter.

Kufu reacted from his drunken sway… he rolled backwards in a rear cartwheel and stabbed up into Thayne’s exposed back. Thayne had missed and the momentum from his swing could not be reversed. Thayne cried out as blood sprayed the air. With the flat of his blade Kufu knocked Thayne unconscious. If Kufu wanted to kill Thayne his head would have landed next to his body… but he did not and the wound in his ribs would only take him from this battle not his life.

Thayne’s mates finally recovered from seeing their Captain fall and charged Kufu in a battle rage. Kufu deflected and parried and struck bone steal and flesh. The company Thayne had kept was no match for Kufu’s skill and it was obvious to the crowd watching, that even outnumbered 12 to 1 they were no match… he simply swayed rolled swayed rolled and laughed the hideous laughter of his drunken state.

Kufu followed the battle almost in third person. He remembered thinking how odd it was that these men would act as foolish as to open their guard for his untrained hand to stick his sword in. Were they trying to die? And why had Thayne let him win… did he really not want Aku dead? He remembered these thoughts more than he remembered his movements.

Kufu swayed and surveyed the crowd for more combatants but it seemed none wanted to engage him. He raised his sword in salute to the fallen and stumbled off down the road.

The crowed broke off in chatter as those that could help the wounded did and the ones who could stomach it dragged the dead to the side of the road. One woman scream out and ran to her almost dead lover… blood still pouring from his mouth he managed a few gasps of air before he went still.

The crowd waited as the ground shook from the mounted patrol now in route to their location. A young lieutenant pulled up his horse and shouted, “Who did this?” the girl who still clenched her dead lover screamed out, “It was Kufu the Drunk, a wanted killer.” The Lieutenant growled, “Which way did he go!” the girl pointed down the road and buried her face in the dead man's chest.

#39 fs_lairz

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 15:24

(OOC no bother man, was considering doing so myself!)

So far there were far too many people hanging around his ship for his liking, and the letter he was trying to read was giving him a headache, never the best reader on the planet, when it was this time of the lunar cycle thinking like a normal man became even more difficult. Even now all he could think about was running around some tundra chasing elk.

He screwed up his eyes and re-read the letter for the tenth time:

“Captain the Norseman of my homeland far to the north have called me home. I will travel a day and return to the waters of flight. My people have not forgotten me the Gnarled Wizard and the red vine welcome you. Gold is the memory of happiness but a shipwright’s wealth comes from his friends. Seek the pin and balance company pay them nothing until the work is complete.”

It was no use, he couldn't work his way out of a dirty limerick right now.

"YENNA!!" he called out from his cabin. Duelly enough the warrior woman reported for duty. He rather pathetically held out the letter to her. With a wry smile she read over the letter.

"Pin and Balance sent the proffesional work crew who replaced that first batch of grease monkeys you hired, looks like they were sent by Kufu. Just as well we kept them."

"Even though they smell of too much soap."

"Not really an adequet reason to dismiss engineers who'd likely do a much better job. Seems he wants us to wait the day until he returns, did us a favour too considering how many "customs" officials were sniffing around. Looks like he could be in the Gnarled Vine Tavern. Captain, I have to ask you now what do you intend to do about this Kufu?"

Lairz looked up at her, he knew how much he relied on her. He'd come to her rescue a long time ago, much as he had done for Kufu with no possible gain for himself, and by her own code of honour she'd stayed with him ever since.

"Honestly I don't know Yenna. He's not and Other, like me and Sai, but he's clearly running from something. I know what you're thinking, that we shoud leave him here, but right now we need crew. Ones that we can trust."

Unlike that damn Jan...

"I know." she said looking down, "I'm just concerned that we might end up with more attention than we need." Lairzs stood up and went to her.

"We owe him. Also he knows his way around Imperial suppliers from the look of that work force out there, that may prove invaluable to us if we are to find what we're looking in the south. Everything will be ok."

For a moment she looked up into his eyes, and he had to remember he was a captain. And that he had made a vow.

"Stay here with the ship, I'm going into town."


By the time Lairz got to the tavern, the air was thick with blood and the guard were all over it.

Kufu you fool, this is the last thing we need....

The watch were searching, but Lairz in his current state picked up the scent easily, and loped off into the city. All the time unaware of the shadowy figure watching him...

#40 fs_kufu

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Posted 30 March 2007 - 00:24

Kufu’s mind wandered along as he stumbled down the road leading back to the docks. He was still confused as to why Thayne and his men would have fought so poorly… why would they want Kufu to win? And Thayne never let Kufu even scratch him in all the years Kufu could remember. Something was just not right.

Kufu could feel his head spin from the alcohol… he should have known better from the last time and stop when he reached his limit. The only problem was he had no idea he had reached his limit until he got up, then it was all too apparent.

Kufu’s mind was still to blurry to concentrate on anything but his current urge to look for a good bush to empty his bladder on. With his back to the road he sighed as he spotted the perfect target. A nice little fir tree just big enough to act as a urinal stood frightened in impending doom.

Kufu adjusted his sword belt and was working at the buckle when his right shoulder burst with heat. Kufu screamed and looked over his shoulder at a crossbow bolt as it quivered in its new home embedded in bone. Kufu swore and spun around.

Standing 15 feet away was a unit of mounted solders several of them were sporting crossbows. Rage filled Kufu and he swayed as he stepped forward. The leader of the unit shouted at Kufu, “Halt you are under arrest for the murder of two Sailors, Cole Finberg and Erik Bringard. You have also been charged with 4 murders and 6 assaults tonight. How say you?” Kufu could not think… the rage and alcohol left no room for thought all he could do was draw his sword and continue stumbling forward.

The Lieutenant shouted for Kufu to halt again and again but he just continued to close the space between them. When he was 10 feet away the Lieutenant released the hold to fire. Bolts were shot at him in an effort to persuade him to stop. When one embedded itself into Kufu’s leg opening the same scar Thayne’s sword left all those years ago he screamed.

A voice at the back of the pack was shouting at the soldiers “Fools don’t kill him or Dothan will have your heads!!!!” Kufu did not understand a word of it. He could only feel the pain and was having a hard enough time standing still.

At 8 feet out the soldiers started to toss ropes over Kufu which he managed to slice before any could set on him.

At 5 feet out ten of the soldiers had dismounted two of them were dragging a net.

Kufu tried to think… why were these men trying to kill him? What had they said? Murder? No that’s not possible Kufu did not remember any of the men a few hours ago dieing… they simply stopped playing…

The two men closest to Kufu engaged him as the other six spread out leaving the two with the net a clear shot at Kufu.

He easily deflected and returned an attack dropping both before they could counter. The clank of steal and the spray of blood drew in the battle lust and Kufu tried to think no more.

He stepped over the downed men and engaged the three on his left. He charged as the net dropped in the spot he had just left. Blood spilled form one man’s bowels and form another’s missing arm. The last man ran before Kufu could strike.

He turned just as the last three attacked. He managed to sway away from one man’s blow but took a painful jab to his short ribs. The chain undershirt bunched enough to stop any fatal damage but it dropped him to his knees.

Kufu stabbed up into the soldier’s stomach and fell back as another bolt struck him in the chest. The net was dropped over him and the lieutenant slapped his horse. As the horse ran the slack in the line attaching the horse to the net ran out and Kufu was dragged along behind it. He bounced and slid until the horse settled a few hundred feet down the road.

The bolts had broken off and Kufu lay there motionless as his body settled in the dust. With a smile on his face he finally had the opportunity to relieve himself. The pain seemed like nothing compared to the joy his bladder was now feeling.

Kufu realized he could not move even if he wanted to… something was holding him down but he could not spend the energy to thing about it. He was still trying to think about why these men were after him…

The men approached and Kufu could hear the man from the back of the pack, “If he dies you will pay. How dare you disobey direct orders! If he dies you will all pay!”

Kufu listened as the Lieutenant responded, “Did you close your eyes or something? This man is wanted for 6 murders. He bested Captain Thayne and 10 of his men… No one attacks a Fulton without retribution for the empire. If he dies you imperial agents will need to find another toy.”
Kufu smiled and blood dripped down his lips and in a raspy voice temporarily damaged by alcohol he whispered, “Thayne Ha... he* The lieutenant looked down and kicked Kufu in the face. Kufu’s world spun and he drifted off to unconsciousness… but not before an image of Lairz coming down the road apeared in the empty space of his mind.

One of the soldiers pointed to Kufu’s sword, the leather had fallen off the handle “Sir, we need to add thief to the charges. Seems he stole Thayne’s sword. That’s the Mark of Fulton.”

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