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A Rambling Drunk

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#41 fs_lairz

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Posted 30 March 2007 - 02:13

The fight was like nothing Lairz had seen before, when Kufu moved it was almost hypnotic, the blade seemed to swim in the air. As he drew closer he undid the greatsword slung on his back. One charge from behind, that would confuse them, that would buy them the time they needed. Don't think, just do. He could feel his canines ache...

“Sir, we need to add thief to the charges. Seems he stole Thayne’s sword. That’s the Mark of Fulton.” one of the soldiers had just said when behind them blood gushed up in the air.

Lairz, made all the more savage as the wereblood grew stonger this close to the full moon had cut the face clean off one of the soldiers behind before continuing his charge into one of the mounted men. The ranks spread apart in noise and dissarray as Lairz growled. The greatsword carried by inertia swung round and Lairz lashed out with his back foot slamming another man in the breast plate, launching him backward.

"To your feet Kufu!" he roared, a crossbow bolt sailed for Lairz's head, he stretched out his hand and let it imbed itself in his palm, he barely felt it. "To arms!"

He might have done it, it might have worked, had Kufu still been on his feet, had Lairz been a bit quicker. The men were spooked, but just then five more charged from out of no-where, black cloaks that had up until now rendered them invisible. Imperial Enforcers all, who'd hid invisible at the Tavern and just then caught up. Lairz was swiftly brought down, these one's didn't even try and take him alive, their knives cutting deep enough to kill a normal man. As pain caught up with him and darkness decended, he heard their voices.

"W-Where the-?"

"Do not fear Lieutenant, the inner council is taking over responsibility for these two... subjects."

"They killed five of my men!"

"You will escort us to the Forbidden Palace, that is your duty."


When the world returned to Lairz, he sat was slouched forward on a stone floor. He'd been stripped of all his clothes, wounds criss-crossed his body. His vision blurred, but he could tell he was in a cell, he head ached more than anything he could remember and he was chained up tightly.

However, he quickly realised that all those chains were completely unnessesary, for someone had placed a simple hoop of silver around his neck. That tiny, thin peice of jewelry left him weaker than a puppy and barely able to breath. He'd no more be able to break from knots of thread than steel with that horrible, icey hot metal burning into his soul.

His vision cleared slightly, but would remain imperfect so long as he was bound so, but he quickly realised he was not alone.

"Silver, see? They listened to me this time." a familer voice said. Lairz felt hatred he barely thought himself capable of.

"Jan." he said, followed by a deep curse black enough to make paint strip.

"Ho ho ho, captain, better watch that tongue of yours siiir, you're now talking to an officer of the law."

Lairz spat.

"And which fish-gut service would hire a piece of kaarle like you Jan?"

Jan stepped closer into the light shining from the bars behind Lairz's hear, so he could see the other man's grey and brown uniform.

""For services to the Black Hands and the Secretary of the Inner coucil of the Empire, Janik Fangher is hereby awarded the rank of 3rd Colligate Registar""

"So basicly you get to clean the Black Hands privvies huh? How you have risen!"

The blow across Lairz's face ached, impossible swore, as if he had been kicked by a mule. Damn silver.

"Hush doggy. You don't get to talk like that to me, or anyone any more. No more sailing either, we've got your ship... and your daughter."

Lairz froze, then lunged forward with all his strength and tried to snap Jan's neck. But the silver held him, he managed to extend his arms for a few seconds before they fell down limp, as if they'd been made of lead.

"No use captain, you're going to rot in here until someone can be bothered to hang you. Werewolves are forbidden in Imperial cities, you know that. And to make things worse for yourself you had to aid in the escape of an Imperial fugitive. A fatal error indeed.... sir."

Jan turned and left, and Lairz felt an improbable dispair. What had he done? Many thoughts ran through his head, mistakes he'd made, gambles he'd taken. But more than any of that, the image of his daughters face rose up in his mind. After all he'd done he barely cared about himself any more, but what would happen to her? He'd failed her.


#42 fs_kufu

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Posted 30 March 2007 - 04:19

Kufu woke up to silk sheets. The air was warm and he could smell fresh Blood Blooms. His entire body ached and when he tried to move a soft female voice said, “Lay still my sweet you are safe now.”

Kufu’s head pounded and he had to squint his eyes when he said her name, “Kristine…” Kufu’s heart sank jail he could face and this was something entirely worst.

He looked around the room. It was lavishly decorated and the architecture was phenomenal. The bedroom had arched windows that looked out onto the valley below and there was no mistaking where he was… he was in the forbidden place the home of the imperial council and the headquarters of its enforcers.

Kufu was in trouble… “Now Aku, it’s been years tell me all about it.” Kufu looked at Kristine and said, “Your mother is a whore and your father is corrupt, like I said last time and you are both. Do you really want to know?”

Kufu hated this woman, she had fallen in love with him about five years ago and systematical killed every girl who showed interest in him. The girl was insane… after she poisoned his mother Kufu was accused of deflowering her and their fathers were forcing them to marry. The only reason he escaped that fate was the true culprit was trying to use her to move up in life and protested. He mysteriously died after dinner that night.

No he needed to think. Kristine smiled and said, “Hush Aku that’s water under the bridge, uncle Dothan brought you here but it is our fate that really delivered you. Now rest your wounds are extensive.” With that she turned and left.

Kufu thought about his situation… his wounds were tended but he could never trust this place. Too many people here had tongues he would not live long here.

Kufu woke a few hours later feeling infinitely better. Kristine was sitting in a chair by his side… he would need to play along to get out of here. In a light voice he called to here, “Kristine… I’m feeling much better. Would you care for a walk?”

Kristine immediately beamed “Yes, Yes… I’ll get you some cloths.”

She returned in a few moments and watched Kufu dress. He shuddered at the thought of being nice to this girl. She was beautiful but Kufu would never forgive her.

Even at home he did not have cloths as fine as these the only thing missing was his sword. He made idle chit chat with her as his brain soaked in the surroundings. It noticed which passages led down and which ones led out. It counted the doors with guards and it found the walls that were not walls.

He followed along with Kristine as his mind ran different escape attempts. In one corridor his mind screamed at him and he focused on an imperial agent. He spoke aloud and Kristine stopped, “Who’s Jan?”

Kufu growled and drew his sword. Jan laughed at him and in a sneering voice he said, “Kufu… seems you don’t have your sword on you. Grand Inquisitor Dothan should have locked you away with that dog of a captain. I’d like to see you rot under my feet.”

Kufu stopped and Kristine shooed Jan away. In a cherry voice she added, “Don’t mind him he’s just a little man who spent too much time playing in the dungeon.

Kufu's mind reeled over everything and he finally said, “Which dungeon?” Kristine answered as if he asked directions to the park, “oh it’s at the end of the hall past the temple wing. Would you like me to show you?”

Kufu nodded and she walked him into the dungeon. They arrived to Lairz’s cell just in time to hear Jan say, "No use captain, you're going to rot in here until someone can be bothered to hang you. Werewolves are forbidden in Imperial cities, you know that. And to make things worse for yourself you had to aid in the escape of an Imperial fugitive. A fatal error indeed.... sir."

#43 fs_lairz

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Posted 01 April 2007 - 15:19

(OOC: glad you're enjoying it!)

An intake of breath made Lairz look up again, there were two people looking though the bars of his cell, but he didn't recognise them. Even when the door opened it took some time to recognise the two, wealthy merchants or nobles definatly, the man on the right looked....


"Whaa the...?" then he sneered in disgust, he'd been beaten, stabbed, everything he held dear had been taken away, and here was the man he'd risked everything for dressed in silks like a court dandy with some duchess on his arm. He could smell her disgust. His teeth were bared.

"By the gods Aku, look at the size of that barbarian! Looks barely human." Kristine said, as if she'd discovered a new and particularly vile creature lopping in its cage at a zoo.

"Look at you. Don't you look the little prince?" Should've guessed, Aku.... Kufu indeed! "How even the hand of imperial justice."

Kristine narrowed her eyes.

"And what would you know Vandal?" she said, "Everyone knows your kind eat the flesh of soldiers you've captured.". Apon hearing this Lairz turned two yellow eyes to the man he had thought was called Kufu.

"Only sometimes Duchess, in the case of traitors." as the two men's eye met, the silence was broken by Kristines high manic laughter.

"Haha! Did you hear that Aku! He admitted it! Cannibalism! Oh just you wait till I tell Kitty, she know someone who's actually hired a northerin nanny for her child. I better warn her incase the beast tried to eat the babe as a midnight snack!"

At that moment Lairz would have given anything to go over and slap that woman across her perfectly powdered face. He didn't notice the expression on Aku's face with suggested that he wanted to do the same.

"Leave me. I grow tired of seeing the faces of aristocrats."

#44 fs_kufu

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Posted 02 April 2007 - 04:24

Kufu barked a laugh and said, “Don’t presume to know me DOG. You speak to Aku Fulton the 5th not this pirate Kufu.”

Kufu turned a smile to Kristine and said in the sweetest voice he could find, “you know it’s not the northerners who eat their captives it’s the dog pirates… something about being out to sea to long… don’t bother your fiend’s nurse or it will seem that you are too weak and frail… afraid of what others have accepted.”

Kufu was glad he was already smiling… because the look of distain she had on her face would have cracked a smile from anyone. She hated to let people think she was weak… it would not surprise Kufu if she hired a northerner for a nurse the next day to prove it.

Kufu turned back to Lairz and said, “Love look at what this dog is wearing… a silver necklaces… as if he was of royal birth or something.”

Kristine narrowed he eyes and spoke with outrage, “How dare you act as if you have honor… silver is a sign of royalty take it off at once!” When Lairz did not respond Kristine sucked in air to call the guards, but the only thing that got out was GU…

Kufu planted a kiss on Kristine in mid scream… it was a long passionate kiss that made her go limp in his arms. Kufu had to unclench his fists to catcher.

In a soft lazy voice directed at her neck he said, “Don’t bother the guards they are preparing for tomorrows ball and are short staffed. Be a dear and lend me your dagger, I’ll get the necklaces of his worthless hide.”

Kristine inhaled for the first time and slid Kufu her dagger. He kissed her neck several times before releasing her. Kufu turned to Lairz and in a harsh low voice said, “Vermin… this belongs on one far fairer and less hairy than you. Now come here or I’ll remove it from your dead body.”

After a moments hesitation Lairz approached the bars. Kristine drew in her breath and looked away. Kufu reached in with both hands and cut the delicate silver link without allowing the silver to retouch Lairz’s body.

It was done quickly and in the same harsh tones Kufu turned to Kristine and said, “Remember your place in this world.” She tried to look at Lairz but Kufu once again kissed her until she faltered in her stance.

As they walked down the line of cells Kufu spoke in a soft voice meant for her… and others who might have a heightened sense of hearing, “My love we must be off to prepare for tonight’s council. Your uncle Dothan has yet to speak of why I am here… do you have a dress for the ball? Everyone will be there and how often do you get to show off in front of the entire palace? Well except for the poor useless guards who pull the shifts no one of use wants…”

When they reached her room she asked for her dagger Kufu smiled at her and said, “love that thing touched a pirate… no you need not worry. I’ll get you a new one with my signet on it.” Kristine beamed a smile brighter than the sun. Kufu had to turn to the door to hide his disgust, he said a good bye from over his shoulder and walked out to get ready for the council.

#45 fs_kufu

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 23:10

Kufu arrived to his room and made use of the bath someone had so kindly prepared for him. The water was scented with blood blossoms and Kufu could not help but think how his father would protest to such profanities.

The thought only made Kufu relish the moment more… he would never provide himself this luxury. His family’s outlook on life was simple and functional all the other stuff was just fluff. Inside he could feel the truth of this. Tonight would be a night full of meetings with people putting on as many faces as there were topics. He no doubt would be wearing just as many.

After the bath Kufu put on the clothes provided him. Someone had gone through great lengths to use his family’s colors and signet when designing his outfit. The tunic was yellow with a single green palm on the chest edged in silver. A short vest was also provided in the same emerald color which highlighted the yellow palm embroidered on the back. Solid black leathers with beveled padded knees and black calve high boots finished his ensemble.

His sword was also returned with a new belt and scabbard made of ornate palms with green emeralds mimicking the ones on the hilt of his sword. On closer inspection the gems appeared to be glass and lacked the depth and reflective color his sword sported.

All in all he was about to be the best dressed Fulton the world has ever seen. He was raised from birth to hold the spotlight of his name… so the image he now portrayed bothered him not at all.

A day ago he was covered in blood and his life expectancy seemed dim, today however he was alive and cleaned like the sacrificial lamb with the same dim outlook. Kufu mumbled to himself, “What was Dothan up to? I feel like I’m the leader in a dog and pony show…" with agrin he added, " well lets given them what they are looking for.”

Determined to find out once and for all what he was in for he left his room and headed to the grand chambers to face the council.

#46 fs_dragonboi

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 00:34

do u have no life at all? who would set at the computer for that long to write sumthin no1s gunna read?

wtf is ur problem.sum1 is nice enough to entertain the "staminaless"and u have to insult him!!!!! if i was close to ur lvl i would have pwnd u :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

#47 fs_kufu

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 00:54

Ha I never thought of it like that "the staminaless"… that’s great thanks for the laugh!

#48 fs_dragonboi

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 01:41

Ha I never thought of it like that "the staminaless"… that’s great thanks for the laugh!

no prob.tnx for the story.

#49 fs_lairz

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 12:42

It was already night, the lights from the city bellow couldn't quite mask the brilliance of the stars and the moon shining above the grand arches of the Forbidden Palace of Laulau. Yellow torches burnt around the extremities, and blue crystals glowed etherial light around the main arches.

Coaches full of guests were pulling up outside the main gates, the doors being opened by Imperial Footmen and Guardsmen. The guests? Local aristocracy, civil administrators and the great grain merchants of the outlying regions. It was time for the first Inner council meeting of the grain season, and the negotiations of how much grain was to be taxed this year needed to be negotiated.

3rd Colligate Registar Fangher was drinking it all in, as he swaggered about the incoming guests. He may only be the lowest rank in the Black Hand, but that put him above the rank of Captain for the guards man, clearly the vain man was loving every minute of it.

Yenna, looking down at the scene wished she could shoot the traitor then and there from the rooftop she was hiding on, but far too many people would see. She'd managed to hide herself when the division of the Black Hand impounded the ship, powerless to anything but watch as they took Sai, but now here she was looking down at their nest. The seat of Imperial Power in this region.

Soon Jan, soon. You will pay.....

Leaping from rooftop to rooftop, she looked for a way in, rubbing the wound in her side. The alchemist she'd paid had done a reasonable job, but she would be unable to rest as he's recommended. Finally she came to the servants door, and waited for her chance.


Like a sickness he was trying to keep at bay, Lairz tried to syphon some of his werestrength into his arms. It was almost impossible, to allow himself to become strong enough to break the chains but to halt the tranformation.

He'd waited long enough he thought, the guard were stretched waiting for the ball, Kufu had been true to his word, the houseguards were useless. Most of them were gawking at the guests arriving or looking for food to steal, he could hear them and smell the food they were after even from down here in the gaol.

His arms bulged one last time before the chains were torn from the wall and Lairz could stand. The lock on the door was torn off easily, but he did it as slowly as possible to avoid making a noise.

He padded as quietly as he could, there were few patrols but enough to keep an eye out. They'd notice he was gone. On the right he realised there was the store room.

"Now lets see if any of this armour fits me...."

There was only a sliver of light in the room so pulling leather underbreaches on was difficult, as was trying to cover himself with chainmail and plate. Suddenly there was a noise and the door was opened by a cleaner who wandered in with a mop and bucket. They stared at each other in suprise, Lairz semi-naked and frankley astonished he didn't hear him coming, and the young man even more so to see a naked Vandal there in the dark.

"Sorry about this kid." Lairz said flatly before grabbing the kid by his lapel and hitting him over the head. Lairz checked him, he was alive.


In a few minutes, Lairz's cell was full again, with a naked man with a hood over his head. And the palace guard had a new tall masked guardsman wandering about, trying not to look lost.

#50 fs_lairz

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 19:21

The large livered coach of the Rakenin family rolled up the Imperial Prospect, inside Maximillian and Roxanna Almet-Rakenin and their three daughters lolled about comfortably inside in the springed suspension vehicle. The youngest daughter, Felsin looked out of the coach window. To her revulsion she saw a trampled peasant dead on the road, victim of the big heavy wagons, she quickly closed the curtain to listen to the conversation happening inside.

"... look is the Emperor's son going to be there or not?" her older sister Aisling moaned at her mother.

"I told you my dear, it's he Emperor's brother's son, Hein. But he's too young for you, only 12. A good age for Felsin though."

Felsin's older sister shot her evils, but she could only cringe and look away. Who'd want to be betrothed to a kid? Gross. Besides, Colonel DeBrant would be there tonight....

"Now now my dear, Felsin is only 17, we've plenty time to find her a husband." her father interjected, sending her a wink.

"Huh." Her mother said, "Don't want to leave it too late and let her loose her youthfull alure like we did with Aisling"

Felsin laughed into her hands at the expression that went over Aisling's face. True she was now 23 but it was more her nose that had been the fault of the lack of offers. Felsin looked over to her eldest sister, Lara. no problem with a nose there. No problem with any part of her perfect face. 24 but persued her entire life, now to be betrothed to a Fulton none the less. The beautiful had it easy, she thought to herself.

Had anyone at that time commented that Felsin herself was infact more lovely even than her sister she probably wouldn't have believed them.

"Come now mother, suitors come in their own time. Lets just have fun tonight shall we?" Lara said gracefully as the coach pulled up to the palace.


The door was opened by a palace footman, her parents went out first, then the daughters in order of age. There were guards and Black Hand officers hanging around, as well as a few court pompinjays welcoming the land owning families and grain traders.

It had been years since Felsin had been anywhere near the capital, she looked around at the palace, it was even bigger than she remembered. She realised a lank haired Black Hand officer was learing at her, she frowned crossly then walked on with her family into the palace.

Despicable that they let commoners become officers these days!

The Main Arch opened up into another courtyard, full of guests, servant and entertainers. Her eye was caught by some fire jugglers, actually using magiks to toss about bulbs of raw flame. Behind them the majestic courtyard openend up and climbed to marbled pillars, surrounding the truely breathtaking sight of the Forbidden Palace. Ever window was lit, and she could already see the ball-room from here.

I wonder where Colonel DeBrant is...

Her heart fluttered at the thought. The man was truely beautiful, and had that rugged charm that reminded her of her eldest brother who'd gone of to fight in the south. She missed him terribly, they always used to spar when he was on the estate, him teaching his favorate baby sister fencing as a game.

But I'm not a baby anymore, she thought, I'm a grown woman, one who's hiding a secret love note that was sent to her...Yes, it must've been DeBrant who sent it!!

This and a handful of other pleasant thoughts went through her and the other guests heads as they went towards a night of aristocratic extravagence. Innocent to the fate that awaited the vast majority of the them.....

#51 fs_kufu

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Posted 06 April 2007 - 06:46

Aku approached the doors and two imperial guards opened them. These were the doors the residents of the palaces used when they did not want a large fan fair, all that nonsense would be going on at the doors opening to the main square.

Aku could hear the blare of trumpets from the other end of the vast hall. Some notable was entering and the majority of the crowd was looking in that direction. A servant approached holding a tray of drinks. Aku waved him off and strode up on to the dais. The majority of the Council was in attendance and the High Marshal Jordon Fulton stood at the head of the table.

It had slipped Aku’s mind that his brother had been promoted to High Marshal 2 years ago. Dothan stood and spoke to the council, “This is my guest Aku Fulton the IV. He is here at my request for matters which we will discuss in Ledger number 11.” Dothan motioned his hand to the seat next to him.

The High Marshal slammed his mug on the table and demanded Aku Fulton leave the dais. Dothan cleared his throat and said, “Sir he is my guest… do you wish to break the rules that govern us by betraying the laws of this council?”

Jordon glared at Dothan… and sat down. When all at the table were seated the High Marshal tapped his scepter and addressed the audience. “We your chosen representatives sit here in governance and in the time of the harvest we…. Drone… on and on”

Aku stopped listening to Jordon and the formalities of an event than had lived long past its usefulness. Not one person in the audience was paying one smitten of attention to what was happening on the dais. The Ball was a celebration of this empire’s rule and the council meeting was the one chance a year for the public to intercede in the affairs of the court…

Somewhere along the way it turned into an excuse to keep having this gala event. Not even the emperor who once stood at the head of the table participated in the council meeting… he arrived for the party only now like the rest of the society.

It occurred to Kufu that his brother Jordon was taken in by the notion that the meeting still mattered. Jordon droned on like everyone was cheering him on and on. When he finally sat down half the table had fallen asleep but he did not even seem to notice.

Aku smiled to himself as he said softly, “and people think I’m the one who went astray.” Dothan nodded and addressed the council, “With ledger 567 and 2324 complete I would like to revisit ledger 11. I know we discussed this last year and could not find a solution but a new year brings new answers.

We are still short a councilor, poor Tipfen died without any heirs and his seat was hereditary. Arguments have been made for families across the realm but we always split. I believe I have the answer right here next to me. Aku Fulton is my nominee for the vacant seat.”

Aku was stunned he had no idea what Dothan was up to and could not see any way for him to gain from this. It was possible that Dothan would try to leverage Aku if he was granted the seat but the chances were too high… he had to be missing something. It did not matter anyways… Aku stood to speak and thank Dothan for the nomination but he would have to decline when Jordon cut him off.

In tones only to be called rage Jordon spat a string of curses at Aku. “NO way in hell will I allow this… He is not a Fulton anymore and more he is suspect in a murder and if I’m not mistaken there is a bounty on his head… this … this disgrace will never wear imperial robes! EVER!” Dothan added to the flurry with, “the bounty is mute… his own family has taken it out and with what proof? Its more a mystery as to why the officials have not made an inquiry yet… Oh right you own the officials.”

Aku stood and shouted, “ENOUGH!!! Look at you Jordon you spoiled yourself with false ideals… what happened to you. You speak as though you forgot who you represent. The disgrace here is you… have you looked in the merrier. I might not be in my father’s household but at least I still have honor. If mom could see you now parading around like a fool she would turn her back. ”

And that was the straw that broke the camels back. Jordon drew his sword and called Aku an over dressed puppet. Nature reacted and Aku sword was already in the air. Dothan sat back in his chair and smiled. Aku froze in place the place was deadly quiet and everyone was looking at the dais… a feet not seen in over 50 years.

Several people in the crowed started repeating the profanities that were said between brothers and he distinctly heard versions with I’ll kill you and you’re dead in them. Jordon reacted in the same manner, he quickly sheathed his sword and sat down. Aku looked out over the hushed crowd and shook his head… he had taken the bate.

Well ,he was done. Instead of returning to his seat he left the dais and grabbed the first drinks that passed him. People were pointing and whispering about the accusations and several opportunists tried to chat him up. He bumped into several ladies and lords he knew and made small talk… everyone seemed to like his outfit especially the girls.

He saw several more faces he knew as he wandered about... grabbing drinks from each try that passed by.

#52 fs_lairz

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Posted 07 April 2007 - 14:12

(OOC: cheers! Glad people are enjoying it!)

The crowd was momentarily silenced after the outburst on the dias, but soon the musicians started playing again and conversation continued. Felisn was near her family who were fretting over their eldest daughter who was trying to catch her fiance's eye. He seemed in a dark mood and withdrawn.

"Look, there goes that Aku Fulton!" Felsin's mother titilated merrily enjoying the scandal, as the younger Fulton charged past grabbing a glass of sherry and downing it in one before reaching for something else. "His mother must be so ashamed!"

Felsin rolled her eyes and broke away from then, momentarily watching the back of the angry young noble dissappear into the wealthy crowd. Of course she'd heard about the black sheep of that grand family, no doubt the incident on the dias would be the topic of conversation for much of the ball. She wasn't in the slight bit interested though, she was looking around for DeBrant...

"Ah Felsin!" she turned around but unfortunately it was just Helmut, the Loxer's middle son dressed in a purple valure mock military uniform that would have been about as much use on a battlefield as a woolen sword. "There you are, ah, quite a c-c-c-cufule eh?" the awkward young man stammered. Felsin barely paid any him any attention, where was that colonel?

"Yes quite," she said absentmindedly ignoring the attentions of the ernest young man.

"A-a-a-also can I also say you're looking especially lovely tonight."

"Have you seen Colonel DeBrant anywhere by any chance?" she asked, Helmut looked quite suprised.

"D-d-d-d-DeBrant? I think he was in the Bute Hall." he said slightly crestfallen. Felsin's face lit up immediatly.

"Really? Oh I'm terribly sorry Helmut, I really must dash. It was ever so lovely to see you though!" she said sweetly before departing. The Young nobleman looked on in despair at the beautiful young woman walking away.

"See you later... maybe... " he mumbled.


But Felsin didn't hear, she had gone to the end of the hall where many local dignitries and land owners were milling about, their grand tailcoats taping to the ground and the ladies long evening gowns spilled down the red carpeted stair. Where on earth was the Bute Hall? A very tall ebony-skinned servant walked near holding a tray of sherry, looking around with searching eyes.

"Excuse me servant, would you perchance tell me the way to the Bute Hall ?" Felsin asked, but the other woman ignored her, searching around the crowd like a tiger hunting.

"I asked you a question Amazon!" Felsin said, very almost stamping her foot on the ground. The other woman blinked and looked down.

"I'm terribly sorry my dear, ask one of the house guards." she said before she wandered off into the crowd. Felsin sniffed and walked down the stairs and came across a giant guard wobbling about in armour standing by an arch.

"Excuse me-" she started.

"Lairz wasn't scratching!" the suit of armor barked.

Felsin's face went blank.

"Oookay, I really didn't need to know that. But do you know the way... " she said, but despite the face plate she could tell the big man had the look of a hunted animal in his eyes.



3rd Colligate Registar Jannik Fangher was getting excited. In a way he was sad to be out of his new uniform already, pulling on the purple metallic armour that the southern warriors traditionally wore. Looking out of a attic window, him and the division of Black Hand Enforcers were getting changed and joining the ranks of other enforcers already present.

Down below the party guest were milling around, selected families invited due to their closeness to the imperial house. A poor choice of allegiance it would seem.

"Listen up brothers, this is the last time I will say this." The 1st Rank Colligate Captate, the highest ranking Enforcer in the large room said to the three dozen odd disguised Enforcers in the room. "Don't kill all the guests, we need some witnesses. If anyone recognises you kill them immediatly, even if they are millitary. The houseguards must all die, and Magiks are restricted to 1st Rank Colligate Registars and above only."

Jan scrunched his face up. Not that he'd learnt any magiks yet, but he had been assigned a Rune which he kept in his breast pocket. He was supposed leave it behind incase he fell and later investigators recognised it as a piece of Imperial Craft, but there was no way he wasn't going to try it out tonight.

"And what is our cry tonight brothers?!" his captain shouted

"for the Resistance! for the Great Aku Fulton!"" Jannik bellowed with everyone else. He couldn't help but smile under his death mask. Once again he looked out the window, a very lovely young nobless just ran along the courtyard. Jannik caught a glimpse of soft white ankle and saw the shape of her rear under her silken dress.

Surely they would have time for a little fun aswell as killing surely? His hands became sweaty with excitement under black leather gloves.


#53 fs_kufu

  • Guests

Posted 07 April 2007 - 23:12

(OOC: Thank you everyone for the positive feed back its nice to know its not being dumped into a black hole.)

Aku was now pleasantly drunk. He soaked in the noise around him and smiled when people talked about him. He knew most of the families represented and was sure he would never stop hearing gossip about his very Un-Fulton like attitude.

Aku bumped into someone… he muttered an apology and continued on only to bump into the same man. Aku stopped and looked at him and said, “S’any reASon yoU’re tying to Dance wit meee?”

The man grinned and pointed to the dais, “Well I thought you might want to see this.”

Aku turned and saw his brother Jordon standing proper at the head of the table… he was watching over the proceedings with his arms crossed. Aku was about scold the man for wasting his time when he saw Dothan approach behind Jordon.

Dothan looked directly at Aku and nodded. Before Aku could even contemplate what the nod was for Jordon screamed his last breath with Jordon’s own sword sticking out of the center of his chest he fell back dead on the table.

The same man that had bumped into Aku started to shout, “Oh my God Aku Fulton has just killed his own brother in cold blood!” Aku pushed the man to the ground and protested, “That’s a lie it was Dothan… how could I be in two places at once?”

It was already too late… the blame had already been cast and the same phrase was being shouted all over the room. If Aku had not been so drunk he would have noticed that the natural distortion of language was missing… instead of different accusations… they were all exactly the same

“Oh my God Aku Fulton has just killed his own brother in cold blood!”, “Oh my God Aku Fulton has just killed his own brother in cold blood!”, “Oh my God Aku Fulton has just killed his own brother in cold blood!”, “Oh my God Aku Fulton has just killed his own brother in cold blood!”

Something was very wrong… and even in his drunken state he knew it was time to leave. He located the first exit and started stumbling to it.

#54 fs_lairz

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Posted 09 April 2007 - 01:58

The 1st Rank Colligate Captate looked down at the ball room and saw the sword drive home, soon Black Hand agent strung throughout the palace started signalling to each other.

"Let chaos reign." he murmered with a smile, as munitions placed at the main entrances and exits detonated violently, making the entire palace shake. He drew his curved sword and as a man his disguised troop did this same.

"Go go go!" he shouted and the men started pouring down the stairs into the palace below, which was already filling with screams.

Jan grinned with glee underneath his death mask as he charged round a corner, immediatly he saw an elderly porter in the darkened hall ahead of him staring at the charge in terror. Without breaking his stride Jan struck him down and turned the corner. This lamps were burning here, and ahead were two noble's wandering around looking confused

"Who-what..?" the man stammered but within moment the Black Hand were on them, Jan hacked into the man, and the woman fell victim to the Captate's blade.

The squad carried on, Jan looked down into the courtyard bellow, the incursion was going perfectly, screams and clashed of metal filled the air, and as nobles fell left right and center it please Jannik to see that blue blood ran as red as any man's.


Felsin was lost, she had to admit it. None of the cloth-brained servants seemed to know anything tonight, though one of them must have thought it terribly funny to send her off in the direction of the giant tiled laundry room where she was standing in the dark.

"Terrific. Just fanta-" she was just saying to herself as the entire palace shook, and the muffled blast of explosive above her was followed by dust falling from the ceiling.

She was felling very scared now, where was everyone down here any way? Involuntarily she backed into a large covered lined hamper, which rocked as she bumped into it. Something scraped past her hand, and she looked down horrified to realised it was the cold dead hand of a dead body.

She screamed as she jumped away accidentally knocking over another large hamper which with sickening inevitability spilled out it load of half a dozen dark-skinned southmen, all gazing up blankly at her glossy eyed like gutted fish. The entire floor was filled with the cold dead bodies of warriors from the south, hidden under white sheets.

Scrambling to her feet she ran from the Laundry room, only to find another hell opening up infront of her as bad as the one she left. The air was filled with crashes and screams of men and women, and as she turned the corner she saw the horrifing sight of three powerfully built masked men butchering a family of nobles. They were dressed in the same purple as the dead downstairs, hacking at an aged couple. Suddenly from the left a group of rusty armoured houseguard charged in and engaged them, Felisin ran from the battle into the courtyard where she collided with another man dressed in purple.

"Well well well, it must be my luckly day!" the man said malevolently, eyeing her up, not sounding the least bit like a southman. He then went stiff as a fencing sabre pierced through his brest plate. An aged, grey-hared general in a ceramonial uniform stepped aroung his body. It was Leighworth DeBrant, Colonel Leo DeBrant's grandfather.

"Attend m'lady Rekenin, and arm thyself, for they seem intent on killing everyone." the suprisingly lithe old man said as he turned about, walking calmly to where another purple dressed man had emerged from a doorway.

"But what's going on?" Felsin begged, tears on her face. Looking around any where for some sign of order. Everywhere on the court yard the slaughter continued, the few guests like the aged DeBrant that were armed were fighing back as best they could as were the houseguards, but the attackers were too numerous, and far too well trained. In a daze she saw across the great square a tiny plump old alchemist, probably a scholar from the university roll up his sleeves and fling a curse at a pair of attackers. One was vapourised instantly, but his parter must have known some craft, because he survived the assult and responded with a powerful counter-curse which severed the round acedemic's head clean off.

"Unfair." she murmered. To her right she saw the much larger and stronger assailant make a deep cut along General DeBrant's side, but in doing so left himself open to a lighting fast jab from the crafty older man. The man in purple, fell, but she could see the elder man stagger.

"Huh" he grunted as Felsin ran over, "Getting... too... old..." he fell to his knees.

"No!" Felsin screamed as blood ran out from under his uniform, "You've got to live, you can't leave me here!" But the old man went still and dropped his sabre. For a moment she held him ignoring the chaos around her. She then noticed that the large purple dressed man General DeBrant had been fighting was getting up.

Her eye's hardened as she picked the DeBrant's sabre up and strode over to the other man who was not yet on his knees. Mercilesslly she thrust her blade into his neck, noticing slightly dream-like how easily the blade sunk as the other man sighed and fell back down.

"Sections Ballroom to point C clear!" she heard from not far away someone shout.

Ballroom? No! Mother and Father!!!!

Without thinking she ran up the nearest stairs.

#55 fs_kufu

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Posted 11 April 2007 - 01:07

Aku swayed as an explosion erupted somewhere in front of him. He stopped confused and looked for the exit… mumbling he said to himself, “It was just there, where in the hell did it go?”

The entire place shook in an after shock and people were screaming and scrambling in all directions. Aku drew his sword and spun around almost knocking himself over. People were pushing past him with terror in their eyes and not one of them seemed to notice he was there.

Aku tried to ask a few of the people rushing past him but none of them were interested in stopping. His confusion ended at the end of a sword. His mind was in shock but his body moved before the man could run him through. It was an imperial soldier… he barely had time to ponder this new death when he had to defend against another attack.

Aku was swaying between swords as they feel at his feet when his opponents died. It seemed like an endless wave of imperial soldiers. Aku managed a few seconds to scan the room. There were masses of dead guests on the floor and several knots of purple dressed soldiers.

Some of the cloudiness around his brain lifted as the alcohol wore off. He turned his attention back to the men engaging him. There were still 15 crowded into the corner of the ball room with him.

Aku let his natural skill guide his arm to find the weakness in each attack… it was like no dance he had ever done. Blood had thoroughly soaked his yellow tunic and his green vest had been ripped off by one of the dieing men.

Sweat dripped in his eyes and he wiped it with his sleeve… the blood form the gash on his face blended into the blood on his sleeve so Aku never even noticed the last man’s near kill. Aku kicked the man off his sword and advanced on the 3 remaining soldiers.

Aku scanned the area and saw a troop who had finished their work in another corner advancing to his location… in a growl he said, “I don’t think they will get here in time to save you.”

The 3 men stepped backwards as he advanced but Aku lunged into the center man spearing him with the tip of his sword. With the same momentum Aku kicked the legs out of the man on the right and finished his swing through the first man’s chest into the head of the man on the left.

With the last part of the swing Aku brought his sword down on the man lying on the ground with a deadening “thunk” he ended the song. His body quivered a bit when he straitened up to face the new threat. The soldiers were still 40 feet away…

Aku got a good look at the imperial soldiers… they were members of the Black Hand. Aku Swore aloud and cursed the oncoming horde. He had seen several of these men earlier that day. Aku flexed and stretched his sword arm in preparation for the next wave.

He had thought about running but he was trapped in the corner… he had missed his opportunity. Aku shifted his head from side to side and took a fighting stance. 2 members of the Black Hand charged in front of the advancing pack.

His mind started to count the enemy and it started to scan the walls and floor. All the stair exits were collapsed… probably explosives… the main doors were a dead field and there were three more active troops like the one advancing on him…

The faster man reached him first and Aku slide the man’s guard aside and dropped him. The second man skidded to a halt and approached much slower. When he attacked Aku blocked and countered with his own attack. The man deflected Aku’s swing and returned one into Aku’s midsection. Aku doubled over on the man’s sword and used his scale mail to rip it from the man’s grip.

Blood sprayed from Aku’s midsection and he dropped his sword onto the man’s head cleaving it in two.

Aku held the gash to his midsection with his left hand and prepared for what looked like the end.

When the men were in range 4 people came up from behind Aku. One of the men yelled, “We have cleared a hole big enough to escape… Quick get going we can hold them for a minute were the last 5 to go.”

Aku blinked… he had not even noticed the ball guest working frantically to clear the way behind him. Aku nodded and scrambled through the hole and only one man came after him before purple uniforms started to reach in.

Several of the women were throwing stone at them as the bunch of men already inside started hacking off body parts as they appeared through the hole. Aku limped up a few stairs and looked about.

8 men 13 women and 10 children littered the stairs. Aku was fully sober now and his brain was working over time. In a loud voice he said, “Right if we stay here we die… fill the hole with debris and let’s get out of here. Anyone know the layout of the palace? If I’m not mistaken these stairs drop us at the main foray”

One of the women ripped the hem of her gown and spoke, “Aku Fulton… I’m sorry I thought you killed the High Marshal… and that these men were acting on your orders… it all happened so fast… I’m ashamed.

I thought we were all going to die… the stairs were blocked and most of us were without swords. When I saw you approaching my heart filled with despair. I still can’t believe the way you moved… it was like the breeze blowing through a field of cattails…

Even though I thought we were about to die something about the way you stood in defiance of death gave us hope and we started digging…”

One of the men spoke, “Myra please… can we go?” Myra looked at the man and said, “He needs mending before he bleeds to death.” The man shook his head and added, “Well please hurry then.”

Aku thanked Myra for the bandages and sent 2 men up ahead and left two by the hole with instructions to follow in 5 minutes. Aku took the stairs two at atime and thought to himself, "this i've trained for"

#56 fs_lairz

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 01:18

The stairs that led up to the ball room were hidden under a ton of debris, Felsin looked around in panic for another way up. Dead bodies were strewn everywhere. Tears running unbidden down her face, she scrambled over them and ran down an annex to the west wing that she prayed would lead to another stairwell but ran straight into a battle.

Two fighters, the one huge and dressed in full rustry houseguard armor, the other a dark-skinned woman in servants briches were fighting together back to back against five purple dressed warriors. Felsin caught their talking over the clash of blades as she carried down the marbled hall.

"You're lucky I smelt you under all that armor captain!" the woman said blocking a thrust easily before switching sides with the man in armor.

"Everr-The-Charmer-Yenna!" the bigger man barked, making huge messy swings, finally managing to connect with one of the purple dressed men felling him on the spot.

Felsin ran past them, as she did she swung her blade low at the backs of the three nearest attackers knee's, the blade cutting easily through the unarmored cloth severing tendins. Two stumbled screaming in agony which proved enough for the two warriors to turn the tides on the other attackers.

"Thanks!" the woman named Yenna called out as she lashed out with her sword.


Felsin didn't turn around. She ran through the big double doors at the far end, one had been propped open with a corpse. Past a table, past a shattered Mirror she ran, pausing once too look out the window into the gardens visible below. Some party guests looked as though they were escaping, one of their numbers had conjoured a mist to hide them in the trees.

She turned with a start when she heard halting piano being played. It was the Swan's Waltz, a song her sister Aisling always played. She heard cries and the cruel shouts of men.

Slowly and with dread she crept to the end of the corridor, and looked through into the piano room. She froze at what she saw.

Her father was white faced down in the floor on his knees with a knife pressed against his throat, held from behind by one of the purple dressed guards men still hidden under his ghastly death heads mask. Her Sister Aisling was across the room behind the piano, shaking like a leaf with another man standing behind her with a sword.

And Lana, beautiful blond haired Lara had just been thrown face down to the floor on a white bearskin rug, her dress torn. Two men were leaning against the wall drinking flagons of stolen vintage wine and infront of them A Man in Purple stood over Lara, leering down.

"Now, see's how you're sister is playin us some lovely music, you're gonna be a good girl arn't you?" he said as he began to undo his belt buckle, "Gonna give Jan and his friends a real good time, else Boro there will open you sister's throat. Just like you're father." he said as the man behind her father drew the blade across her father's neck, sending blood shooting out over the carpet.

Without thinking Felsin screamed and burst through the doors sword raised, Jan looked up, shock evident though his mask for a moment before the floor was lifted from under her feet.

There'd been another man behind the door.

"Looky boss I caught 'un!" the fat man rumbled as Felsin struggled in his arms, dropping her sword. "I'm gonna tumble this 'un good!"

The other men were laughing, the Piano had stopped playing and Felsin looked on in horror at the body of her dead father.

"I think not"


The man behind Felsin went stiff as a sabre pierced his heart. Striding around the dead body like an ancient hero Colonel Leo DeBrant moved into the room. One arms stretched out he flung a fireball at the leader, the one called Jan, which collided with a flash of light, throwing him back.

I didn't know he was a Caster... Felsin thought in wonder.

All was chaos as the other two men charged in, and DeBrant parried them. He moved like a dancer, threading his sword left right and centre. Soon the other two moved into fight as well, but DeBrant was a Colonel, and soon the remaining four were dead.

All this time Felsin had been frozen on the floor she stood up to see DeBrant look at her, then look over blank faced at the Piano. One of them had killed Aisling, and somehow Lara and fallen in the skirmish as well.


"Come now" DeBrant said looking around, "We can't stay here. Others will have heard that blast. Southmen indeed, that one had a Haverlik accent as thick as a sailor." he looked at her, "Please, we must move. The most important thing is to live-"

He froze, looking down in amazement at the sword point coming through his chest that caused red blood to blossom out across his white tunic.

"Damn ponce." it was the leader, the one called Jan impossibly alive, he flung the dead Colonel's body aside and advanced.

Felsin just sat there, unable to move, as Jan advanced holding the blood in the side of his head where his ear used to be. From the look in his eye she knew that he was going to kill her then and there.

"Jan." said a voice from the door way, the voice filled the name with such hate that it sounded like the worst curse on the planet. Jan turned terrifide, backing away.

The armored warrior from before strode into the room, he's pulled his visor up and white hair hung down.

"Lairz!!" the one called Jan squeeked.


"Death, Jan, wherever you go. Time for you to die." The one named Lairz said in a quiet voice lifting his sword high and he advanced, Jan lifted his own sword arm up but the blow came down so fast and hard that it split the pommle in half and cleaved off half the purple dressed man's fore arm.

"No Lairz, No!"

"killll yoouu slooow" Lairz growled, his face... changing as Felsin looked on as if through a screen.

"Wait! wait I know where Sai is!!!" he squeeked as Lairz picked him up but the face and was about to tear his throat out with his teeth. Something in what he said made the one called Lairz stop.


"In the south, Danu province! Let me live captain and I'll show you where!!"

Lairz growled, his hand clenching with such inhuman force that he almost crunched Jan's skull. As the other man screamed Lairz threw him against the wall and struck his head, knocking him out.

He picked the limp body and threw him over his shoulder.

"Kill him."

Lairz looked over to the carpet where the girl called Felsin had just spoken.

"He can't live!" she screamed and charged at the two picking up General DeBrant's discarded sabre in the process, but Lairz moved too quickly and shouldered her in the stomach, winding her, knocking her back to the floor.

"He... took... everything..." she sobbed.

Lairz looked at her for a moment before speaking.

"He will die soon. Once I've spoken to him. Come with me if you want to be the one to do it, you've earn't that right."

Felsin looked up, and slowly got to her feet, following the big man out of the room, not even looking back to where most of her family lay dead.


Yenna looked over down the stairs to see Lairz carrying the prone figure of Jan over his shoulder, behind him a girl followed in his foot steps.

"I see you found Jan then," she said, "Nose never lies."

Lairz was silent, as was the girl. Yenna knew better than to ask and instead ran up the flight of stairs leading to a main floor. Once she got there she saw a face she'd never thought she's see again.


#57 fs_kufu

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 04:16

Aku lead the group down the hall, they had entered the floor without incident and were waiting at a corner for a group of combatants to pass. Most of the group was armed now after looting the corpses along the way.

Aku hated to see untrained women and children arming to defend themselves but he had no choice… and a slim chance was better than certain death, it also seemed to give them a little more confidence.

Their party was too big to hide. As soon as the first two men passed the corner they growled a shout to their mates and charged them. Aku shouted to arms and started his own charged to head the killers off before they could get to the women and children.

Two of his men had fallen by the time he reached them. Aku wasted no time… instead of jumping into the mixer he turned to the rest of his group and shouted, “Watch how I take these men out.” Aku turned and started jabbing his sword between his defenders dropping the killers when the men blocked the killer’s sword.

He turned one last time and searched for some comprehension, “it’s that easy just stab from behind us.” Another defender was down leaving only 6 men, counting Aku. No time to worry about it now. Aku stepped over the fallen and engaged the enemy.

It was a small group of 10… and the battle ended surprisingly quick. Aku had only blocked a few shots before the path was clear. He looked at the 5 other men and turned to follow their stares. The thirteen women were standing defiantly behind them... all with bloody swords…

Aku nodded and added, “Okay… seems you have that down.” And in a more serous note he added, “we can’t hide… we will need to use surprise and our weakness to get out of here.”

Aku bowed to the women, “the only hope we have of fighting through this is to decoy the enemy in small batches… I need one of the weakest to wobble out into the corridor and act half dead to draw them into the knives of your sisters…”

Aku looked over the women… and it occurred to him he best not be the one to point out the weakest. In an apologetic voice Aku smiled and said, “Which one of you has the bronze to act “the bate” and deliver us from this den?”

A pasty looking girl steped forward and put her hand on his arm to steady herself. Aku was about to object upon seeing this girl’s shakiness until she looked him in the eyes. Aku snapped his mouth shut… the look she gave him was pure revenge. In a raspy voice she said, “Do I pass Aku Fulton the IV…”

Aku’s eyes flashed back at the girl, “Augustine! I did not even recognize you…” in the same voice seething with hatred she added “That’s Duchess Augustine Noreen…” Aku nodded and gathered the children.

“Search for bits of debris you can throw at the enemy when they try to attack we will need all the distraction we can get. Augustine whenever you are ready.”

Augustine nodded and wandered out into the corridor. After a few feet she waved the rest out and they continued down the hall. Augustine stopped in the middle of an intersection and faded left and right. Shouts sprang from one end of the corridor and Augustine limped into place.

The first enemy skidded to a halt at the end of Augustine’s dagger and the three that followed never had a chance. Before they knew what had happened they were down with their life ripped from them.

One after the other small groups were taken out in the same manor. The biggest group to fall pray to Aku’s group was in the midst of the trap when an explosion shook the hall. Augustine fell and several of the children started pelting the soldiers as they approached the girl.

Aku stepped out into view and swaggered into a better spot… in his royal voice he said, “Ah look at the little men from the black hand playing dress up for my little party. And you look so good in purple people might mistake you for honest men…” Aku ticked his tongue and continued, “who am I kidding… you could never be mistaken for honest men.”

That did the number and the whole lot started to jeer and advance on him. Aku knew he had not the skill for what he was about to do… but for some reason he did it anyways. He roared… all the anger from his exile, for the deaths of all these innocents and for the acts Dothan was conducting in his name... he charged the group of soldiers.

The children all cheered and increased their volume of rock and the men followed swords in the air. Aku hit them well before his men could catch up but it did not slow him down. He hacked and kicked and stabbed a path clear though the center of the group. Their Captain he struck first sending the man’s head sailing off.

The effect was monument… seeing their captain’s head so easily removed gave Aku the few seconds he needed to cut the group in half.

Aku roared again and dove sword first into the group. Hacking wildly with horrible accuracy… it was so thick with bodies he still managed to cleave men apart.

When the focus was totally on Aku the men and women finished the soldiers off…

The silence was defining and no one moved. Aku was bent over with his hands on his knees wheezing for breath. The gash in his gut was spilling blood again and he thought he might faint.

When he finally managed to stand up it hit him. It was the feeling that built his family and compelled countless Fulton’s to battle. The looks on the survivor’s faces… spoke volumes which some Renowned Acadamy could never teach. This bunch would follow him to their deaths, without question he had won their loyalty.

Aku straightened and bowed to the people gathered and said the only thing he could, “It is an honor to serve such a deserving group.” Aku did not lie… whatever the rolls, ranks or pitfalls these people had did not matter because today they were acting for the benefit of all and rank was left at the door.

Aku finished with, “Come let us not end our friendship here, we still need to find an exit.” Aku turned to and started down the hall with Augustine in tow. When they reached the next corridor Aku held up his hand and said, “Back – Down someone comes up the stairs.”

Again Aku was struck with the feeling of loyalty and friendship… he had only known the woman for a short time but the relief he felt said it all. In a voice filled with renewed vigor he said, “Yenna! By the GODS what are you doing here!”

#58 fs_lairz

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Posted 24 April 2007 - 23:53

Immediately Yenna strode up the exhausted looking bleeding man and hugged him round the shoulders.

"I'm fine, and look I brought the whole crew with me." she said as she motioned to Lairs lumbering up the stairs with the unconscious Jan slung over.

"Not for long, he's going to tell me where they took Sai, after that things are going to end badly for Jan here." Lairz growled as he cleared the landing, revealing the girl following him, her dress soiled and her face obscured by hair hanging over her eyes.

One of the men from the group Aku had saved looked at the armour Lairz was wearing and spoke to him thinking him to be a guard.

"Guardsman, we need to get out of this building, I think I can already smell fire."

Lairz nodded, his heightened sense of smell was telling him fires were beginning to spread through the rafters and fittings of he opulent palace. Burning yellow and white all consuming flame that would get hot enough to split stone and kill anyone left in the building who wasn't already dead. Either by buring their flesh, or suffocating them in the thick black smoke that was already filling the building.

"Agreed," Yenna said from Lairz's side, "Down the wing ahead of us is the south gardens, there huge and the trees should give us some cover. We'll head for the guards fort, there are gates through the palace wall into the city gardens."

Every nodded to each other in agreement and set off down the hall. Every window they past that looked down into the rest off the palace showed carnage so revolting as to seem surreal when compared to the former Imperial opulence of the building. The fires were also begining to build and spread from roof to roof, all amoung the Imperial compound. The party ran down the hall that looked as though it had seen scenes of fighting but were mercifully clear now. Lairz stomped down the stairs at the end of the wing that lead through some servants quarters and to a wooden door that looked as it had been smashed in, in the frame was an iron armoured house guard barely holding himself up, his sword shattered. He looked up and saw them.

"Go... back.... !" his strained voice said before he collapsed, Lairz dropped Jan and ran over to him. There was blood leaking out from under the armour.

"Who's out there? More Black Hand?" he asked. The guardsman shook his head.

"... Black Hand? No... they are southmen surely..?" he coughed, "No matter, they took the fort... all the men are dead... and one of them, a Summoner, called forth a Reaper."

Members of the party behind them gasped. The few that knew what they where turned white. Reapers were shades, comparatively easily summoned, but difficult to control. They were among the arsenal of deamons that were unaligned, and both Imperials Summoners and Southermen Shamen could summon.

"... it's huge, a black cloak floating above the ground. It's scythe.... it's killing everything out there... and it's voice oh gods..."

Lairz stood up and looked into the dark and misty trees, above in the sky between the trees the Moon was nearly full. Tomorrow he wouldn’t be able to control himself but tonight....


"Yenna, Aku, take the survivors out. You," he said to the man who'd previously spoke while pointing to Jan still knocked out and lying supine on the floor, "Carry this man and do not let him get away. Do not let him out of you’re sight. His name is Jan Finger and he is a traitor, and partially responsible for this catastrophe. Everyone else, follow Aku. Run straight for the gates to the south and head to the docks."

Yenna's eye's widened.

"No, you can't possibly be thinking.... it's a creature of magik, it can kill you!"

"And I'll be able to kill it." He looked at her, then over the group, "Unless anyone here is a High Caster or is able to call forth anything worse to fight it? No I thought not." he turned back to Yenna, and said in a quieter voice,

"This isn't a fight for mortal men. Only I can do this."

Tears almost came to Yenna's eyes, but she was a warrior. Now was not the time for tears.

"Then just distract it, you just need to buy us some time," she said pointlessly, she knew as well as anyone that once he... changed he'd no more be able to control himself that the sea itself.

"Alright, everyone with me, to the South Gate."

As they ran off into the mist, Lairz waited until they were out of sight before heading in a slightly different direction, off the path. As he walked he began undoing the top of his armour and let go of he control he'd been holding in with an unbidden rush of relief. His blood started getting hot in his veins.

Tonight two monsters stalk these trees....

He hoped, feverently that they would make it out, make it to the dockyard. And he hoped ever more that come morning he would wake somewhere close enough to them to get there in time. And perhaps more importantly, he hoped that he would wake up.

Soon the transformation painfully began to take hold, he ran on, ran on to where he sensed the deamon.

#59 fs_kufu

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Posted 27 April 2007 - 21:25

"Alright, everyone with me, to the South Gate."

Aku smiled and turned to the group that had followed him thus far, “You heard her. Stay calm and don’t drop your weapons. We might need them again…” Aku pointed at the children “and that goes for you also keep the rocks you’ve collected and if you see something you’d rather not get eaten by run as fast as your feet can carry.”

Aku looked at Augustine, “Countess, you are the highest in Rank here and we will need to use any leverage we can from it to get Lairz’s ship out of the Impound. Once we are free of this mess will you help?”

Augustine nodded and looked up at the sky for the Dark figure. Aku nodded and added, “Right lets stop wasting time and get going. If something happens keep following Yenna.”

#60 fs_lairz

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Posted 28 April 2007 - 00:15

The Reaper couldn't see in colour, not really, instead it sensed the world through the impact it had on the spirit realm. Stone was black, it had never been alive, soil was a dark blue, grass and trees a little brighter, and living things shone like red diamonds in the cold blue ether.

The ground floated six feet below it, as it glided through the night it noticed a human crawling away, with a swing of its rusted scythe the life was torn from his flesh. A gasp of almost pleasure fled from the Reapers ghastly skull mask, when suddenly it noticed a large group of humans running down the path to it's right. It slowly turned to persue them when another human started running towards it. Words echoed in the empty creatures hood.

"... Hoy, ghoully! Look over here!" the words seemed angry. The Reaper opened it rotting etherial jaw and howled back in a dead language at the man coming towards it, it barely understood the words or remebered it's living life but it was pleased by the novelty.

"... Sorry ghoully boy-" the man coming towards him shouted discardin the last of his inert lifeless armour, ".. don't speak Reaper."

Suddenly a wave of sourcerous energy burst from the man and lapped against the Reaper like waves on a lighthouse. The man collapsed, and started writhing as flesh became grey and white fur and his torso expanded in all directions. A howl filled the air. After a moment of apparent disorientation the newly awakened creature looked about itself with yellow eyes, it bared its teeth and jumped at the Reaper, which raised it scythe to block the attack.

Soon both creatures were weaving through the darkness tearing flesh from one another.


The howles and screamed coming from the darkness was yet another horror lost in all that Felsin had seen, the party ran on through the trees aiming for where the fort should be.

Dead bodies was strewn occasionally accross the path, guest, guards and the purple dressed warriors. All floated past her perception in a daze, her feet and her body doing the thinking for her. She barely even registered the faces surrounding her, she knew some of them, there at the front was Aku Fulton. He along with the one called Yenna seemed to know where they were going.

Once more she looked at the figure slung over one of the men's shoulder, the unconsious Jan Finger, she would kill him, she swore it. To do that though, first she would have to survive.

With this in mind she started paying more attention to what was going on, there seemed to be some hesitation up ahead.

"Dammit," the one called Yenna said, "Black Hand. What do you think Kufu? Can we take them?"

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