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Werewolves of the Silver Moon and Fallen Alliance

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#161 McGivvern



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Posted 14 September 2008 - 08:57

If anyone is still reading this: I wish to apologize for my behavior. I lost my temper at a moment I should have been level headed. {Bows his head in shame}

#162 fs_kaldirris

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 16:01

I am pretty appalled by what I have read here, both by members of my guild, members of fallen alliance, and others. No matter how annoyed, angry, or pissed off you are (and please keep in mind that this is a GAME for kripes sakes!), NO ONE has the right to treat each other the way a lot of you have done today. I am ashamed of the behavior of a group of so-called adults. I can understand darkwolf mouthing off the way he did, as he is just a 13 year-old kid, but the rest of you have absolutely no excuse. And darkwolf08, you're lucky you aren't *my* 13 year-old.....

McGivvern, CADE11, darkwolf08, Felixhc7, 25mm, and whoever else was slinging rocks, I sincerely hope that on this new day you can look at this thread and cringe at what you wrote here, because I know I would be if I'd written it.

There are a number of veterans in my guild and in my family, and I for one do not take kindly to anyone talking down to a veteran. However, in this case it appears that two people, Cade11 and McGivvern, were insulting each other without realizing that BOTH of you are veterans and both have served in one or the other of the two Iraq conflicts. I hope that the two of you came to some kind of middle ground and will refrain from further dialog of the type I saw here today.

I hope that this is the end of this mountain made out of a molehill. And thank you, GSoldier and Slivac, for sticking your necks out (beating me to it lol!).

I have to agree wholeheartedly with Lady Spring.
This entire thread devolved into nothing more than a school-yard brawl until Slivac took it upon himself to throw water, rather than fuel, on the fire. Nicely done, Slivac.
Obviously, this entire situation got out of hand - and while I'm not adverse to interguild conflicts (in fact, I find them to be good, clean fun), I am personally embarrassed by the behaviour displayed by (usually) respectful members of WoSM.
For those who were distressed or offended by the rather inflammatory posts made by my guildmates, I apologize.

#163 fs_willy74

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 18:03

there was a quick and solid solution to all of this and im impressed with the WWotSM leaders and thier quick response to the issue...and appreciate and respect them for thier action today

#164 fs_evertonex

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Posted 17 September 2008 - 17:51

pass the chips and sodas please :)

#165 fs_egoknot

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Posted 22 November 2008 - 04:44

lol - was cool to read again

#166 fs_krazykrab1

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Posted 23 November 2008 - 00:40

WOSM!!!!!!!! I doubt anyone cares bout my opinion though :)

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