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Member Since 13 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active May 03 2019 00:45

#989336 New Medals for 2018?

Posted by Swiggity on 09 January 2018 - 15:28

Emerald and Sapphire should come before platinum. So we could get 3 new tiers of medals!

#988160 Double XP Incoming!

Posted by Swiggity on 09 December 2017 - 17:36


Your analysis is too flawed to be mean anything.

Most of the game players do not post in the forum for many reasons, among them:

They do not read the forum

They have read one or more posts that echo their thoughts so don't want to repeat them

They do not like being ridiculed for voicing their thoughts / concerns

They go to Facebook for game info (also not a good sampling place as many do not go to FB)

They do not use English as a 1st language and are embarrassed to post (props to those that do try)

Edit: Josh were you reading my post as I typed it?

Just because they have not posted also doesn't mean you can assume that a change to the initially proposed date would "screw them over". Most people don't post on the forum but that's for various reasons. You can't assume all people who have not posted are fine with the date just because they haven't outwardly cast any dismay towards it. We can't assume anything about the people who have not posted. Not saying they can be disregarded because of that but you can't just use them to back your opinion. They literally have said nothing in support or disagreement with that date so I don't think that's a fair assumption to make.

Also it's hardly a backtrack. It's not a promise nor a guarantee. It's a proposed date. In life and in game when doing something on that day doesn't work it gets changed.

* Couldn't care less.

Thanks for putting my thoughts into words, politely :) Statistics can be great, but they are almost always misleading.

#988100 Double XP Incoming!

Posted by Swiggity on 08 December 2017 - 21:11

i say you just give the people the fsp and boxes on the 15th so we can stop this nonsense of people whinning. its like children, they cry, you give them a snack, they stop crying. problem solved.

Wahhh, Swiggy wants his grapes ;)

Edit:Figured I might as well act like a child .

#988096 Double XP Incoming!

Posted by Swiggity on 08 December 2017 - 20:36

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck. Then it is a duck.:P

#988046 Double XP Incoming!

Posted by Swiggity on 08 December 2017 - 12:07

Grim why not just deliver the Xmas offer on the 15th instead that gives a win on all fronts. and then let the offer run as normal till later on the 22nd? people who want fsp to level get them and people who want fsp to garner their annual supply can also do so.

Would be great to see this implemented.

#988035 Double XP Incoming!

Posted by Swiggity on 08 December 2017 - 11:28

I'll certainly discuss the feedback with Hoofmaster. Pushing it back to the 22nd is not exactly great as it then progresses over the Christmas weekend. We'd also have to extend the event until Boxing Day I reckon as who wants to work on Christmas Day?

~ Grim

Thanks for going to bat for us Grim! Hopefully there is a solution that will benefit all parties involved.

#987963 Double XP Incoming!

Posted by Swiggity on 07 December 2017 - 11:42

I’d like to second Moneypant’s statement. This is the first time Since i joined the game where I can remember that the Christmas sale FSP hit our account after the xp event.

#987182 New Buff Ideas 3500+

Posted by Swiggity on 10 November 2017 - 21:15

Two new skills.

Reckless Attack:
Transfers .1% Per point of your defense to attack.

Body Slam:
Transfers .1% per point of your armor to your damage.

Any thoughts?

#986436 Fragment Marketplace

Posted by Swiggity on 21 October 2017 - 15:17

Haven't seen a fragment marketplace suggested yet, could have missed it the last time it was suggested.

A fragment marketplace would make buying/selling and even trading frags much easier than the current market.

Switch to two differently coded frags, Bound and Unbound. All frags received through global events would be bound to your person and unable to trade, while fragments farmed from other creatures would be able to be sold/Traded.

Have the marketplace set up similar to the FSP marketplace, with separate tabs for each classification of fragment, and have the ability to either put up buy or sell requests (with the amount of requests being an upgrade option through FSP upgrades).

Possibly have a limit on the amount of frags bought or sold in a day.

Was just brainstorming so I'd love any criticism or helpful ideas anyone might have.

#986360 New Super Elite!

Posted by Swiggity on 19 October 2017 - 21:45

Not too hard honestly, I've killed him a few times with 2500 gear and no composing potions already, and the rest with 3k and composing. Just need to know your buffs! Found all 7 locations, although she still hasn't spawned in one of the realms :(

#986358 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by Swiggity on 19 October 2017 - 21:44

Just for the record, the multi kill has gone upwards of 140 now. Thanks Grim for your hard work ;)

#977437 Elite Pack now available!

Posted by Swiggity on 03 March 2017 - 18:17

No, the potion has enough buffs on it now.

Your reasoning seems.... sound? So a "Elite" potion that comes in the highest priced purchase yet has enough buffs. When other potions that are free to obtain like the easter event potions, have more buffs?

#977409 Elite Pack now available!

Posted by Swiggity on 03 March 2017 - 17:12

Conserve 750 120 mins
Adept Learner 750 120 mins
Light Foot 750 120 mins :D
Doubler 1000 120 mins

Thanks, I'm on mobile so was hard for me to see.

Seems like it's not quite an "Elite" potion. Where are the other necessary skills like Librarian, Stalker, Animal Magnetism, and overkill?

#977406 Elite Pack now available!

Posted by Swiggity on 03 March 2017 - 17:07

Would you be able to supply us with the skill level and durations of said skills for the potions?

#918416 [OCD] OL'Chickens Distillery - 24/7 POTS/ELIXIRS/DRAFTS (now lvl 32+ Food...

Posted by Swiggity on 06 February 2015 - 14:59

I'd like to order 1000 stamina pots, 500 hp pots. 200 armor pots, 200 melee elixirs, and 100 ranged elixirs.

Total should be 770 gold if I did my math right.

IGN: Luck
Server: zephyr

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