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Member Since 14 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 08 2020 00:54

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Another Guild falls victim!

15 July 2013 - 00:03

The funny thing is they actually kept me in just to show and tell me that they sold off all the epics and other rare items, sorry but can't even talk anymore im that angry.

In Topic: Another Guild falls victim!

14 July 2013 - 23:54

So, you've no friends, family or neighbours that could let you use their pc for a min or two to log in ? 


All guild founders know that if a guild founder is inactive for more than 30 days, a mutiny can occur to replace the founder with someone more active. 


As I said, I sympathise with your loss, but this is not the cows fault ... You didn't log in, even for a second to reset the counter, a mutiny occured and then the person who took over, presumably, cashed you out. If anyone, it's him that you should focus your anger on :)

I told them exactly how i thought, sadly some of my friends do have a computer, just no internet or my friends have internet but only own a ps3.

In Topic: Another Guild falls victim!

14 July 2013 - 23:44

Hang on - you couldn't log on for 2 months ? - no friends have a pc you could use for 30 seconds ? - there's no library within reach ?


Sorry for your loss, but to blame the game mechanics when, I'm pretty sure there's plenty of options you could have taken, is unfair ... 

Sorry but i work 6 days a week and do very long shifts. i only get sunday off, most places are clossed sundays in the UK. Please don't think that you know better.

In Topic: Another Guild falls victim!

14 July 2013 - 23:43

I find that those group of players are rather sad if they have nothing else better to do than ruin this game for people who actually have worked so hard. Sad thing is that you keep seeing this time after time and HuntedCow are the ones who are letting the thieving ******** get away with it.

In Topic: Ancient Creatures and Items

21 February 2013 - 19:30

Will we see Ancient items get implemented after composing?

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