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Aroshika The Village of the damned.

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#101 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 21 February 2006 - 06:21

"It's fine, it's fine" Thomas blushed as Rollina hugged him tighter. "No thanking me".

#102 gothador_rollina

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Posted 21 February 2006 - 16:17

"It's fine, it's fine" Thomas blushed as Rollina hugged him tighter. "No thanking me".

She smiled softly at him, and layed her head on his chest, as she listened to his heart beat. She looked at her friends blushing badly. "Im sorry I just missed you so much my love."

#103 gothador_karlah

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Posted 24 February 2006 - 12:48

"Thank you." Karlah said, giving Rollina a hug back.

A stranger entered the room, suddenly appearing behind Rollina as if out of thin air. Karlah gasped upon seeing his appearance but breathed a sigh of relief when Rollina revealed she knew this demon, him being her love, Thomas. The couple quickly got reacquainted, sharing information then a kiss. Karlah blushed slightly as they did, feeling a bit out of place in the moment. It never ceased to amaze her how love could survive in a world filled with so much cruelty and hate.

Once the couple had parted, she addressed the demon. "It's nice to meet you, Thomas." She smiled. "So you've heard of me. I don't doubt there may be rumors circling about. Tell me, what have you heard?" She asked, her countenance disclosing a hint of worry.

#104 gothador_rollina

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Posted 25 February 2006 - 01:11

Rollina quickly composed her self at the words of the angel she had not had a chance to tell her. "Your welcome." She blushed a deep crimson color. She watched, and listened as there new angel friend spoke tilting her head to the side a little with curiosity, and a little worry. Waiting for her love to respond to the kind young angel maiden Karlah.

#105 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 25 February 2006 - 05:07

"Oh, just a few tidbits here and there" the demon laughed. "Seems you've been in the wake of destruction for a while now. You're considered to have something to do with it, showing up around destroyed cities right after they are ruined makes people curious".

#106 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 25 February 2006 - 09:10

As he walked into the inn, Chao took a look around. Already he could spot two or three spots where people might be lurking. Something was definitely amiss here. Despite the calm persona that the village gave off something was definitely strange.

"So what do ye be wanting with Taylor?"

"Just some information from a friend. You can tell your crossbow men to lower their guard also. I'm not about to ransack your entire establishment."

The girl raised her eyebrow at him before gesturing. Chao heard tiny clicks of wall apatures began to close. "So why should Taylor trust you exactly?"

"Look we can play games or we can actually get some business done. Which will it be?"

#107 gothador_karlah

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 07:09

"Suspicious, more like." She shrugged. "I've never had anyone accuse me of anything to my face but those who pass me on the road often stop, point and whisper to each other behind my back or they'll stare and glare at me when I walk into a tavern or inn. So instead of staying in a warm inn at night, I've settled for camping out in the forest." She sighed. "I thought that if I could beat him to the next village just once that maybe I could save someone. It's what I have to do since I couldn't save my own family and friends." Tears began to fall from her emerald-green eyes. "But I've failed to even do that! Always arriving seconds too late, I witness the same kind of death and destruction over and over."

#108 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 10:44

"Well, don't let humans bother you, they tend to be panicky and quick to judgment" Thomas laughed, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "I find a little force goes a long way when trying to get what you need around them. Though, no offense, most angels I've dealt with aren't much different".

He looked over to Rollina and smiled, as if saying "Not you of course, love". He quickly caught himself and looked back at Karlah. "Of course, I'll be willing to help you find this guy in any way I can". Thomas placed his hands at his waist and smiled a big toothy grin "I am a knight afterall, even though I may not look all too noble, I am".

#109 gothador_fornicanus

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 11:29

*after listening quietly to the conversation, "well if we can figure *cough* out why he is doing *cough* this maybe we can stop him"
"honestly he seems *cough cough* like a deranged elf to me bent on destruction but maybe if he *cough* is after something we could get it and keep it safe from him"

*starts a fit of coughing and leans on the nearest wall*

#110 gothador_rollina

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Posted 02 March 2006 - 00:20

Rollina smiles at thomas waiting for him to finish before she hugs him tightly. Hearing her friend coughing she turns to him. "Doctor are you alright?" worry, and fear growing in her eyes for her friend. She quickly walks over to him, and helps him to a chair. "You must have over done it you should rest." She places her hand to his forhead to make sure he doesnt have a fever, and turns to her love thomas. "what should we do?"

#111 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 02 March 2006 - 02:29

"Well, first things first we need to figure out where this guy is going next. And we can't do anything til the doctor here is feeling well" Thomas said with a frown of concern.

#112 gothador_shadar

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Posted 03 March 2006 - 20:03

Shadar awoke after several hours rest. He quickly dressed and went straight to his office, where food was delivered by a servant. He ate quickly before getting into the piles of paperwork in front of him.

A short while later, there was a knock at the door to his office. "Come" he shouted.

A guard entered and said "Lord Hat'Tor to see you sir."

"Send him in," Shadar replied.

A dark elf entered the office and sat down. "You summoned me? What can I do for you?"

"Have you been informed of recent developments?" Shadar asked.

"Shadar, this is me you are talking to. I know everything," Hat'Tor replied and laughed.

"So what do you think?"

"I think Co'Plan and his army will be annihilated. But provided we proceed with caution, I don't see why you can't turn the situation to our advantage. After all, all eyes will be on Stratos. I expect that the Gellert knows that Co'Plan and his army will be heading towards Stratos. All we need to do is wait for the sides to engage, then we can go through the Dark Forest unnoticed to the next target." Hat'Tor schemed.

"Very well, tell the others to prepare to move out. Unlike the lizards, your forces can't fly," Shadar said

"No, but we can teleport," Hat'Tor replies with a wink

"Also get word to the scouts in that area to keep an eye on Stratos. Make sure they check in regularly and make sure they stay hidden this time. I don't know why you employ humans to scout for you, they are stupid and unreliable."

#113 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 04 March 2006 - 08:37

"Let me lay it out straight for you. Your village, this lovely little hamlet is about to be overrun with very big, evil things. I'm offering you a protection, free of charge, but I need to coordinate my efforts with Taylor's," Chao finally said straight out. The pair had been bantering for the past 15 minutes or so and he was tiring of it.

"We'll consider your offer. What would you be wanting with us?" she asked.

"If he concedes to my plan then one of two things. Either he stay out of my way and let me conduct my business, or he gather any available man who's willing and defend the village with me."

Crossing her arms she fixed him with a pointed stare. "Like I said, I'll have to consult with the rest of the band."

"For the love of God woman! Will you just make a decision." As awe crossed her face he continued. "I know you're Taylor, you know you're Taylor, now can we quit the silly bantering and let me have your answer."

Her mouth opened and closed for a few moments before continuing. "We will aid you in any was we can, but let it be known if this is a trick, we will not be taken in so easily. When is the attack scheduled to happen."

Fixing Taylor with an even glance he responded. "In the next 10 hours or so, right before dawn."

#114 gothador_rollina

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Posted 05 March 2006 - 16:04

"Well, first things first we need to figure out where this guy is going next. And we can't do anything til the doctor here is feeling well" Thomas said with a frown of concern.

Rollina nodded in agreement with her love worry covering her face. "You are right as always my love."

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