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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2022 17:22

Topics I've Started

Unresolved Combat

06 May 2016 - 14:09

Before I start, if this thread is in the wrong sub forum or it's already been talked about elsewhere I apologise.


So I'm writing this thread today, after wanting to for some time, to bring to your attention a problem within FS, and that is "Unresolved Combat". This topic is mainly GvG based, as in every other aspect of PvP, an "Unresolved Combat" doesn't really affect anything.


For example, in a normal PvP attack, you only lose 10-100 stamina, depending on how much you like someone, (100 stamming means you like someone a lot  :D), and maybe a little bit of durability in your gear, which may cost 2-3k to fix. BUT, you don't lose any experience, which is good.


Same goes for the ladder. You lose stamina, but no experience OR PvP rating, so nothing vital is affected.


The Bounty Board is a little bit different. Again you only lose stamina, but an "Unresolved Combat" can lead you to not being the first person to get all 10 successful attacks completed, but the way the Bounty Board is nowadays you'll only usually be missing out on 1FSP at the most.


Now onto the annoying part, GvG conflicts. Now I know the attacker should be 100% sure they can win the fight, although sometimes the 2% rule can come round and bite you on the ass somewhat. You should always be aware of the buffs that are on the players you are targeting. But let's say for example the guild attacking you has 50/50 hits completed with no misses, and you get one "Unresolved Combat", you lose the conflict 50-49. Personally I don't feel this is entirely fair, as an "Unresolved Combat" is technically a draw, no one loses, no one wins, so why does it count as a failed attack?


This is just how I feel, I know there will be a handful of players outs there who thinks it's a good idea, but from responses I've received a lot of people feel the same way about this as I do.


Let's here some thoughts and see if we can get this changed!  :)

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