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Member Since 11 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 14 2015 13:29

Posts I've Made

In Topic: New Content. 1926 - 1950.

21 February 2014 - 03:48

What about adding a world portal up to lvl 1900? that still keeps it 50 lvls away from eoc.

In Topic: Content Roadmap.

29 January 2014 - 21:20


Hey Gang.


New updated Content Thread! Here's the run down : 


Feb 10th (Approx) : 1926 - 1950 
Feb 24th (Approx) : 1951 - 1975 
Mar 10th (Approx) : 1976 - 2000 
Mar 24th (Approx) : 2001 - 2025 
Apr 07th (Approx) : 2026 - 2050 
Apr 21st (Approx) : 2051 - 2075 
Additionally, we are looking to add new content at existing levels. This will feature new quests in existing Realms Vs existing creatures.  Most likely starting low and working up. This is most likely to appear as a random new Quest or two periodically. Hopefully, this can make things in the lower levels fresh and interesting.
Events or additions to the game.
Global Events.
We'd like to run more Global Events. These would possibly have lower goals for less powerful potions (instead of increasingly UBER potions) or the proposed Frag Stash Items. No cast iron time frame but once this is on it's way, I'll update this thread.
We are working on about a dozen new Potions which we are looking to add to the existing chest that spawn in the world. We are also looking to add the proposed Frag Stash items to this as well as possibly adding new item sets. Once again, no cast iron time frame but once this is on it's way, I'll update this thread.
The Springtime Forest.
The Event shall be returning. We will look into it and see what additions we may add to it. No immediate time frame, but soon as we ain't seen it in ages.
Quango Adventures.
Again, this event will be returning. We'll look to add additional levels of Quango madness. No immediate time frame. 
This has been added to the opening post.
~ The Fallen Sword Team


One thing I have noticed neither here nor in the dev thread is there any mention of releasing new buffs, but you seem to have content planned out all the way up to lvl 2075.


Just curious as to why that is?

In Topic: Guild XP while sub-leveling

11 December 2013 - 00:04

I'm not proposing we nerf anything though. I'm saying we change it so that you don't need to de-level to be able to contribute to your guild xp :)

I still say the only proper way to fix the loophole or exploit is to remove someone from the realm when they are no longer the lvl required to access the realm.


Sure you say what if someone is lvling and gains a lvl moves to a new realm then someone hits them and they are booted back to the previous area they were in, simple solution make it so its 2 lvls below and you get booted back to current lvl area.


I.E.  If you are lvl 1100 and you gain 1 lvl and move into 1101, then you get hit and lose a lvl you are still in the same realm hitting the same creature with no negative effects.


But if you get hit repeatedly (such as on the bounty board) and lose 2 lvls or more you are consequently removed from the area and placed at either a random location in the area of your current AL, or at the stairs back to the next highest lvl.

In Topic: Development Roadmap (Updated 7th Mar 2014)

17 October 2013 - 19:24

What about lvl 1800 buffs? I dont see that anywhere in the development roadmap, and seeing as you just released content all the way to 1800 I would think that would at least be on the list of things to do? Maybe even release 2k buffs along with it so you are ready for that when it gets here.

In Topic: Composing!

06 September 2013 - 21:51

2 things that I think would be good for this


1. An upgrade option to increase the amount of potions you can make at a single time, even if its only limited to say 5 or 10.


2. The option for player bound items to be broken down, maybe even quest items that are drops with a penalty cost of say 50 percent for it being a quest item instead of an equippable item.

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