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Member Since 03 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 30 2017 03:44

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In Topic: Frag those Epics

17 August 2016 - 04:16

I would love to see epic set's.

I would also love to see this, especially with some of the first EPICS that don't have a Stamina Gain.


As for Hunting for these items, I think they are still good for some Guilds or Players that want to have a Stamina Gain Offline Set. 


I have had my Own Offline Stamina Gain Set for a couple Years. 

My Guild also provides a certain amount of Stamina Gain Equipment for its Members to share, this has only cause a little "In-Fighting" a few times when Members kept taking items from Offline Members.  Now, that we have more items they "Collect Dust" in the Guild Store waiting for Members to use them.

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