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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 05 2019 11:31

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Elite Pack now available!

06 March 2017 - 17:01

Hi guys!


To me is like this: once you have something in  the game that only real money can buy, it is no longer a free game. I think this day will change the game forever. You will come to us with more and more things, that people will not buy and when those things will make a difference between players and guilds, you will lose a lot of players that play hard the game but have no money to spend. Somehow the game was indeed free up to now, but from now I think many things will turn bad for the game. That's my point of view

In Topic: Fallen Sword Guide Update v1.32

13 April 2016 - 00:55

Hoof, can tou please arrange the "extra info" in such a manner that is showing the correct amount of guild tagged , etc items? ( atm if an item is guild tagged but is carried in bp it will not appear as a guild tagged item). thanks, So far you've done a great job.

In Topic: Really bad lag

29 March 2016 - 18:01

not for long:)) it is dead again:. and I just used 1 opalescent.

In Topic: Fallen Sword Guide Update v1.31

24 March 2016 - 09:09

Hoof a question though regarding all items guild tagged. In guide section "Guild Inventory Total", is displayed "0 guild tagged" (although we have them tagged), if  the items are carried in our bps, meaning that in that section are displayed only the items in guild store. Can u add them too in the respective section (difficult to program it) or it is like this on pourpose?

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