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Member Since 19 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 06 2024 14:48

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Buff Marketplace

30 December 2013 - 01:12

I too would like to see the addition of a buff package if possible.  I also believe that we should be able to set our own prices. 


What if I am online but don't want to sell?  How about an option in preferences to not participate in buff marketplace that can be turned on and off.  Not really interested in being messaged during a hunt or titan excursion.


Looking forward to this very much!  Thanks for the hard work!

In Topic: Composing!

06 September 2013 - 10:13

Would it be possible to add a log message for when a pot is finished composing?  I made one overnight and when I logged in this morning there was no log message stating that it had been completed.  Not a big deal but it would be a helpful reminder to go and pick your pot up.

In Topic: Composing!

06 September 2013 - 00:44

Would love to see an addition to the designs though.  It would be awesome if you could create one that is a frosty beer mug with the HC logo on it.  Then we can toast to you everytime we throw back a pot!!

In Topic: Composing!

06 September 2013 - 00:41

Potion of the Fleet Footed Scholar was my first one!  Pretty cool!  Thanks for all your work on this!!

In Topic: Diamond Medals!

25 July 2013 - 15:32

Very cool!  Now if I could only kill about a billion more Titans and SEs!!!  :)

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