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Member Since 28 Nov 2017
Offline Last Active Dec 06 2017 11:03

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The game is broken.

06 December 2017 - 11:02

Posting 4 times in under 3 hours is a bit much. I understand you were frustrated that you weren't able to access the game but at least give devs a chance to see the post and respond  :D

In Topic: Ability to turn off 'character' xp gain.

05 December 2017 - 06:18

Oh, there was an xp gain increase since I last played? I suppose that explains why I'm playing casually + doing most things for the first time and I'm already way past where I was when I played Eldevin in 2014. The only time I've found completing quests difficult is when I was playing my full vitality tank by myself.

In Topic: Suggestion: Traking multiple quests

05 December 2017 - 06:15

I feel as though the UI was designed with this in mind, it just never came to fruition. I'm sure a lot of people, myself included would greatly appreciate this. There are countless times where I need to open the quest log and go through over a dozen quests just to remember everything I need to do.

In Topic: Discord Server

05 December 2017 - 06:13

So did this go anywhere? I've had lots of experience running well set up discords that support hundreds of players with multiple ranks and different permissions for each chat and voice channel. If no one is doing anything and there's a need I'm more than happy to set something up - even if I just give the permissions to a mod once it's set up.

In Topic: uppgrade inventory

05 December 2017 - 06:11

I feel like a solution to this problem would be by having a smarter shift+click/control+click system that allows you to easily fill up sacks and baskets. It would remove the tediousness of dragging each mat from each bag into the correct space.

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