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The Marienne

Member Since 06 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 04 2018 12:38

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Rez point in Nidaros mines etc

30 October 2015 - 14:31

Yes I was referring to the map interface on top right of screen. I love the area, just confusing with exits that don't exist, floating quest markers, etc.
I've never had luck with preloading.
I did say, I don't mind dying and running all the way back to where I was. What I don't like is dying, slowly loading Eldevin east, then loading mines again. Just torment on my device and for others too.

In Topic: My suggestions going forward

30 October 2015 - 03:34

Hey Devs ernzor has always been a genius you should hire him xD :) only half joking.
Ernz, really great suggestions, fully approved. These changes would make HUGE beneficial impact IMO. Ty.

In Topic: Change Nidaros mines Obelisk to +5% Haste Obelisk

30 October 2015 - 03:18

I like ;)

In Topic: so these ASV gold bags kinda set me off....

31 May 2015 - 11:21

How would you feel with, say, a dual-spec option...?



(Follow the link in my 5th comment to enter circular post warp and come back to this post.)


Edit: This was in response to difficulties of solo farming as a tank, etc.

 I dont feel its completely balanced that one should HAVE to solo farm to do get gold or whatever. there should be group activities that will profit you. yea we need solo shit for the poor friendless loners but people should be encouraged to make groups for glory or whatever, and not just groups with the best and brightest but also those kinds of players one tends to avoid.

but something like that might help a tank. idk :P

In Topic: so these ASV gold bags kinda set me off....

31 May 2015 - 02:36

even if I get the gold to cover my repair in a run, how can I get the gold to buy my lvl 45 skills? (not that im buying glaciate, seems rather ridic) but the point is if you want gold, you have to be unsocial and go solo grind a low lvl dungeon. maybe i want to eventually unlock tier 3 riding, or upgrade my bags, and then there are the alts that need skills and shtuff. Oh well just gotta be glad for the time I do get on and forget improving unimportant things. :) 

tanks dont need lives, they are there to run your dungeon and then flee to their alts or facebook or whatever.

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