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Member Since 12 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 29 2013 22:37

Posts I've Made

In Topic: No supporter or Eldevin points

24 June 2013 - 18:05

You get these points when you complete the tutorial.

Well I'm level 18 haha did I skip the tutorial? I've done a lot of quests.


EDIT: Also I don't think that explains why I'm the only person in the game without the supporter buff? Umm the only low level quests I see I have are the absent warden the rest are craft quests. I'm assuming you get the supp buff when you get the eldevin points but I'm at a loss for which tutorials I missed.

In Topic: Lowering multicombat area spawning rate.

12 June 2013 - 23:34

Yeah I mean honestly just one more minute on the spawn time would be a blessing, you don't need a high spawn time with one person in a zone but with a group of people then yes I agree the spawn times are actually good and as you bring up when there are actually people in the game I think the spawn times will be more adequate. But that's why I suggested a player check, if one persons in a zone then you know you don't need a stupid low spawn time because it's just one person. Also there is a difference between challenging and frustrating, the super high spawn times do not increase the challenge linearly as groups won't have this problem to such a degree(unless spawn times are higher with more people in the area which I will admit I do not know as I do not have anyone to play with). I'm not dying from a lack of personal skill, from inadequate gear/talent/stat build. I'm dying because as a solo player I can't compete with the spawn time of the enemy mobs, which isn't a challenge in my opinion it's a design flaw.

In Topic: Lowering multicombat area spawning rate.

12 June 2013 - 20:27

It's not even challenging it's just frustrating, I mean kiting with a mage is the easiest thing in the world with the right talents but even though I can 100-0 mobs before they even touch me they respawn before i can make any headway in most dungeons. Just had a bug in Balnamoon where I got killed by Thud when I was overrun by respawns and when I came back he still had 200 health which is where he was at when I died.

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