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Legendary Assault!

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#1 BigGrim


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Posted 29 April 2022 - 14:50

Hi all,
The following creatures have been spotted stalking the Realms! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!
Count Ragf Lokor (Legendary)
Count Ragf Lokor is an ancient friend of the Morbidstein Family, allying with them in battle over the centuries of his existence and keeping close (sometimes blood) ties with the twisted Morbidsteins. He currently amuses himself watching the good Doctor creating his monstrosities and supplies him with a steady flow of (drained) corpses for his evil experiments.
Recommended Level : 12+
Gogmor Mancrusha (Legendary)
The marauding giant Gogmor Mancrusha has awoken from his 100 year slumber in the mountains and gone on the rampage once more. Never yet defeated, Gogmore has been known to batter cities to dust his huge club and devour whole populations of people with his never ending hunger.
Recommended Level : 120+
Night Wyvern (Legendary)
The dreaded creature known as the Night Wyvern has escaped from its cell in the dungeons of castle Valk. Lord Valk wants the Wyvern destroyed before it begins to hunt his people. The lord is renowned for his generosity and will reward this evil beast's killer well.
Recommended Level : 300+
Argus (Legendary)
Argus is the avatar of vengeance that the evil wizard Xinderoth unleashed as a curse upon the world with his dying breath. Argus is a multi eyed giant hell bent on destroying all in the name of his fallen lord and must be stopped...
Recommended Level : 400+
Kobold Looter (Legendary)
The Kobold Looter orchestrated the now infamous Great Vault Heist. It made off with a vast amount of wealth and was never caught. Now, a vast bounty has been placed on his verminous head! Track him down and enact justice!
Designed by : Undjuvion
Recommended Level : 725+
Mantikhoras (Legendary)
Mantikhoras, Father of Manticores is a vast leonine monster with fur the colour of cinnabar and a long, heavily armoured scorpion tail capable of firing thorn-like stingers coated in poison. This creature delights in devouring men and woman whole, leaving no remains. He stalks through the darkness, leaping great distances as, unlike his progeny, he does not have wings!
Recommended Level : 925+
Cucu Cyanide Hero (Legendary)
A former bardic troupe leader who poisons his victims with tormenting sounds from his supernatural lute, while shielding himself with his long hair. His disposable guise (long hair, hide jacket and fake lute) makes him untraceable. However, he must be found and stopped... who will put an end to his torturous sounds?
<b>Designed by : cucubaubau</b>
Recommended Level : 1350+
The Smiling Assassin (Legendary)
The Smiling Assassin has become something of a myth. This assassin has been said to pass unopposed through high society, charming and manipulating to her targets. These targets are not aware of the danger until the Smiling Assassin has manoeuvred them into a quiet spot and feel her twin curved daggers slide between their ribs, eyes widening as they look into the smiling face of their killer. She faces death without fear and has never been caught, honing her lethal arts to a razored edge.
Designed by : EvilTrace
Recommended Level : 1948+
Shanaraq (Legendary)
Shanaraq is a grotesque creature that rose from the nearby swamps looking for warm flesh and hot blood to quench it's hunger! This strange, slithering creature is remarkably fast on land and is an utter nightmare if you are unfortunate enough meet it in the waters of his home.
Recommended Level : 2075+
Jebat the Vengeful (Legendary)
Jebat was regarded as one of the greatest warriors in the realm. Together with his childhood friends, they served their King with absolute and unfaltering loyalty. After one of his friends being accused of having an illicit affair with one of the King's court stewardesses, he was put to death without trial for the offence. The King then bestowed the rank of head of palace security upon Jebat. With this came an ancient magical weapon, believed to grant its wielder invulnerability. Jebat, believing his friend had been killed unjustly, decided to avenge his friend's death. This vengeance became a palace killing spree. Unable to calm his anger and hatred, he continues his amok in the realm.
Designed by : Profumo
Recommended Level : 2450+
Byaphros (Legendary)
Byaphros is a strange beast. The upper body of a man with a truly monstrous face which, from the waist down is actually the front legs and chest of a horse terminating in a vast, powerful fish's tail. This is a vile and malicious creature who will rear out of water near prey and to the surprise of all, will chase his target onto the land before beating them and dragging them back into the soon to be bloody surf!
Recommended Level : 2880+
Calagroo the Unchecked (Legendary)
Calagroo the Unchecked is a vast draconic beast, horrendously powerful and wreathed in green fire. Once locked away in a magical void due to his destructive ways, he has broken out through sheer bloody minded determination! Now he has renewed his quest for supremacy over all of creation!
Designed by : Groosalugg
Recommended Level : 3275+
Druugkiel The Annihilator (Legendary)
Far from Erildath, there is a dead land that goes by the name of Scorn.  This land was ravaged by war and famine and is uninhabitable.  But, there is one creature that lives there, the dreaded Druugkiel.  Massive in stature, and brutal in nature, Druugkiel is profoundly savage.  This monstrosity moves from realm to realm devouring all Chompers as it survives off their life force.rnrnChompers are an unsustainable food source for Druugkiel, so it always searches far away realms for more life energy.  Recently, there have been whispers that Druugkiel is on the hunt for a more, accessible, food source. As Druugkiel approaches Erildath, we must prepare for the coming onslaught of destruction, malice and pain. To Arms! To victory!
Designed by : iceman66
Recommended Level : 3550+
Bhakti the Royal Warrior (Legendary) (NEW)
Bhakti belongs to an elite group of warriors called the Royal Warriors. They are known to be fearless, bloodthirsty, and loyal to their King. While on their latest conquest, Bhakti's squad was ambushed, and he awoke to find himself as the only survivor. Filled with vengeance, he now roams Erildath to find his King and will eliminate anyone who gets in his way!
Designed by: Tehmelons 
Recommended Level : 3700+
Spirit of the Sanitarium (Legendary)
The wounded and weary travellers of Erildath are often entranced by the welcoming false front of "Mr Inqs beverages and biscuits". Once inside, the heavy door closes behind the traveller and it is too late to escape. Most succumb to the Spirit of Sanitarium almost immediately. Gone are the days of battle and bravery, now the days are filled with happily eating Jello and tying shoelaces over and over. Nobody ever leaves and, strangely, nobody even wants to.
Designed by : Plexus37
Recommended Level : 3969+
B Machine (Legendary) (NEW)
In ages past, the B-Machine was constructed and pressed into the service of a Sect of Gurgriss worshipers. During a particularly fierce battle against the undead hordes of a necromancer, B-Machine fell in battle and his sect was destroyed. His story may have ended there but for a travelling merchant caravan stumbling upon its battered form under ages worth of dirt and detritus. Crowing over such a bounteous discovery, the merchant tried repairing the machine, soon realising his error when B-Machine rampaged through his camp, killing everyone. B-Machine is out there still, attacking all in its confusion.
Designed by: Terrordog
Recommended Level : 4900+
Additionally, the Scavenging Caves are playing hose to the following creatures:
Illuyanka the Poisonous (Legendary)
The Treon Venom Swamp was once a lush forest but a foul evil grew within one of its many fertile glades. This evil matured into the serpentine Wyrm now known as Illuyanka the Poisonous. The effect Illuyanka had on the forest was epic, as the poisonous fumes the Wyrm exhaled quickly rotted the forest into a deadly quagmire and Illuyankas hunger for the people who lived in the dying Glade grew. Now Illuyankas food source is gone, the beast is moving onto pastures new looking for victims, rotting the land as it goes...
Recommended Level : 500+
Recommended Gold: 23,000+
Red Annis (Legendary)
The Annis were a sisterhood of dangerous outlawed Elves that practice all kinds of black magic and evil experiments. Red Annis found her pleasures in the sisterhood through the skinning of her victims, generally making them into one of her many dresses. To help aid her in this debased act she replaced her own hands with magically built claws that allow her to cut her victims and stitch their skins with ease.
Recommended Level : 780+
Recommended Gold: 29,000+
Baelsae the Forest Guardian (Legendary)
Baelsae the Forest Guardian is an Elvish Warrior without peer and, unfortunately, she will kill any and all trespassers to her forest. This mindset has been nurtured by her since everyone she cares to remember passing through has caused damage or outright devastation to her home. She listens to and trusts no one.
Recommended Level : 850+
Recommended Gold: 29,000+
Ira Heketoro (Legendary)
Various stories have been passed down through the ages , though none create more excitement and fear than the story of Ira Heketoro. Legend speaks of an ancient forest where the mythical Taniwha Ira Heketoro lives and protects a mysterious stone of uncanny strength. Only the strongest and bravest of warriors would seek out the ancient forest. Few have ever returned. Those who return, while battle scarred and weary, possess treasures imbued with strength and spirit, enough to make many a brave man run in fear.
Designed by : Evilbry
Recommended Level : 1600+
Recommended Gold: 45,000+
Wily Minions (Legendary)
Wily Minions came to the realms innocently enough but in their naivety, soon fell under the pall of the Shadow Lord's dark agents, who corrupted every member of the clan. These minions have been imbued with the darkness of the Shroud, granting strength only the greatest of warriors can best. Beware, for they will corrupt you in their never ending quest for dominance.
Designed by : zizzwyly
Recommended Level : 3100+
Recommended Gold: 45,000+
The Unforgiven Queen (Legendary)
The Unforgiven Queen is a tragic figure. A proud monarch who lead with a firm, though fair hand, she was beloved! Such people gain enemies however and the Queen was no exception. She had turned away and banished a powerful witch from her kingdom. This vile creature would not allow this slight to stand, so cast a mighty curse against the Queen. She was bedevilled by visions and maddening sounds and, eventually, she snapped. Seeing enemies everywhere, she rampaged through her castle with her sword, slaying all who stood against her and those trying to escape. When she slew her own family, the curse lifted, allowing her to see what she'd done in the clear light of day with an untroubled mind. It broke her and she fled. Now, maddened and raving about bloody hands and lingering spectres only she can see, she roams the realms, seeking forgiveness but being utterly unable to forgive herself!
Designed by : Vaelian
Recommended Level : 3450+
Recommended Gold: 45,000+
Additionally, the following Potions are now available as drops: Watch Your Back Brew, Potion of the Canny Gather, Flask of Death, Potion of Unbridled Aggression, Titan Hunters Lesser Brew & Fast Track Draft
These creatures shall be available until 15:00 (Server Time) on Tuesday the 3rd of May 2022.
~ The Fallen Sword team.

#2 vikingv



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Posted 29 April 2022 - 23:27

anyone have the cave and amount for getting a chance at the flask of death?

#3 BadPenny



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Posted 30 April 2022 - 00:56

anyone have the cave and amount for getting a chance at the flask of death?

10k gold ancient cave

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#4 michael65



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Posted 02 May 2022 - 20:28



anyone have the cave and amount for getting a chance at the flask of death?



10k gold ancient cave

Isn't it both caves for 23,000-45,000+ ? That is, the legendaries drop the potions or legendary gear. I could be wrong. What is the right answer?


Purpose: thank you cows for a wonderful event and thank you scavengers for your efforts!

#5 BadPenny



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Posted 02 May 2022 - 20:51





Isn't it both caves for 23,000-45,000+ ? That is, the legendaries drop the potions or legendary gear. I could be wrong. What is the right answer?


Purpose: thank you cows for a wonderful event and thank you scavengers for your efforts!

I don't do caves myself.... the caves are full of terrible wicked things that want to eat my goldz

I got my information from a dedicated FOD farmer, so....

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#6 Pardoux



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Posted 03 May 2022 - 06:09

I don't do caves myself.... the caves are full of terrible wicked things that want to eat my goldz

I got my information from a dedicated FOD farmer, so....

and it was correct too - just for FOD's, 10K is the right amount :)

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#7 BigGrim


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Posted 03 May 2022 - 15:32

Hi there everyone!
The Legendary Creatures have been driven from the Realms and the Caves once again. They shall return. Furthermore, the potions dropped in the caves have disappeared as mysteriously as they arrived...
We hope you enjoyed the event!
~ The Fallen Sword Team

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