chapter 1: Easy Commons
with the uber leveling pots/buffs it's almost a waste of time completing even the few quests i come across these days
"sorry the elite monster kidnapped your daughter and is destroying your 1-horse village, but i have AL825 and mega-doubler running"
but with 2 pages of active quests and the "not started" in my quest book now 6 pages, my CDO (that's OCD in correct alphabetical order... like it SHOULD be) took over
start with the low-level quests, stock up on common frags from low level varmints
ok, forget about Present Darkness (epic); that's never going to get finished
started with the tutorial quests; one of the rewards is a wooden sword, which i immediately destroyed...before noticing one of the steps of the quest is an "equip your new weapon!" graphic that doesn't go away until you equip the sword (lesson learned #1)
an embarrassed ticket to support (which said office closed, will re-open in 15 hours) and i had a replacement in less than 12 hours - thank you, Zue!
*** would be nice if, when obtaining a quest-book item, it unlocked that item in a store where i could buy a replacement if this happens...but no one could possibly code something like that
curious: when i was level 1-20 i remember on most every space on a map there being multiple other players with me, now none - or are player outwith my level range invisible?
the level 20 "senses" quest wasn't there when i started and lesson learned (re-learned) #2: don't auto discard or frag anything ANYTHING until you're sure it's not needed in a quest
Edited by duktayp, 12 July 2017 - 19:53.