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Member Since 03 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 06 2016 02:35

#832782 Paper Hats Stacked?

Posted by Qwerty on 19 December 2013 - 17:19

+1, maybe not like 20 per stack, but perhaps three or five a stack.

#830998 Dual Spec

Posted by Qwerty on 15 December 2013 - 07:34

At the moment I am a tank in Eldevin. I was initially a ranger, but I realized no one could dungeon because there weren't enough tanks at higher levels. I decided to become one to help out others, but what I was met with, was the inefficiency to solo/quest.


Tanks by nature are weaker, but healthier. In one time fights that last, they can do well (I.e cursed lich, undead paladins), but in short, repetitive fights, they are hindered by their lack of damage. In solo combat, you tend to spend a lot of time healing (potions or food) and less time completing your task at hand.


I asked myself, why should I be punished for choosing to help others over choosing to play the game by myself (or group questing...I guess)?


The answer was, if anything, a compromise. A dual spec! 


This way I could accomplish my selfless needs by taking hits for allies that would otherwise be fatal blows and on my off time, grind out some quests and mobs in an efficient and appealing manner.


Edit 1: Dual spec would consist of a second spec. For example, one page could be fully dedicated to templar, while having a completely seperate page dedicated to warrior.


Of course this couldn't be done in combat and it would take a span of time to convert from one set to the other. This would mitigate any theories of abusing the system.

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