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Member Since 18 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 26 2015 14:09

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Change in Titan Doubler !!! (bring balance to titan hunting with...

16 April 2015 - 10:38

titan doubler is fine though so my suggestion is leave it alone, it is not the problem :)

no wonder you think like that as you are on top and players down below seems nothing to you, new players like us who make fsp by selling epics will have problem.

In Topic: Change in Titan Doubler !!! (bring balance to titan hunting with...

16 April 2015 - 10:26

i think epics were on their way out anyway, been dieing for a long time, probably about time they gave recipes to combine two of them, eg two deepwater chokers = fabled deepwater choker ... stam gain increases by +1 and xp gain increases by x10, maybe even +25 max stamina on them :)




edit: or better yet a shop in cathedral of ways to combine them, omacaz would just make more of them :)

We are talking about the "Titan Doubler", so suggestion on that will be helpful. 

In Topic: Lag and Errors

15 December 2014 - 19:15

as i am a regular titan hunter this lag is disrupting my normal flow, it's been 4-5 days now that i am not abler to move around smoothly in the map the way i use to. hope it gets fixed soon.

In Topic: Development Roadmap (Updated 8th September 2014)

10 November 2014 - 13:34

looking forward for the Top Rated Section for Titan Hunters :D

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