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Member Since 25 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 30 2015 04:30

#953265 New player experience etc.

Posted by st3lth on 16 November 2015 - 13:46

I haven't played since way back in beta and decided to try the game again and have had a great time overall but I took some notes on some things I think could be improved. I tried to think of suggestions that would add accessibility and hopefully retention benefiting new players in particular and eliminating some pain spots. I have some other ideas later that I might suggest.



New Player Experience:


1) Add a help panel with all the tutorial information categorized so that it's easier for new players to find the help they are looking for. Currently a new player has the potential of having to scroll through all of the current tutorials panels to find the help they need each time they look through it.






1) Sell general loot option on vendors.


2) Option to hide character from screenshots.


3) Move currency shown in the top left corner onto the inventory panel as default and maybe make the top left corner a toggle.


4) Add a toggle time display, 12hr/24hr, on the mini-map particularly for Fullscreen players.


5) Moveable chat window, mini-map, and on-screen quest tracker.


6) Add a show Target of Target option.






1) Scalable map window and toggles for each of the map markers with a default showall/hide option.


2) Better colored arrow indicator of the player to help set it apart from the map as in some places it more or less blends into the map such as in Eldevin City without moving.






1) A fix for logging into the site can log you out of the downloadable client causing you to have to log back into the client and reload back into the game.






1) Toggle your status, Online, Away from Keyboard, Offline, etc.






1) Toggle vanity pieces on/off on vanity tab.






1) Organize abilities on the ability panel by class in each gameplay type to help differentiate what each class is capable of. Has long lasting appeal as more abilities are added over time.






1) Change question mark color from yellow to grey possibly for the gather/collect quests until all items are gathered to differentiate not having it complete and to turn in.


2) Allow hide/show quests on the quest journal panel for a level similar to being able to hide/show currencies on the currency tab.


3) Allow gathered stacked quest items to be placed on the skill bars to make it more versatile.

EDIT: Really the underlying problem is that a lot of the gather/collect quests don't update when tracked on the on-screen tracker but just states to collect X amount of items. So I thought of a work around except the work around isn't a good idea it would just be better that the tracker kept count.


4) Toggle on/off quest complete panel.


5) Allow opening up to the quest journal or quest log separately such as default key 'Q' opens up to quest journal and maybe 'Shift + Q' opens up to quest log or save the panels when closed so when you press 'Q' it will open back up to the panel you closed on.






1) Better organization of achievement categories to help find and improve visibility such as professions by making it more like the seasonal sub menu for each profession or better to introduce submenus into the right side of the panel for each profession.


2) Add a search option to achievement panel.






I think the graphics are pretty good overall particularly for a browser and the restraints involved. I think though that people with decent systems could have a bit more options to play with. Some things I think would improve the game from a gameplay perspective and make the world more defined, memorable, atmospheric, immersive, etc.


1) Weather Effects - rain, snow, etc. I really like the look and vibe of the Huntreal Plateau but some occasional snowfall would make it more atmospheric.

EDIT: Actually there is snowfall in the eastern mountainous part of the zone, but have yet to see rain other than water dripping inside a cave.


2) Fog Color - different fog color for zones to help add atmosphere and fit the theme of a zone.

    EDIT: This is done in some zones like on the Isle of Nasaroth, just the Eldevin area doesn't have variation unless I've missed something.


3) Skybox - now that the game has a 3D camera it would be great to see some sky, sunsets, etc.


4) Lighting - it would be great to have a slider for low, medium, high quality lighting as right now the lighting feels flat particularly for the outdoor zones I've been through.




EDITS: Added info to correct a few things that I noticed more as I've played more and to clarify.

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