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Member Since 18 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 24 2015 01:21

#936400 PvP Seasons / Bounty Preview

Posted by Tlingit on 18 June 2015 - 01:25

My eyes are crossed and I have had to take several deep breaths with all this reading.


I am a leveler ONLY and one of the guilds potion makers.


I do not and will not take part in PvP as it would cost me 6 mil + that I've spent on PvP protection so for. Just one hit and it's gone baby gone.


Prestige is not important to me as evidenced by the fact I still have the points from my first two years, or so, of play here. Started in Dec. 2008, I did.  I really do need to use it, I'll try to remember it for this coming 2x dub event.  Really I will try.


As to why a leveler hates PvP, read my bio. LOL That tells the story of my hate very well.


All this is  going to cost me is my hard earned gold, either stolen or spent to repair gear after hits, and the stress of all that brings with it.


I play the game because I it. I like rubber necking my way through each and every zone. I  look at beasts, relics, gear, in an ever changing rainbow of color and variety.   Things move too. Guess it's not for everyone from the posts I've read though.


I'm the shaman story teller, always looking for the next story to tell.


Sing for my breakfast.

Dance for my lunch.

Tell a story for my dinner.

It doesn't cost much.


#930137 Development Update April 2015!

Posted by Tlingit on 28 April 2015 - 20:35

I have played a lot of games in my life  and this is the first game I have played where PvP is set up like this.
I feel like a hog tied animal in a cage waiting to be killed.
I would not mind a larger range of levels if PvP were REAL PvP not this canned hunt I see here.
Remove the list of names a player may chose a target from and let the hunt for game begin. No name on any list to use for fast kills. When a player is offline for 30 minutes their name vanishes and they can  not be hit.
You come find a target to kill.  That's PvP as I know, it as I played it when I tried it. I didn't like then, won't like it now but I won't complain about it much either.

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