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Epic Quests & Legendary Beasts!

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#1 BigGrim


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Posted 19 May 2023 - 14:04

Hi there everyone!
Today, we are releasing two Epic Quests:
'Towards the Answer (Epic)'
'Ancient Wisdom (Epic)'
Along with this, there are new Realms, Creatures and Items. This will also allow you to finish the quest 'Present Darkness (Epic)'!
To begin, you'll need to go to Magic Circle (Vinthorp's Study), just off of Magic Circle (Vinthorps Chamber). The final stage text for the previous epic quest, Creature Harmonics, has been adjusted to include this information.
We hope you enjoy this update!
Additionally, the following creatures have been spotted stalking the Realms! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!
Count Ragf Lokor (Legendary)
Count Ragf Lokor is an ancient friend of the Morbidstein Family, allying with them in battle over the centuries of his existence and keeping close (sometimes blood) ties with the twisted Morbidsteins. He currently amuses himself watching the good Doctor creating his monstrosities and supplies him with a steady flow of (drained) corpses for his evil experiments.
Recommended Level : 12+
Thonomoth (Legendary)
The mighty Thonomoths wanderings have once again brought it in contact with the innocent peoples of the world and the titanic beast is venting all its suppressed anger and hatred on them, laying waste to towns and villages as it tramples on towards more populated areas in search of more to destroy. Such a beast must be stopped quickly!
Recommended Level : 60+
Tamarath the Enchantress (Legendary)
Tamarath the Enchantress is an ambitious Elvish magic wielder who has been empowered by her devotion to the Shadowlord. She has emerged from hiding to assist Burzzthak in laying waste to the area and attacking the Cathedral of the Ways. She must be stopped. Will you stand in her way?
Recommended Level : 90+
Gogmor Mancrusha (Legendary)
The marauding giant Gogmor Mancrusha has awoken from his 100-year slumber in the mountains and gone on the rampage once more. Never yet defeated, Gogmore has been known to batter cities to dust his huge club and devour whole populations of people with his never-ending hunger.
Recommended Level : 120+
Tarbida (Legendary)
The evil being Tarbida has dwelt beneath the world for an age having been trapped in tunnels by the Elves. Now Tarbida has found a way out and now the creature has decided that it is time to come back to the surface and teach the peoples of the world the true meaning of suffering and pain once again.
Recommended Level : 200+
Argus (Legendary)
Argus is the avatar of vengeance that the evil wizard Xinderoth unleashed as a curse upon the world with his dying breath. Argus is a multi eyed giant hell bent on destroying all in the name of his fallen lord and must be stopped...
Recommended Level : 400+
Mantikhoras (Legendary)
Mantikhoras, Father of Manticores is a vast leonine monster with fur the colour of cinnabar and a long, heavily armoured scorpion tail capable of firing thorn-like stingers coated in poison. This creature delights in devouring men and woman whole, leaving no remains. He stalks through the darkness, leaping great distances as, unlike his progeny, he does not have wings!
Recommended Level : 925+
Cucu Cyanide Hero (Legendary)
A former bardic troupe leader who poisons his victims with tormenting sounds from his supernatural lute, while shielding himself with his long hair. His disposable guise (long hair, hide jacket and fake lute) makes him untraceable. However, he must be found and stopped... who will put an end to his torturous sounds?
Designed by : cucubaubau
Recommended Level : 1350+
Hustvivilan (Legendary)
Hustvivilan was an angel of mercy. It is unknown which God she is an aspect of, but it is rumoured that she and a God grew feelings for each other. They got closer, grew in happiness and the Light strengthened. It was never going to last. The Shadowlord's evil and spite is near depthless. He captured Hustvivilan and allowed the God to think her destroyed. The Light dimmed. Just as the God seemed to be strengthening, the Shadowlord let his foe see that Hustvivilan still existed, abroad in the world but her mind all but wiped. She had a faint knowledge of what was done to her, visiting the mercy of death upon all who crossed her path. The God's Light dimmed even further, knowing that there was no way to save their beloved.
Designed by : 1hustler
Recommended Level : 1980+
The Evil Little Coffin Dodger (Legendary)
The Evil Little Coffin dodger was born centuries ago, but died when only a small child. She never was much for doing as told, so when expected to stay in her grave, she didn't listen. She loves animals, and the fact that they usually die from all the attention she gives them isn't much of a problem in her eyes. She will put her cold white arms around the neck of anyone in range, so you'd best watch out, or the next breath you take might very well be your last. She is an evil little coffin dodger, but it's not that she avoids graves, she loves dancing on them! However, she will NEVER sleep in one.
Designed by : bilops
Recommended Level : 2075+
Vampduffula (Legendary)
The Vampduffula is a new breed of duck. They're bright green in colour and rather small, cute looking and rather bad-tempered. What makes these birds so dangerous is that they are also vampiric! They draw you in with their cute looks and when there's no chance of escape for their victims, they strike, sometimes in flocks, draining every drop of blood from the unfortunate individual.
Designed by: hades8840
Recommended Level : 2500+
The Sky Hunter (Legendary)
The Sky Hunter is a hunter of superlative skill! Wielding all manner of weapons from the back of his flying lion, Nubica, he tracks and captures or kills his quarry, depending on the threat of the prey. His favoured weapon is his Sky Hunter Sword, a fine blade of exquisite craft.
Designed by : leos3000
Recommended Level : 3000+
Alpac (Legendary)
Alpac is a peculiar creature that has become enraptured with the malevolent Pakku Spine Chomper and the ghostly spirits that exist in its vicinity. Alpac has magically changed her body to be similar to the Pakku strain of Chomper but, having limbs, has added feminine accoutrements.
Designed by: AlisaRS
Recommended Level : 3425+
Spirit of the Sanitarium (Legendary)
The wounded and weary travellers of Erildath are often entranced by the welcoming false front of "Mr Inqs beverages and biscuits". Once inside, the heavy door closes behind the traveller and it is too late to escape. Most succumb to the Spirit of Sanitarium almost immediately. Gone are the days of battle and bravery, now the days are filled with happily eating Jello and tying shoelaces over and over. Nobody ever leaves and, strangely, nobody even wants to.
Designed by : Plexus37
Recommended Level : 3969+
B Machine (Legendary)
In ages past, the B-Machine was constructed and pressed into the service of a Sect of Gurgriss worshipers. During a particularly fierce battle against the undead hordes of a necromancer, B-Machine fell in battle and his sect was destroyed. His story may have ended there but for a travelling merchant caravan stumbling upon its battered form under ages worth of dirt and detritus. Crowing over such a bounteous discovery, the merchant tried repairing the machine, soon realising his error when B-Machine rampaged through his camp, killing everyone. B-Machine is out there still, attacking all in its confusion.
Designed by: Terrordog
Recommended Level : 4900+
Finally, the following 6 creatures are in the Scavenging Caves!
Balaur (Legendary)
Balaur is a giant reptile with three heads that constantly exhale a poisonous gas that can kill a man with but one lung-full. Balaur was until recently the captive pet of Warlord Kung on the forbidden island of Rozm until he escaped in an orgy of bloodshed and noxious gas. Having since left the island, Balaur is continuing his destruction against innocents and must be stopped...
Recommended Level : 550+
Recommended Gold: 23,000+
Red Annis (Legendary)
The Annis were a sisterhood of dangerous outlawed Elves that practice all kinds of black magic and evil experiments. Red Annis found her pleasures in the sisterhood through the skinning of her victims, generally making them into one of her many dresses. To help aid her in this debased act she replaced her own hands with magically built claws that allow her to cut her victims and stitch their skins with ease.
Recommended Level : 780+
Recommended Gold: 29,000+
Zaragoth the Hades Dragon (Legendary)
Zaragoth the Hades Dragon is a vast, foul being. A two headed, skull faced devourer of souls, this monster is a terror creature, shackled to the Shadow Lords will, sent out to plague the living and absorb the power of those he kills. A dread beast, it must be destroyed! Are you up to the challenge?
Designed by : hades8840
Recommended Level : 820+
Recommended Gold: 29,000+
Harvester of Lost Souls (Legendary)
At the end of Halloween the being known only as the Harvester of Lost Souls comes to reclaim the souls of the evil and bring them back to the shroud. The Harvester can be greedy at this time of year and often tries to bring back more souls than have escaped...
Recommended Level : 850+
Recommended Gold: 29,000+
Barathor the Seer of Fire (Legendary)
Barathor, the Seer of Fire, is an ancient, otherworldly demonic being. His centuries of flame gazing have left him entirely blind but he still manages to see thanks to his Helm of Visions. Some say whatever he has seen over the ages has driven him quite mad, all that is known for sure is he is now using his mastery over fire as a weapon, incinerating all around him. He needs to be stopped!
Recommended Level : 1725+
Recommended Gold: 45,000+
The Unforgiven Queen (Legendary)
The Unforgiven Queen is a tragic figure. A proud monarch who lead with a firm, though fair hand, she was beloved! Such people gain enemies however and the Queen was no exception. She had turned away and banished a powerful witch from her kingdom. This vile creature would not allow this slight to stand, so cast a mighty curse against the Queen. She was bedevilled by visions and maddening sounds and, eventually, she snapped. Seeing enemies everywhere, she rampaged through her castle with her sword, slaying all who stood against her and those trying to escape. When she slew her own family, the curse lifted, allowing her to see what she'd done in the clear light of day with an untroubled mind. It broke her and she fled. Now, maddened and raving about bloody hands and lingering spectres only she can see, she roams the realms, seeking forgiveness but being utterly unable to forgive herself!
Designed by : Vaelian
Recommended Level : 3450+
Recommended Gold: 45,000+
These creatures shall be available until 14:00 (Server Time) on Monday the 22nd of May 2023.
~ The Fallen Sword team.

#2 sweetlou



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Posted 19 May 2023 - 16:50

The only date mentioned above is when the creatures flee on Monday the 22nd. How long will the new and the one old epic quests be available? I only ask because of the following message on USFG:

Epic Failure.JPG

[Signature removed]


“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” -GRRM

#3 BigGrim


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Posted 19 May 2023 - 17:26

Same as every other Epic Quest in this quest line, they are permanent. Not sure what the Guide being in maintenance mode has to do with it.


~ Grim

#4 LordOfRuin



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Posted 19 May 2023 - 18:18

Noticed the following with the new quests (copy and paste from a submitted ticket):


did the new epic quests but experienced some strangeness:

Portalled from CoW to Taymar Divide... Could not (and STILL CANNOT) access Utapo Flats OR Altar Forest... I don't even get the mouse icon changing to the the pointy hand.. I CAN access (with pointy hand showing) Death Gorge realms (this is how I got to UF North)

During the new quest (at the first point where both are active on the same square) I first went to Present Darkness and discovered I needed a dagger. I then accessed the new quest line and spoke to Carris who waxed quite lyrical about the beauty of the dagger. I returned to present darkness to discover I was still lacking the dagger I had so proudly shown off to Carris. After some fumbling I found the recipe and all is well. However it appears that the conversation with Carris is out of step (i.e. I should have invented it before she could swoon over it).

It won't happen to everyone, but if fixing the trigger is easy ...




Hope this helps some peeps,





Edited by LordOfRuin, 19 May 2023 - 18:19.

#5 sweetlou



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Posted 19 May 2023 - 18:46

Same as every other Epic Quest in this quest line, they are permanent. Not sure what the Guide being in maintenance mode has to do with it.


~ Grim

After waiting a number of years to have a chance to complete the Present Darkness (Epic), I would like to complete quests before I thought they might disappear on Monday. I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of all the realms in the game. USFG helps navigate where to start, where to go. If it's in 'maintenance mode' until Monday many of us will simply have to wait to start the quests. No biggie now that we know the quests are permanent.

[Signature removed]


“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” -GRRM

#6 Grumpy Grey

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Posted 20 May 2023 - 00:14

Same as every other Epic Quest in this quest line, they are permanent. Not sure what the Guide being in maintenance mode has to do with it.


~ Grim

Regarding the guide  it would of been handy for researching the stats and what maps the Legendaries are that have been released into the realms for the current event. 
I wont be doing anything as planned this week end due to it being down.
I can live with that if its fixed along with the lag.

#7 Tilley10



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Posted 20 May 2023 - 16:30

Today, we are releasing two Epic Quests:
'Towards the Answer (Epic)'
'Ancient Wisdom (Epic)'
Along with this, there are new Realms, Creatures and Items. This will also allow you to finish the quest 'Present Darkness (Epic)'!

I am confused as to how these quests are "Epic"? Maybe because they have many many stages/steps to complete? But, the reward of completing these quests are certainly not "Epic" - they match any other random quest for that specific level. This is very disappointing.


The reward for completing "Epic" quests, especially with the amount of stages needed to complete, needs to also be "Epic". What qualify as an "Epic" reward, you ask? Please see the list below in no particular order.

  • Increase in Stamina Gain per hour (5+)
  • Increase in Max Stamina (5,000+)
  • Increase in Backpack (5+)
  • Increase in Gold Gain per hour (5,000+)
  • Increase in XP Gain per hour (100,000+ or scale based on the current level? (5%+)
  • Increase in Bank Deposits per day (2+)
  • Increase in Max Auctions (5+)
  • Or, a plethora of other options listed on the Character Upgrade page


Please look into correcting this error. As these "Epic" quests are currently, there is zero incentive (except Quest medal progress) to complete these.

#8 Ouiounon


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Posted 20 May 2023 - 17:38

I am confused as to how these quests are "Epic"? Maybe because they have many many stages/steps to complete? But, the reward of completing these quests are certainly not "Epic" - they match any other random quest for that specific level. This is very disappointing.


The reward for completing "Epic" quests, especially with the amount of stages needed to complete, needs to also be "Epic". What qualify as an "Epic" reward, you ask? Please see the list below in no particular order.

  • Increase in Stamina Gain per hour (5+)
  • Increase in Max Stamina (5,000+)
  • Increase in Backpack (5+)
  • Increase in Gold Gain per hour (5,000+)
  • Increase in XP Gain per hour (100,000+ or scale based on the current level? (5%+)
  • Increase in Bank Deposits per day (2+)
  • Increase in Max Auctions (5+)
  • Or, a plethora of other options listed on the Character Upgrade page


Please look into correcting this error. As these "Epic" quests are currently, there is zero incentive (except Quest medal progress) to complete these.



Yeah, agreed. These weren't epic quests, they were just, well... quests. With a lot of steps only to get an XP reward less than what I gain in an hour by XP gain.


Come on.

#9 BigGrim


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Posted 20 May 2023 - 19:07

The Epic is for the Storyline. Not the rewards.


I don't believe all previous Epic Quests in this storyline do give upgrades. Some of them do, to help new players along.
Not all Epic Quests SHOULD have such rewards. Indeed, a fair few do not.

Again, the earliest ones were to help newer players along. 
Still, I'll discuss it with Arioche on Monday. :)
~ Grim

#10 shindrak



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Posted 20 May 2023 - 20:17

At least should be better than daily quest.

#11 Davros81



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Posted 21 May 2023 - 09:00

so the end result of the "epic quests" is: You receive 47,228 XpPlease note, you will not be able to advance in this particular Quest until the next Epic Quest arc is released.

#12 winemaker



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Posted 21 May 2023 - 20:02

so the end result of the "epic quests" is: You receive 47,228 XpPlease note, you will not be able to advance in this particular Quest until the next Epic Quest arc is released.


 I have not done the quest yet but by the looks of it we get to close 1 quest for another one to stay open for another eternity.  :rolleyes:  

#13 Tilley10



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Posted 22 May 2023 - 03:43

Please see below for all of the Epic quests that we have in the game and their associated rewards. I apologize over the formatting - was not able to add a table.

Quest Name | Quest Level | Number of Stages | Stage Rewards

Signs and Portents | 3 | 4 | 500 Current Stam, Ring of Righteousness, 300 XP, Vespine Viper Amulet Recipe, 550 Current Stamina, +50 Max Stamina and +2 Stamina Gain per Hour.

Present Darkness | 3 | 3 | I have not completed so I don't know.

Eternal Defiance | 4 | 19 | Viper Strike Saber Recipe, Viper Strike Longsword, +550 Current Stamina, +550 Current Stamina, +550 Current Stamina, Serpentine Water Stone Recipe, Pouch of Nepeta Cataria, 1,489 Xp, 1 x Rune of Vanfara, +600 Current Stamina, +50 Max Stamina and +2 Stamina Gain The Ways of Mages 13 19 600 Current Stamina, Krul Dark Iron Key Recipe, 200 Gold and +600 Current Stamina, +600 Current Stamina, Odio Spectral Gloves Recipe, Tarnish Charm Recipe, +600 Current Stamina, +600 Current Stamina, 5,340 Xp, 1 x Note of Admission and +600 Current Stamina.

What's in a Name? | 17 | 2 | 1009 Xp, 1 x Demonic Runic Tablet and +600 Current Stamina.

Quest for the Senses | 20 | 5 | 2,168 XP and Rune of the Senses.

Spirit of Scent | 20 | 2 | 1,826 XP and Rune of Scent.

Spirit of Sight | 20 | 2 | 1,826 XP and Rune of Sight.

Spirit of Sound | 20 | 2 | 1,826 XP and Rune of Sound.

Spirit of Taste | 20 | 2 | 1,826 XP and Rune of Taste.

Wardens Test | 21 | 2 | 1,597 Xp, 1 x Warden Circle Docket and +600 Current Stamina.

Gate of the Abyss | 22 | 33 | 600 Current Stamina, 1 x Crystal Augury, +600 Current Stamina, 1 x Tainted Moon Stone Recipe, 1 x Orb of Grow Recipe, +600 Current Stamina, 1 x Paladir Grove Rune, +600 Current Stamina, 1 x Paladir Elixir Recipe, +600 Current Stamina, 1 x Crown of Iron Recipe, 1 x Signet of Iron, +600 Current Stamina, +600 Current Stamina, +600 Current Stamina, +600 Current Stamina, 1 x Tarkins Belongings, 1 x Amulet of Tarkin Recipe, +650 Current Stamina, +50 Max Stamina and +1 Stamina Gain.

Creature Harmonics | 30 | ? | I have not completed so I don't know.

Blightning of Leghra | 40 | 6 | 8,426 XP and Deathspinner Armor Recipe.

Stone of the Lost | 40 | 2 | 8,426 XP and Deathspinner Shield Recipe Deathspinner Queen Web 40 2 Deathspinner Queen Web.

Ancient Wisdom | 51 | ? | I have not completed so I don't know.

Towards the Answer | 51 | 2 | I have not completed so I don't know.

Chalice of Skulls | 60 | 2 | 19,118 XP and Amulet of Skulls.

Wall of the Ancients | 80 | 5 | 34,130 XP.

Souls of the Red Well | 80 | 2 | Enchanted Red Soul Stone.

Souls of the Blue Well | 80 | 2 | Enchanted Blue Soul Stone Souls of the Black Well 80 2 Enchanted Black Soul Stone.

Forging of the Soul Stones | 80 | 3 | 36,030 XP and Minos War Hammer Recipe.

The Fallen Champion | 80 | 2 | 36,030 XP and Minos Warhammer Haft.

Minotaur of the Lost | 80 | 2 | 36,026 XP and Minos War Helmet .

Element of Air | 100 | 3 | Earth Rune Recipe, Aether Essence, 53,462 XP and Reborn Elemental Air Javelin.

Element of Earth | 300 | 3 | Air Rune Recipe, Aether Essence, 484,382 XP and Reborn Elemental Earth Hammer.

Element of Water | 500 | 3 | Fire Rune Recipe, Aether Essence, 1,347,302 XP and Reborn Elemental Trident of Water.

Element of Fire | 700 | 3 | Water Rune Recipe, Aether Essence, 2,642,222 XP and Reborn Elemental Blade of Fire.

Edited by Tilley10, 22 May 2023 - 03:56.

#14 BigGrim


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Posted 22 May 2023 - 11:51

At least should be better than daily quest.

It's the correct amount of XP for the level, number of steps, required kills and inventing.

I have not done the quest yet but by the looks of it we get to close 1 quest for another one to stay open for another eternity.  rolleyes.gif

Incorrect. Better to do the thing before commenting on heresay. :D

~ Grim

#15 BigGrim


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Posted 22 May 2023 - 14:43

Hi there everyone.


We've discussed the lack of stamina rewards in the newest Epic Quests and have decided that the quests are fine as is. Not all Epic quests give stam rewards and this quests gives the correct XP for the effort expended. We shall not be changing anything in this release.


Thank you for the feedback in this matter but we feel it is fine as it is.


~ Grim

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