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Character Selling

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#1 gothador_deadwood

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Posted 05 March 2009 - 14:24

Well I see now that since the previous forum is locked we no longer have freedom of speech anymore or we run such risks. Anyway I would like to comment on the postings you wrote there DocSooty and Iaganatzi.

1. You may not advertise the intent to or commit the act of buying (excluding direct purchases from Hunted Cow Studios Ltd), selling, trading, sharing, or transferring access to any game account or any other commodities within the game for money, money's worth or commodities outwith the game. Well as I see it the character is "an item" so selling it for USPs isnt against any rules. (Unless your referring to what happened with Evilshade and thats why you put this law into effect, which never seemed to be an issue before until then anyway.)

2. An account cannot be transferred to another person in any circumstance. Well so much for giving my characters to my dog in my will when I die. Guess she'll have to go chase cars after all.

3. You'll find that a lot of games companies do the same. A good example is Blizzard with World of Warcraft. Well even WoW accounts can be transferred if you know how to do it. (different realms anyway) But ona side note here, I have worked with many gaming industries and what old timers called BBS's (Bulletin Board System) as a SysOp (System Operator). We allowed selling of characters, trading and everything but it was all done at the players own risk. If the character was stripped, too bad!, If the character was suicided (basically killed off after money was transferred) we would resurrect it once and then too bad! Alot of the games I have been a part of when you died once in the game your character was toast, or wiped out of the data base. So in some way its nice to only loose a body part. But thats not really the point here.

Bottom line I think its getting a bit over the top when you start to govern your customers to such an extent that you are telling them they really have no control, only you do. Thats more of a dictatorship than a democracy and I would think you wouldnt want to bite the hand that feeds you so to speak since you rely on customers to keep in business in the first place. Anyway thats just my two cents and my views and I am certain I will never hear the end of it.

#2 blacqmath



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Posted 05 March 2009 - 14:45

I've always understood the policy as.... HCS owns everything in Gothador..... Charachters, USPs, Items, ect., and we donate to use them.



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#3 DocSooty



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Posted 05 March 2009 - 14:47

Well I see now that since the previous forum is locked we no longer have freedom of speech anymore or we run such risks. Anyway I would like to comment on the postings you wrote there DocSooty and Iaganatzi.

The thread was closed because the initial question of the post had been answered.

1. Well as I see it the character is "an item" so selling it for USPs isnt against any rules. (Unless your referring to what happened with Evilshade and thats why you put this law into effect, which never seemed to be an issue before until then anyway.)

Then you're ignoring the rest of the terms. All the terms apply, not just one point. The terms clearly point out in-game comodities and accounts as seperate.

2. An account cannot be transferred to another person in any circumstance. Well so much for giving my characters to my dog in my will when I die. Guess she'll have to go chase cars after all.

I don't think your dog would understand the game.

3. You'll find that a lot of games companies do the same. A good example is Blizzard with World of Warcraft. Well even WoW accounts can be transferred if you know how to do it.

Yes, but then you'd be breaking their rules. You can transfer characters between YOUR account(s). If you're transferring a character to someone else then you're breaking the rules.

Bottom line I think its getting a bit over the top when you start to govern your customers to such an extent that you are telling them they really have no control, only you do. Thats more of a dictatorship than a democracy and I would think you wouldnt want to bite the hand that feeds you so to speak since you rely on customers to keep in business in the first place. Anyway thats just my two cents and my views and I am certain I will never hear the end of it.

I myself pay for an MMO that I have no power over. Its not a problem, I get to play it all the same. Sure, if I ever feel like leaving the game I'll be selling my account on the side. If I get caught - no loss, was gonna quit anyway. Thats my view.

As for the rules - I didn't write them, I agree with them and I can't see them getting changed.

#4 Gruvi



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Posted 05 March 2009 - 21:27

Let me start off by saying - I don't agree with the selling of characters for RL money... But for in game currency, it should be buyer beware...

With that having been said, don't you think you'd be more apt to retain customers if the game was - I don't know - updated more regularly?!?! There has been a huge flux of original players leaving because this game has taken a dive... It's lacking the pizazz it used to have... We wouldn't consider transferring characters if we had something to play for, something to attain on a REGULAR basis...

- We have things that have been broken for a long, long time that still aren't fixed...

- Quests and Invasions are so few and far between that I am much happier paying Blizzard to play WoW 3x's as much as I pay HCS to play Gothador... If Gothador was given even a fraction of the attention it used to be given, I'd retain a maxed out subscription and pay the same as I do to play WoW - well, more actually than WoW... And I'd be happy doing it!!!!!!

- There is some honest to god amazing feedback on this forum; suggestion and quest ideas from the players, and promises from HCS themselves... None of this is being implemented really... We don't even see Mods on a regular basis anymore; look how long the selling threads existed before someone with 'power' stepped in...

- We have ONE person from HCS who works on Gothador... And while he does a great job with what he can, Gothador was AMAZING when you had 3-4 of you working on it... We've taken a backseat to all the other projects... Hip-hip-hooray for the growth HCS has seen, but don't forget your launch pad...

#5 Debrutsid



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Posted 05 March 2009 - 22:23

...Sure, if I ever feel like leaving the game I'll be selling my account on the side. If I get caught - no loss, was gonna quit anyway....

Just to break it down for all you slow folks out there.

#6 gothador_deadwood

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Posted 06 March 2009 - 01:02

Well from the previous forum with this heading the forum was locked not closed. So that tell me someone didnt like what was being said I guess since once a forum is locked you cant edit or reply anymore. Bottom line the game has fizzled out to an extent. Doing an invasion once every 6 months isnt enough draw to keep alot of the really big players or old players playing and spending their time here. Nothing gets fixed, all the latest items seem to mirror each other in some way and not give any new attributes or resistances. It would be cool to have like say some sort or trinket or amulet that allows something else to be worn, like where are the boots for the voucher we got? Nothing lately for miners at all. Make something that has bonus's for foraging or orbing or something off the wall. Make some sort of helmuts that give stats. The possibilities are endless if you just put some effort into it. Yes I know about the coding issues and such but you need to liven up the game some. Also answer peoples calls for help. I for one have been trying to register a character now for over 6 months but with no luck. I get an email maybe once every 2 or 3 months asking about a different game not gothador. So that tells me my ticket isnt even worth looking at closely if you make a reference to the wrong game. Noone new can register a character to be able to write in forums so thats another thing to be fixed. Lets get the ball rolling and start fixing things here before the whole game becomes a graveyard!

#7 Gruvi



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Posted 06 March 2009 - 01:40

It would be cool to have like say some sort or trinket or amulet that allows something else to be worn, like where are the boots for the voucher we got?

I would have died if I'd been holding my breath for this one... The first time I asked for boots/shoes was April 6, 2006... Almost 3 years ago.. And it's still documented here.. There is a plethora of quest ideas that could spin off of a new item type... There are good quest ideas already posted for other items... But that doesn't fix the stuff that's already broken...

If it's not broken, don't fix it... But if it's broken, don't ignore it... People wouldn't want to sell characters off if the damn game got some decent attention placed on it again...

#8 gothador_vickieverki

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Posted 06 March 2009 - 04:52

Blah blah blah, same old stuff getting churned over and over.

This game isnt their priority and you have to get used to it. A lot of us love what it is and what it will remain. If you dont like it, you can do something else but whingeing all the time isnt going to change anything except stopping people reading your posts.


#9 Howard The Duck

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Posted 06 March 2009 - 22:09

or people will just leave the game if everyone keeps whining as most older players already have

#10 Howard The Duck

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Posted 06 March 2009 - 22:14

or everyone could just enjoy what we have and let the rest go!

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