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Improving Gvg/Pvp

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#1 atta222



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Posted 15 July 2018 - 01:24

Hello everyone, i opened this thread to discuss how to improve Pvp/Gvg and make the game a little more competitive since the game turns out to become monotonous specially for the high levels who keep on waiting months until their stamina refills and new content is up to play again... also it feels like the rate of their progress is too fast. I wonder if one day they 'll become level 10k? Therefore I was thinking of a way to make the game more competitive at least for those high levels to have something to do while charging stamina...

First of all we need to keep on mind a few things while posting our suggestions..

1. We need to consider the cost it 'll take to implement such update...

2. We need to make the upgrades in a way which will make the high levels help he low levels/ recruit them and gear them up...

3. We need to make it more competitive in higher levels than lower levels...

4.we need to make it in a way in which people will cooperate and coordinate together to do it...

5.Please Note that we are trying to reach an idea so if someone suggested one thing... we don't only have the option of banning the suggestion butwe can edit it in a way to make it applicable if it really will improve the game.

6. In the End we want our edition to be fun to play.

The problem with pvp imo nowadays, is that it became expensive... way too expensive. The gear it's self is costs, buff specially composing buffs which have a huge effect on pvp is expensive... specially for me who is still level 6 composing since I just returned back to the game. Not to mention the ladder ain't rewarding at all for the amount one pays there...

So what should we do , increase the Pvp and Gvg payouts? I doubt it 'll have any affect if we onky did that... It might probably cause and inflation...

So instead of just having more New rewards , why not make the people need to consume the current rewards even more to compete together for dominance or medals...

So if make the people need the buff packs, they 'll do conflicts to use those packs... Guild Buff Packs should have an advantage other buffs does not. Which is the time they last active.

So if there is a Guild war, the packs will be more useable... yet those guild wars must be rewarding like distributing certain potions to all participants in such guild wars while the top guild members gain an Epic potion each.

Well to keep things tidied .... Here are some of the ideas I have had and wanted to share.

1.Guild Medals
Aggrssive Guild = Top Guild which has members who actively initiate successful pvp Attacks for xx days (medal can be proportional with the amount of guild members so that small guilds won't make such achievements easier than big guilds ... we aren't encouraging people to disband the big guilds but encouraging more team play)

Smasher Guild = Top Guild which has Smarshes

Defenders Medal = Top Guild whose members win in defence PvP.

Guild Dominance = Top Gvg Rating for xx days

Top XP Guild = Ranked 1st Guild for xx days.

Top Richest guild = Ranked Top Richest for xx days.

So I hope he point of having guilds medals reach you guys... It 'll make people aim fo The medal for their guild, but making a medal should not be easy ... we can take a few procedures....

2. Guild XP Decaying
Guild XP needs to decay specially when many players go inactive... Anyways the guild still holds the XP even if there players who contributed it left the guild... Why not decay the XP when the guild is going inactive... we can also allow conflicts to harm the XP... Anyways pvp harms xp of the players why not Gvg harms xp of guilds..

It 'll create for example a competition between top 1st and 2nd guild... since most of their players at the level cap, they 'll aim on hitting the guild xp either to make the top 1st Guild fall or the 1st Guild will aim to solidify it's position...

Ofc. It doesn't have to be a wanton slaughter... maybe it can be like a global event like the ladder a week each month that shows up on the Tavern rumors....

3. Guild bank raiding...
I know the idea might be frightening to some people , specially those whose bank is flooded with gold... but let's be true here... 2 or 3 level 3k players can easily flood the guild bank again...

Anyways if we integrate the guild bank raiding, guilds will aim to snatch gold from each other through conflicts. That way people will respond in conflicts more seriously.

Guild bank raiding can be carried with XP Decaying idea in a global/Guild Ladder like event where guilds move onto massive Gvg fights/Conflicts in between...

Ofc. Something like that would be limited to like a maximum of 5% of the guilds bank or 10% .. The limitation must be done into a way to prevent bullying at he same time allow the guilds to compete for the Top Richest medal. Also without seriously drainning a guild out. Like giving a guild which lost a certain amount of it's gold in the event a gold protection bubble for the rest of the event... also the bubble could be purchased from guild upgrades... It 'll cost to maintain your top rank of gold ...

Anyways rich Guilds should be rish enough to arm there members if they are afraid to lose their gold and want to gain the Top richest guild medal for xx days

3.Encouraging Relics Raidings in Guild wars.
Relic Capturers Medal, Capture 20 Relics achievement....

4.Encouraging guild members to pvp the enemy guild members.

there must be points a guild member gain when he pvp a guild member in the Enemies guild list, that can be changed into some tiny rewards... also these points can be gained through acheiving conflicts and so on ... these are different from RP... these are personal gains beside the guild gains...

5.allow guilds to set policies... Like having aguild allies list and a guild enemies list... same as profile of players...

6.Winning Guild Conflicts should reward participants with Potions or Points of their own apart from the RP, that they can redeem for rewards. (talked about it in number 4)

7.force the guilds to have many participants to join the conflict...

Like 10 members at once... yes it 'll be hard for small guilds.... then each guild should start a conflict with a guild it's size....

For example if an active of 100 members guild fights a 100 active members guild then the conflict must be 10 participants of 100 battles. If a 100 active members guild fight a 30 active members guild then the number of paricipants have to be at least 3 members from each guild.

I mean to make all members participate and cooperate.

7. Players should lose personal xp from conflicts, those high leveled players can gain the xp again. can have a buble for players below level 500 for example not to lose xp... but those at level cap, i assume they should lose xp in conflicts...
And smashing should be allowed in guild conflicts.

8.Great And massive rewards like up to level 500s AL LIB and CON. Buff pack Which will intern cost way much RP to allow the players to regain the levels they lose from conflicts.

9.if an attacking guild loses in conflict, it would still gain a few RP like half what the defender gains or maybe less... at least the stamina the people spent won't be just for naught.
Players now hardly gvg since the gvg attack wont be rewarding at all since its easiy to defend.

10. Players get a medal for participating in conflicts.

11. A number reflecting the amount of guild tagged gear should appear on the guild screen ... maybe even make a medal for Geared Up Guild Medal... guilds now only get the one set of the hunting gear and that's all.

At least it 'll help people when applying for a guild. Like he amount of epics tagged and legs dart and other gears...

12. A number showing the amount of people who are in the guild and participated in the last month in at least 1 conflict... It 'll show how active a guild is.

13. We can add also a percentage showing the percentage of players active to unactive in each guild , I mean just logged in within the last 7 days.

14. More structures to help show statistics of stuff stated above... Like Gvging and who GvGs most and win rates of each guild members.. The more upgrades the structure the more it shows...

15. The ability to gain smasher medal through gvg and the ability to bounty a gig attack... actually am not sure about the bounty thing but I feel the board needs some help... if gvg will be active , it 'll not be bad to allow active gvgers have some taste of being smashed on board.

16. Guild levels should have bottle necks.

A guild can't proceed to a certain level unless it breaks through the bottle neck.. The bottle neck should be a Gvg rating percentage... so no matter how much the members farmed , they need to break through so that they can level their guild...
The Percentage should become higher with the higher the amount and levels of guild members.

17. Guild achievements should be rewarding in certain ways... Like win complete 100 conflicts and all guild members will gain 5 BP spaces. Defend 200 conflicts all guild members gain +2AH space... Something like that.

I am sure you guys have a lot of ideas too you can share... also you can tweak and edit my ideas if they went a bit astray... at the very least my concept should have reached you by now.... ppl reach the level cap then quit until the next content update then farm then quit... Why not let them lose some levels then farm them again... they 'll flood their guilds banks and will stay active... find something challenging to fight for and so on... at the very least it 'll decrease the pace of new content... it's really frustrating to see a level 10k someday... now people have like 200k max stamina... I won't believe it's enough to make 1k levels anyways...

Hope this will turn positive in some way, we are just sharing ideas here , cheers... sorry if there is any mistakes... am not a native English, I 'll try to edit it if I find any problems with the meanings.

Edited by atta222, 15 July 2018 - 08:43.

#2 gapukas



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Posted 15 July 2018 - 02:12

A lot of great ideas, but the bounty board one is a little shady. lets say im doing conflicts with 17 guilds, hitting all of them and every one of my targets can bounty me - no thanks :D

#3 atta222



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Posted 15 July 2018 - 08:04

lets imagine a Cloak RP Buff pack , A SH KE CA 200 Buff Pack, A Deflect 200 Buff Pack, an AL CON LIB 350s or even 500s Buff pack... everything will have its price ofc. it wont affect composing since composing has other stuff that can be made .. also a buff Pack will activate on the entire guild, and not used by 1 player which will me somewhat expensive compared to having composed pots for free to guild members

#4 gapukas



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Posted 15 July 2018 - 12:13

Well it actually seems worth the risk, but however i find the guild alliance loophole to be a problem on farming RP in that case.

Edited by gapukas, 15 July 2018 - 13:12.

#5 atta222



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Posted 15 July 2018 - 15:57

Well it actually seems worth the risk, but however i find the guild alliance loophole to be a problem on farming RP in that case.

Alliances now already have set diplomatic relations, why not just "legalise it"

#6 gapukas



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Posted 15 July 2018 - 17:27

Alliances now already have set diplomatic relations, why not just "legalise it"

How about like a system when your guild has added another guild to their friends list then you cant attack them or their members as a penalty(pvp, gvg, arena, ladder). And when you unfriend them then they get a message that in 24 hours the friend status will be off.

#7 atta222



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Posted 15 July 2018 - 19:11

How about like a system when your guild has added another guild to their friends list then you cant attack them or their members as a penalty(pvp, gvg, arena, ladder). And when you unfriend them then they get a message that in 24 hours the friend status will be off.

You mean to have active diplomatic relations... it still has it side effects... well it 'll be awesome but only if there is real guild wars not just a "Phone Contacts list"

#8 Chooma123



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Posted 16 July 2018 - 17:10

I mean they could instantly revive GvG overnight just by adding some decent rewards to the RP system...

most of these suggestions are nice but pointless and many of them make GvG a personal thing (like bountying GvG attacks) rather than a guild thing which is wrong

#9 gapukas



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Posted 16 July 2018 - 18:11

THE biggest frustrating thing about gvg is the list making, might as well bang ur head against the wall and hope the list completes by itself

Edited by gapukas, 16 July 2018 - 18:13.

#10 atta222



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Posted 17 July 2018 - 06:56

I mean they could instantly revive GvG overnight just by adding some decent rewards to the RP system...
most of these suggestions are nice but pointless and many of them make GvG a personal thing (like bountying GvG attacks) rather than a guild thing which is wrong

Yeah , these are just ideas, we can remove some them or craft them the way we like if it's no going to work... Am just racking my brain for everything it might have lol

#11 atta222



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Posted 17 July 2018 - 07:00

THE biggest frustrating thing about gvg is the list making, might as well bang ur head against the wall and hope the list completes by itself

I guess you are right, we need that thing to Cleary point us our targets in Gvg

it would be great too if gvg targets are like pvp ladder target with wider range up the levels... higher levels have a better access to buffs which can allow them to gvg easily, don't forget that there are less players in each range now so it's harder to find targets ...

One more thing to note.. it would be amazing if there was a guild structure which monitors gvg and the RP generated by each player... The amount of wins/losses each player has.... attacks defenses... The amount of times each player got attacked , how many times did he successfully defend an attack or does he just always lose and is always a gvg target...

#12 gapukas



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Posted 17 July 2018 - 10:49

Well we can wish, hunted cow will never implement it, players still rely on FS helper and its too much work for the main guy working on it, so basically if you want it code it yourself thats a lot of work.

Edited by gapukas, 17 July 2018 - 10:54.

#13 atta222



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Posted 17 July 2018 - 18:46

Well we can wish, hunted cow will never implement it, players still rely on FS helper and its too much work for the main guy working on it, so basically if you want it code it yourself thats a lot of work.

That's pretty unfair, I play on tablet Bluetooth keyboard and mouse... how can i use codes and scripts... not to mention that I don't even understand these stuff since I study law not computing and programming...

Anyways when people play FS on mobile, I doubt someone will be hunting on mobile or tablet... most reliance will be trading by checking the AH regularly, the bids and Auctions, checking the game news section waiting for a certain titan/event , switching gear, repairing , checking the bounty board, mail box, guild scout tower on mobile , gvging and pvping, chatting, maybe casual titan hunting or SE hunting, some might be checking the arena if they have combat setups ready, they 'll easily do arena.. but hunting. like reporting gear, checking the maps and setting pots ready (which only have 30min active time atm) and searching for buffs, seliing gold for fsps from the hunt, and hunting its self ... it would be the last thing ppl would do on the mobile app. I would not do that on the app , I would do it on the browser with Bluetooth keyboard and map if on my tablet.. so whatever work they are doing on the app now while neglecting other stuff won't pay like they expect...

So whatever taking their attention now, I bet gvging with easier way of locating targets would have more priority... Anyways it's not a big deal... neglecting the other aspects of the game because the majority of player do the hunting and not the other game aspects... well the problem might not be in the players , maybe the others aspects are not that encouraging other to play...

Well after all hunting is moving a tiny grey warrior in a couple of inches map and pressing 1234 + direction ... I wonder how many people will keep on playing the game that way... I recommend encouraging people to play more competitive and rewarding aspects of the game... make it fun and make team work worth it.. that's all I need... I won't think twice to pay my hard earned money if the game is fun to play and competitive...

Edited by atta222, 17 July 2018 - 18:47.

#14 BadPenny



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Posted 17 July 2018 - 18:59

That's pretty unfair, I play on tablet Bluetooth keyboard and mouse... how can i use codes and scripts... not to mention that I don't even understand these stuff since I study law not computing and programming...

Anyways when people play FS on mobile, I doubt someone will be hunting on mobile or tablet... most reliance will be trading by checking the AH regularly, the bids and Auctions, checking the game news section waiting for a certain titan/event , switching gear, repairing , checking the bounty board, mail box, guild scout tower on mobile , gvging and pvping, chatting, maybe casual titan hunting or SE hunting, some might be checking the arena if they have combat setups ready, they 'll easily do arena.. but hunting. like reporting gear, checking the maps and setting pots ready (which only have 30min active time atm) and searching for buffs, seliing gold for fsps from the hunt, and hunting its self ... it would be the last thing ppl would do on the mobile app. I would not do that on the app , I would do it on the browser with Bluetooth keyboard and map if on my tablet.. so whatever work they are doing on the app now while neglecting other stuff won't pay like they expect...

So whatever taking their attention now, I bet gvging with easier way of locating targets would have more priority... Anyways it's not a big deal... neglecting the other aspects of the game because the majority of player do the hunting and not the other game aspects... well the problem might not be in the players , maybe the others aspects are not that encouraging other to play...

Well after all hunting is moving a tiny grey warrior in a couple of inches map and pressing 1234 + direction ... I wonder how many people will keep on playing the game that way... I recommend encouraging people to play more competitive and rewarding aspects of the game... make it fun and make team work worth it.. that's all I need... I won't think twice to pay my hard earned money if the game is fun to play and competitive...

Honey, I have played 100% of FS 100% of the time 100% on a cheap smartphone since 2015.  I have made some 800 levels, done gvg, bounties, ge, even whacked a bit on a titan....   I'm far from the only one to do so.   Don't assume nobody actually plays on mobile.  We do. 

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#15 atta222



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Posted 17 July 2018 - 19:08

Honey, I have played 100% of FS 100% of the time 100% on a cheap smartphone since 2015. I have made some 800 levels, done gvg, bounties, ge, even whacked a bit on a titan.... I'm far from the only one to do so. Don't assume nobody actually plays on mobile. We do.

Who saiiid no one plays on mobile ? I didn't say so.. I said hunting is not as convenient on mobile like pc where as pvping / trading / gagging is more convenient on mobile than on pc... which I personally do... I won't wait 2 min. In front of the pc to bounty hunt/ gvg... that's my personal preference.. It's a matters of difference in priority and not a matter of cancelling out hunting on mobile app.

Please read carefully what I write... even though am no English, I try to use the precise words, enlighten me to edit if I have a mistake...

And... Please... don't call me honey, only my wife is allowed to say so... since I don't have one already, you might affect my formidable "loner" status.. thank you ;)

#16 BadPenny



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Posted 17 July 2018 - 19:26

Who saiiid no one plays on mobile ? I didn't say so.. I said hunting is not as convenient on mobile like pc where as pvping / trading / gagging is more convenient on mobile than on pc... which I personally do... I won't wait 2 min. In front of the pc to bounty hunt/ gvg... that's my personal preference.. It's a matters of difference in priority and not a matter of cancelling out hunting on mobile app.

Please read carefully what I write... even though am no English, I try to use the precise words, enlighten me to edit if I have a mistake...

And... Please... don't call me honey, only my wife is allowed to say so... since I don't have one already, you might affect my formidable "loner" status.. thank you ;)

I'm somebody's grandma, I call everybody honey

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#17 atta222



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Posted 17 July 2018 - 19:30

I'm somebody's grandma, I call everybody honey

Don't underestimate yourself, I still feel my heart beating fast , you should be on your teens ;-;

#18 gapukas



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Posted 17 July 2018 - 19:41

Only people ever called me honey were chinese web store sellers lol

#19 atta222



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Posted 20 July 2018 - 22:46

I would like to add that it is too risky to attack and too easy to defend, i say we better make defense like offense max a 25 atk each player... its not fair that offensive pays gold and fsps and move his players while defensive does nothing but move 1 player...

#20 BadPenny



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Posted 20 July 2018 - 23:37

I would like to add that it is too risky to attack and too easy to defend, i say we better make defense like offense max a 25 atk each player... its not fair that offensive pays gold and fsps and move his players while defensive does nothing but move 1 player...

I understand your angst, but I don't see how you could make defending any different.   Many guilds don't even want to participate, complain about things like repair costs for members that were hit, etc.  Many times my guild has had to let a defend go by, because none of us on the GvG team has a target.   So we get farmed...


Or only one of us has 1 target, and the attacker has made it 100 hits.   So that one player has to spend over 3 hours defending?  And this is easy?  NO, it's not....  


The limits put into place for the attacking guild were put there to reduce RP farming.   Yet it still occurs on a regular basis.  


The only way that balance can happen is for GvG to be completely reworked, similarly to the ideas Ryebred brought up last year: https://forums.hunte...&hl=gvg seasons There are some seriously good ideas here.....


That concept is supposedly under consideration,  but will probably, like most other major changes, have to wait for the app to be officially out of beta before any headway is made..... 

Edited by BadPenny, 21 July 2018 - 00:49.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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