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Member Since 22 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 18 2020 19:49

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Stuck at "Loading version information" diagnostics show response: 403

11 April 2015 - 09:39

Ahh yeah it is their side then... You must live in an odd area for that to be popping up :)

In Topic: Stuck at "Loading version information" diagnostics show response: 403

11 April 2015 - 08:49

I already checked it before and I had to enter a captcha to continue, was able to continue afterwards though. No one else as of yet, as only those with the same ISP as I have would experience the same problem.

Well the captcha is the problem... Was it a cloudflare thing? or just a HCS captcha thing.. 

In Topic: Stuck at "Loading version information" diagnostics show response: 403

11 April 2015 - 06:52

 I keep on getting "Unable to read" error whenever I open the server list, this is probably also due to error 403 when my game tries to connect to HCS server.

I hope this could be fixed, as I prefer to play using the client and be able to change servers as well.
Thanks in advance and more power to HCS!


Well the fix needs to be on your side as no one else is experiencing these problems... [atleast i am not...]


In all honesty, I don't know where what to begin to check for resolving this error... Try loading the site manually in a browser and see what you get... [ https://www.eldevin.com/xml/version]

In Topic: Worker's Belt

16 March 2015 - 21:02

Fully support, basically what runescape made a long time ago to store utility items in.

In Topic: Continual Video Problems

15 March 2015 - 01:05

I see the problem! You are using a Mac! 


Anyways, I don't have this problem and i am running the exact same specs but change the mac to a pc... In your settings, what is your rendering set to? Do you have completely updated drivers for your card? What version of java are you running [this shouldn't matter though...]?

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