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Halloween Legendary Event. Wave 1!

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#1 BigGrim


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Posted 25 October 2024 - 13:29

Hi all!
Old threats and new terrors have arrived to attack the innocent inhabitants of the Realms!
Tattie Boggle (Legendary)
On the night of Oidhche Shamhna or Halloween as it is know to mortals, the evil known as Tattie Boggle arises. In his chosen form he roams the lands striking terror into the people and dragging his victims souls back to the underworld with him at the end of the night. 
Level: 25+
Zingiber Everclaw (Legendary)
Bar flys and old travellers tell tales in taverns about the beautiful beast Zingiber Everclaw, a red haired werewolf that hunts man under the full moon intending to feed upon their still beating hearts. They say that hearing her howl is a sign your death is imminent. Unfortunately the tale they tell is true and Zingiber does stalk the dark forests of the world hunting for prey...
Level: 135+
The Experiment (Legendary)
The Experiment is a horribly mutated creature said to have been created in an experiment that went wrong. It appears to have been a man fused with an insect or perhaps even an insect fused to a man or maybe it was something else and was turned into a man insect hybrid somehow? The truth was lost in the smoking crater that use to be the  lab it was created in.
Level: 430+
Gozkon Gooulgez (Legendary)
Gozkon Gooulgez was ugly even for an Orc. As a whelp he was picked on by other Orcs and eventually abandoned by his tribe, left to die in the deadly swamps. Gooulgez survived however and has never forgotten those who hated him for his appearance. Now a masked and twisted creature full of hate he stalks the lands with his Machete, reaping bloody vengeance upon anyone not as ugly as himself...
Level: 775+
Beardface (Legendary)
The crazed Dwarf only known as Beardface had many enemies and his beard was shaved of by them. This is greatest punishment a Dwarf can ever be given. The shame and the anger drove him over the edge and he went on the rampage with his trusty chainsaw, removing the bearded faces of his tormentors and wearing them so he can once again be bearded. He rampages still...
Level: 1050+
Dr Attila Barca (Legendary)
Dr Attila Barca aka 'Atilla the Killa' was once a highly respected surgeon and doctor. However behind closed doors he was a murderer and quite mad, often killing his patients and even cannibalising them. He was eventually caught and sent to an insane asylum for the rest of his days. However his lust for death and taste of human flesh prompted his escape from the asylum but not until he had eaten his way through the inmates and guards...
Level: 1425+
Ice Troll Appalikov (Legendary)
The Ice Troll Appalikov used to be an ordinary, happy troll until the fateful day he found a crystalline staff. Upon taking the staff, his mind fractured and his body changed into the form it is now. He enjoys deep cold and making snowmen out of unwilling victims. He now has control of ice and snow, gifted to him by the staff that robbed him of his sanity.
Level: 1900+
Pillock Trapdoor Guard (Legendary)
Pillock, the Trapdoor Guard is a troglodyte monster. No one know's where he comes from. All that is known is that he is the protector of a dungeon that may contain a great treasure...or a great evil with it. No one survives to get a look what's in the trapdoor as Pillock is a powerful fighter. He has been seen talking to the skull on his club. Occasionally, it talks back.
Level: 2275+
Tillexiaria Vulpine (Legendary)
Tillexiaria Vulpine is many things. Volatile, capricious, temperamental, impulsive, excitable, unpredictable & mercurial. This foul creature is a sorcerer and alchemist beyond compare and dabbles in science here and there too. Vulpine gets worked up into a frenzy over pretty much anything he's experimenting on or dissecting. Dissection is hardest. After all, he's always hungry and here he is, pulling snacks out of things!
Level: 2675+
Sauin (Legendary)
When Oidhche Shamhna rolls around in the year, there are plenty of people in the Realms who celebrate or perform the appropriate rituals. For those who do so, they ensure these rituals are completed correctly and with due diligence, for if they do not, they could receive a visit from the demon Sauin. His diminutive creature wanders the realms in an orange robe with a sack cloth mask. Those who do receive punishment from Sauin suffer a most gruesome end!
Level: 3125+
Chiller Zombie (Legendary)
It's the dead of night and from shadowy, foggy forest paths, high pitched Eee-Hees! and Woos! can be heard, echoing through the dark. Shambling from the fog, a garishly dressed zombie shuffles, swaggers and dances his way from the gloom, followed by an assortment of fellow undead, unnaturally following the dance in perfect sync!
Level: 3525+
Chest of Azrael (Legendary)
Duane Henten travels around the realms with a strange box. Within the box it his excised twin, Azrael. They travel seeking those who separated them, seeking bloody and final vengeance for the wrong done to them.
Level: 3900+
Scrim the Undertaker (Legendary)
Legends tell of a demon known as Scrim the Undertaker. This ghoulish creature haunts graveyards, searching for fresh dead to reanimate. What he does with these transformed revenants is unknown. What IS known is that in the absence of fresh dead, Srim will kill those living unfortunate to meet him. He does this with strange, demonically empowered metal balls that fly through the air and kill on contact.
Level: 4275+
Sullivan the Terror (Legendary)
A fearsome creature, well known to the young, Sullivan is a huge beast with purple fur and turquoise spots. He hides in the darkness, waiting for his prey to fall asleep before leaping out, roaring, terrifying his victims to death.
Level: 4650+
The Porcelain Puppets (Legendary)
The Porcelain Puppets are a collection of puppets thought to be possessed by some hideous force. They're all sat together in various displays in a small museum dedicated to puppets and puppetry. However, they habitually move around by themselves or whisper to people who visit them. On the night of Oidhche Shamhna, they burst into true, violent life. The porcelain of their forms cracked, with a fell light bleeding from them. Limbs fall off, to be replaced with instruments of torture and murder. The only thing known to stop them at this time of year is to smash their bodies. A solution that does not last, as they reappear in their cases, fully formed, though perhaps with a new crack or two and a hateful look in their painted eyes.
Level: 5025+
The Simulacrum (Legendary) (NEW)
The Simulacrum was created to be a lifesize doll that would be a surrogate friend and confidant to those who need support. Unfortunately, as with many new magical constructs, it drew the attention of an Infernal being. One demonic possession later and the Simulacrum is stalking those it was created to help, messily slaughtering anyone in its path.
Level: 5450+
The Legendary Beasts will be available until 15:00 hours on the 28th of October.
~ The Fallen Sword team.

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