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Mutalution: The Creation of a Moshe

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#1 gothador_moshe

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Posted 10 April 2007 - 05:25

Our story begins on what would be an ordinary day, in one ordinary castle in one ordinary darkened grove...

There he was, the great and glorious ProzaKc, vialed and thumping every living thing in sight, gaining every single amount of experience possible in his quest to move up to being the greatest adventurer Gothador has ever seen. Today's hunting regiment seemed very regular, but as he crushed his 125th Mortis Reborn for the day, a great irregularity occurred. So after he wiped the foreign blood from his blade, he made a quick recall pit-stop back to his shadowy fortress.

After strategically placing potpourri fresheners all over the castle, and properly fumigating the entire East Wing with Oust Air Sanitizer(Because when Pro goes, everybody knows), The Fairy Gothfather finally sat down upon his great throne with the latest issue of Titan Weekly.

But alas, almost as soon as Papa Pro had begun, he realized that this was no ordinary dump. He struggled and squeezed, working his super-toned gluts with a skillful precision. Many of his fellow cultmates could pay witness to such cries of anguish as "WHO DOES NUMBER TWO WOOOORK FOR??!", and "WHO IS YOUR DADDY, AND WHAT DOES HE DO??!". But finally, after one of the greatest half-hour battles in history, a great splosh could be heard all across Castle SCWP. ProzaKc emerged victorious, with a sly look of satisfaction on his face and his magazine tucked under his arm.

Believing this job to be done, Pro went once again on his way to own all living things that he didn't hump. But as the hours passed, a great and glorious thing was happening back at the Throne of Darkness. Little did Pro know that when turds of such concentrated power are mixed with the swamp-like waters of the forest, a fantastic molecular transformation occurs. A great explosion occurred in the privy of Pro-bono's lair, which awoke more than half the cult with great confusion. And when the dust and debris settled, a powerful creature emerged that could only be described as the sexiest, greenest thing anyone in Gothador has ever seen.

Pro was immediately called back home by means of telepathy, and everyone watched in awe as the greenskin rampaged the castle, thumping whatever he could reach. Papa Pro stepped in to stop this madness, and after a difficult tustle, managed to tame the beast. Ever since then, Pro has made it his most privileged duty to train the monster he most affectionally named 'Moshe', after the great screams the creature makes while rampaging all ("MOOOOOOOSHE-A-CROOOOOOSH!") into a finite killing machine.

One would be well-advised to stay away from such a creature, and Pro took great care to post Moshe Warning Signs all over the realms of Gothador to warn its people of the dangers lurking about. For when the Moshe hunts, no living thing remains..

#2 gothador_sacbro73

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Posted 10 April 2007 - 05:29

Good God! :lol:

#3 gothador_ruham

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Posted 10 April 2007 - 05:40

now that Papa Pro had tamed the Moshe beast to safely mingle with the other inhabitants of the SCWP castle, the Moshe was invited to our nightly dinner table when we magically turn time back 1 hour and 12 minutes so we can tell our tales of magnificent battles and victorious pillages. The Moshe stood up with his glass of bouverine wine and proposed a heart-warming toast... to his sire... the one who spawned him from the creatures he had been devouring for so long... Papa-Pro.

He said, putting his free arm around Papa-Pro... "i want to thank yous all for invi*hic*viting me to your table *hic*. Pro is my papa and im sho glad to be hish creashion *hic*. From this day forward... Marsh the 4th.. i mean 14th... *whispers to Papa-Pro* whats the *hic* date?

Papa-Pro shrugs, "i dont even know *hic*"

so from thish day forward, Moshe will be known as... umm.. forgot what i was gonna say *hic*

oh, yeah, Moshe will forever be known as the MosheKc :D

*passes out on the table*

the rest of shadows grab their quills and paint him in ceremonial blood... including a big tattoo - the MosheKc...


#4 gothador_moshe

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Posted 10 April 2007 - 05:46

But I just bathed a weeeeek ago! :cry: :(

#5 gothador_ruham

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Posted 10 April 2007 - 05:47


:( but papa, that would wash off all our art... on second thought *pulls a kerchief over her mouth* lets dump him in the ocean for a bit, we can get him wasted again tomorrow :lol:

#6 gothador_moshe

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Posted 18 April 2007 - 11:43


#7 gothador_phoenixeld

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Posted 18 April 2007 - 12:06

OMG Whats that stench, did Pro go again and he didnt use enough air freshener? Holy crap it stinks down here in the North end tower.

And what the unholy hell is that freak ( :twisted: ), you better stay outta my room or death will become you mister. (stocks up more Omni Blast Vials)

*Runs back to my room to spend the rest of teh day with Air freshener and Phoenix*

*Closing the door with a do not distrub sign on the Door.*

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