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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 21 2024 15:51

#992110 Level Reset Option (prestige)

Posted by Xed on 03 June 2018 - 12:16

Completely agree with BadPenny. I know I wouldn't give up everything I've earned for a Weapon or probably any item for that matter. It takes alot of money/time to get things in this game and the incentive isn't there for me in this one. Good shot though, maybe it could work out in a way but I think it would take a huge update to liven the game up more and I really think HCS will come up with something for us players who have stuck through it all for the amazing fun, friends, and memories this game has provided over the years.

#919842 Avatar Request!

Posted by Xed on 16 February 2015 - 10:15

Ok, so usually I'd go to one of my favorite/usual artists for a thing like this, but I really have no idea who I really want to do this, so I'm making this thread for all of you artists out there to submit a piece of work and at the end I'll purchase the one(s) I like the most. This is somewhat a contest, but not really as there won't be a big prize pool or that much of a ranking. Ok, so without further ado, here's what I'm looking for!


I'm looking for something Extremely terrifying like This. I want it to be made so that it's so terrifying that when your working on it, it makes you want to stop, drop, and cry, know what I mean?


Here are the Rules:


- You can have as many entries as you'd like!

- If you text slap on any of the work(s) you will/have submitted, you and all of your work will be disqualified.

Must have a border, preferably a 1-pixel Black or White border, no other colors.

- Must be posted here on the thread.


Here are the things I'll be looking for in the image:


- I want it to make people who look at my profile not like being there(Somewhat, I still want people reading my bio, but not comfortably).

- I want the text to be small but still very noticeable and in all lowercase, but, if you feel it to be necessary you can do the text however you want.

- I want it to be darker in the coloration as much as possible, nothing completely black.

- If you can make it match my guild rank, that is a huge plus for us both and will most likely make me buy your work if done correctly.

- Lots of work put into the piece.


Now, what you've probably been wondering the entire time while reading this, what's the payout? Well, depending on how much I like/love your piece(s), it's really whatever I want to pay, almost certainly nothing less than 2-3FSP though.


Also, I prefer no animated avatars, but if it is done in high quality, it may be considered for a purchase. If you have any further questions about Anything please contact me in-game on Fallen Sword!



Edit: Ends whenever I want it to really. I'll be purchasing them when they are posted sometimes.

#887987 CnC on a Avatar!

Posted by Xed on 01 September 2014 - 01:57

I recently made this, and I tried to take some advice from my good friend Crzy on trying to make things "flow"



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#830680 Xed's GFX Hunt

Posted by Xed on 14 December 2013 - 17:07





Hi, I'm Xed and have made this topic to tell everyone that I am buying good avatars and signatures from the FallenSword GFX Community. It has come to my realization that as of now I don't have very many pieces of work from you guys/girls and I want to fix that.





Minimum Price - 1 FSP

Maximum Price - N/A




League of Legends

World of Warcraft

Guild Wars 2

Diablo 3







FallenSword Titan's and Super Elite's in the image



Elvin Creatures

Cute Creatures

Cartoon Pandas(Like the render in my topic image)

Chibi(Male only and preferably with no background)


Lord of the Rings


I also like many more things, that's just all I could think of right away, no matter what you do in the image, if it's high quality and looks good, I'm probably going to buy it.




Anything Anime

Text Slaps(Basically getting an image from a site and doing nothing but adding text to it)


Inanimate Objects being the focal point(TARDIS from "Dr. Who" being a huge example)


Also a few more things I'm sure, this is all I could come up with for the time being. It's alot harder to think of things I dislike that I like :P



Topic Image by Xed(Me)

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