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Member Since 04 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Dec 20 2021 14:34

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In Topic: The Death of server Alpha

04 November 2016 - 13:32

I am afraid there is a fundamental problem. Alpha 1 is running out of uncaptured room. I expect all land to be captured within a month. At that point, there will be little for the alliances to do except turn on each other. Once that happens
,, given that he combined EDF alliances are so dominant, it is reasonable that expect that they will quickly dominate the world. If they eliminate bases and allland is captured, I do not know where the eliminated bases get teleported to. Moreover, once alliances start attacking each other and wiping each other out, the number of active players will dwindle to a very few, which will cause the game to die o the server.

Is there any plan for this? Will alliances be allowed en mass to switch to new servers as space runs out? Will the map be expanded to allow for more room? Something needs to happen or else the game will die on this server before the end of the year.

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