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Member Since 17 Jan 2021
Offline Last Active Mar 01 2024 16:08

#1010488 Fallen Sword Roadmap (March - June 2024)

Posted by Ouiounon on 01 March 2024 - 16:10

I noticed the realm chest update didn't come to fruition by the end of Feb and isn't mentioned in this one at all. Any updates on that?  :)

#1009385 Epic Quests & Legendary Beasts!

Posted by Ouiounon on 20 May 2023 - 17:38

I am confused as to how these quests are "Epic"? Maybe because they have many many stages/steps to complete? But, the reward of completing these quests are certainly not "Epic" - they match any other random quest for that specific level. This is very disappointing.


The reward for completing "Epic" quests, especially with the amount of stages needed to complete, needs to also be "Epic". What qualify as an "Epic" reward, you ask? Please see the list below in no particular order.

  • Increase in Stamina Gain per hour (5+)
  • Increase in Max Stamina (5,000+)
  • Increase in Backpack (5+)
  • Increase in Gold Gain per hour (5,000+)
  • Increase in XP Gain per hour (100,000+ or scale based on the current level? (5%+)
  • Increase in Bank Deposits per day (2+)
  • Increase in Max Auctions (5+)
  • Or, a plethora of other options listed on the Character Upgrade page


Please look into correcting this error. As these "Epic" quests are currently, there is zero incentive (except Quest medal progress) to complete these.



Yeah, agreed. These weren't epic quests, they were just, well... quests. With a lot of steps only to get an XP reward less than what I gain in an hour by XP gain.


Come on.

#1008815 Pvp ladders

Posted by Ouiounon on 24 December 2022 - 20:43

Leveling to a ladder, de-leveling to a ladder same thing. This has been done for over a decade and only now is it a problem. My ** sensor is going off.


Mate you're ignoring 95% of what I said. If you delevel to a ladder you still have to engage in PvP to win because the majority of the time the ladder isn't empty.


Whatever though, I've made my points and I think they're solid. Best of luck

#1008813 Pvp ladders

Posted by Ouiounon on 24 December 2022 - 20:34

There are alot of people speaking here about ladder that do not understand what ladder really is.


Let's not do this.


If you pay for the best pots and log in every hour to win your ladder, that's fine because you are still PvPing and enging with that area of the game. Leveling into a PvP Band for which you are the only player in the entire game that has access, should not mean you get a free dominance medal. You're not PvPing. Period.

#1008811 Pvp ladders

Posted by Ouiounon on 24 December 2022 - 20:08

To reiterate my point: I think paying for current stam and in turn putting in the work to get to level 6,000 is completely fair and you should be awarded the no. 1 spot and best player medal ticks for that.


I don't think that should come with a free dominance medal. Because that medal is a reflection of pvp and not gaining levels.


I'm happy for you to disgree with this, just offering my two cents. This is a forum after all :) 

#1008809 Pvp ladders

Posted by Ouiounon on 24 December 2022 - 19:56

Imo the highest level ladder band should be calculated using the currently EOC level and beyond as the upper limit. So for instance currently it should be 5,000 - 5,250+. When EOC reaches level 5,500+ the next ladder 5,500+ should become available and the one below will revert to 5,000-5,499.


I realise there is a lot of skill and thought put into reaching 6,000 and even 5,500 (and I admire EP and RM for putting in that work) but it's not as easy as just saying "don't like it? do it yourself". There obviously is a huge amount of money involved and it shouldn't be as easy as paying to win. Whatever about hunting but certainly not PvP ladder ticks.


And regarding the 'lower level bands have tick farming involved too' argument - there's a difference here because people are choosing not to opt in here. No one that's not insanely rich ingame will be able to touch EP for years now lol :P 

#1008802 Pvp ladders

Posted by Ouiounon on 24 December 2022 - 15:53

i'm not so convinced it's negative, doesn't anything that shows the true power of fsp keep this game afloat? we see often ladders with one player soaking it up, isnt it us the community at fault for not rising to EP's challenge?


I'm not sure spending thousands and thousands of $$$ would be considered rising to a challenge  :P

#1005453 Auction House Suggestion

Posted by Ouiounon on 23 September 2021 - 15:38

Can't see this hurting anyone!

#1005281 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Ouiounon on 15 September 2021 - 08:47

Just for the record, I don't think that certain potion buffs should be specific to parts of the game.


However, if you're going to add more powerful potions which are available to everyone for essentially just logging in over time and doing a few easy DQs, you're really going to discourage people from trying out different parts of the game.


If you start adding in level 600+ leveling pots you're going to discourage people from donating to get the free epics chests. Yes it's true not everyone can donate, but if everyone had access to the same things anyway then why would anyone donate at all? 400 fsps doesn't get you a lot upgrade wise so these epic pots are always an incentive.


I think it would be a good idea to still offer these buffs as loyalty potions, just change the levels so that they don't outclass potions earned from other parts of the game. For example, make the Brewing Master pot level 250. Level 500 for 500 tokens is crazy, you'll have people with thousands of tokens never wanting to use anything less than level 500 again.


I'm really struggling why some people are so keen to get easy access to these mega powerful pots? Sure, we'd all love to be using uber pots all the time but if everyone is using them then how do HCS go about offering new potions in the future? Make them more powerful yet again?


It's a game. It's a competitive game. Literally the entire game and the majority of its aspects are rooted in competition. Earn your medals, climb the top ranked boards, win your pvp ladder, win your pvp arena, capture that other guild's relic. Adding crazy pots which take the incentive from participating in other parts of the game is just silly. It's a recipe for disaster. 


Again, not saying we shouldn't add these buffs but PLEASE just make them a bit more reasonable so as to not make other rewards from other parts of the game obsolete.

#1005221 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Ouiounon on 14 September 2021 - 16:28

No disrespect intended, but not all of us play the arena, and even those of us that do for the occasional DQ don't have many tokens to spend.... Everybody has Allegiance Tokens, though...

And as everything in the Loyalty shop is Bound, exactly what competition is there?


You're missing the point. A lot of the reason why people try different aspects of the game is to get access to rewards that aren't available in other parts of the game. That's like saying I should be able to buy super elite drops with loyalty tokens because I'm not a fan of hunting them myself  :mellow:


The Brewing Master 300 pot is one of the only consistent arena rewards that sell for decent fsp and thus some arena plays can generate a small profit. If a higher level BM potion was made pretty easily available to a lot of people, then the demand for other potions like the BM300 pot would decrease drastically.

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