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Tips for aspiring Titan Hunters!

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#1 Lsrpm



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Posted 10 January 2017 - 11:08

So I noticed that there has never been a Titan like guide. So I thought I would give it a shot to see how well I can feed everyone information.


1. Introduction


I'm Lsrpm..Been playing the game 9 years and have seen it all when it comes to hunting titans. Whether it be all the guild strategies, all the scripts people used, etc. Its been a long road but I have always enjoyed titan hunting regardless. I currently have the crystal titan hunting medal and look forward to getting my ruby eventually.



2. Things to note


Couple of things that are very important. Internet speed heavily determines your "speed" when it comes to titan hunting. Whether or not you are able to move fluidly to each and every spot the titan moves. So if you do not have the best internet then it will be difficult to be able to hunt titans in general.






Pressing T while on the world map is a shortcut to teleport. Your square turns blue instead of green when its active.


The guild structure Temporal Beacon helps with titan hunting IMMENSELY. Having your teleport cooldown reduced is huge when it comes to going against others.


There are also a few items in the game that give the enhancement "Temporal Shift" which also reduces your teleport cooldown.



3. General Tips


Buffs that are 100% MANDATORY are Titan Doubler and Teleport. They generally sell for 1 fsp each on the buff market or even sometimes 1 fsp for both. Without these two buffs there is 0 chance in competing with other players.


Light foot and Conserve are also very much needed if you dont have a huge stamina bank.


A titan spawns every hour of xx:00 ST. For example if its currently 2:55 AM I know a titan will have a CHANCE to spawn in 5 mins. Usually by this time I have multiple things prepared in case a titan does spawn


-Be on a portal so I can be ready to port to a realm


-Have 3-4 tabs open. One for the home page, another for the buff market(multiple if Teleport and Titan Doubler cant be bought at once) one for the world map, and the last is the wiki or Fallensword Guide handy, just in case a titan spawns that I dont automatically remember the said realm its in.





Most people find titan hunting extremely boring and often ask "Wow how can you do this" Well its simple. The best thing to do while titan hunting is to have something going on in the background. Whether it be your favorite movie,new TV show, favorite music, or even talking to your friends makes the titan process less painful and even more enjoyable. This particular tip has helped me through many secures.


Here is what my screen tends to look like while im titan hunting.



On the left you see Fallensword and me hunting a "titan". On the right you see a show im watching while hunting said titan. And towards the bottom left you see the scout tower screen.


I like having the scout tower screen show because I want to know how close I am to being done or how well im doing against others. I usually have this screen on auto refresh(every 1 minute).





Clicking Vs Keys!


Many people have different thoughts on this but I personally think clicking is faster and a lot more accurate. But you can always try both to see what you feel more comfortable with!




4. Going For TKP or Secure(Solo)


Now when hunting titans you obviously have the option to just farm TKP(far less efficient) or straight up going for the secure(a long grind but worth it in the end)


Going for the solo secure on a titan with less than 4800 health, it is recommended to have at least 6000 stamina or else you run the risk of running out of stamina when you are almost done with a secure.


There have been countless times where I thought I could make it on the 4000 stamina I had but was sadly mistaken. So always make sure you have the proper stamina bank.


For those who dont have those large of stamina banks. I would recommend putting as much FSP into your stamina because it will pay off later on. Until then you can continue to hunt for TKP and try to get the drop through that way.



5. Profit From Titan Hunting


For the most part it is a slow process to get a fast and true profit from titan hunting. Unless you are hunting the latest and greatest titan,seasonal titans, or just a very hard titan to hunt.


Most of the titan epics are over flooded in the game which makes selling said epics very difficult. 


The best and somewhat risky way to sell these not so wanted epics is to do a 1 or 2 hour 1fsp Auction of them. Now I know what you are saying "WHAT!? Are you crazy?? I worked so hard for this epic and its just going to go to waste???"  70% of the time I do something like this I barely lose FSP. In fact I only lose a very minuscule amount of FSP. So in my opinion its the fastest best way to get FSP immediately once you get the epic.





6. Closing and Notes


Hope you all enjoyed this guide! Hopefully it wasnt to difficult to process and read. I will be continuing to update this "guide" as I think of things. If any of you guys have any input feel free to comment them and I will be sure to add it to the guide while giving you credit! If you guys ever have any questions feel free to message me in game. Im nice sometimes!  :D

Edited by Lsrpm, 10 January 2017 - 22:30.


#2 MSCruz



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Posted 10 January 2017 - 20:00

Nice post. I do exactly the same. Unfortunately, I do not have enough stamina to secure a Titan; still working on this. I am happy when I get enough TKP to buy an item; secure is cool too. To me, best of Titan hunting are the Epic items, specially because of the Stam Gain.



Edited by MSCruz, 10 January 2017 - 20:00.


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#3 Pardoux



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Posted 10 January 2017 - 20:02

Nice post, but titans don't spawn every hour, on the hour. There CAN be several hours between any titan spawning. Other than that, great guide - one I'll study more carefully later :)

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Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


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#4 tharzill



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Posted 10 January 2017 - 20:55

One hint I read a long time back: Turn off FSH (if you are using it) to make you a bit faster. I have tried it and really don't see a big difference, but others may. Happy Hunting!  :)

#5 Lsrpm



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Posted 10 January 2017 - 22:31

Nice post, but titans don't spawn every hour, on the hour. There CAN be several hours between any titan spawning. Other than that, great guide - one I'll study more carefully later :)

You are right! I meant to specify that there was a chance for one to spawn. Thanks for the correction! 


#6 yotwehc



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Posted 10 January 2017 - 22:46

Great post! Didn't know about "t"!!! I would suggest if crowded for the popular titans, run to the close ones and teleport when it reenergizes. Use the zero key to update the location while you wait for teleport.

#7 rowbeth



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Posted 11 January 2017 - 07:44

Nice guide, Lsrpm


There was a guide put in the forum many years ago, but I could no longer find it when BG was asking about guides for the left-margin resources link. [Indeed, I think it might have been so long ago that it predated the "new map", since one of the bits of adivce i recalled was to have the realm map open with autorefresh set to 0 so you could monitor the titan's location quickly---and the realm map hasn't worked properly since the new map started.]


One of the things it did add, that might still be useful if network speed is an issue, was to shut down all the live information options in the user interface (FSbox, Game Stats, Spoils of War ...). As tharzill said, FShelper was also in this list.


There are times when I still find this useful, but not nearly as often as used to be the case.


Also, in the TKP vs solo tactical discussion (at the risk of being obvious)...

I will monitor the scout tower entry for a few minutes to decide whether or not I want to commit to this titan. If the number of kills is staying static, then I will have it to myself (to begin with), while if it is going down quickly then I probably need highly enhanced teleport to have much chance.


One point it would be good to add to your guide is mention of the bonus TKP: +50%/30%/20%/10% TKP for getting the 2nd/3rd/4th/5th most kills on the titan. This can make the efficiency of getting titan drops through TKP much better (And to tie this to my last point: one thing I look for when monitoring the scout tower is a secured titan that no one is now touching, since I can usually turn that into a +50% TKP bonus).

#8 BadPenny



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Posted 12 January 2017 - 05:03

Nice post, I wish there was a guide for titan hunting on my Android device. But since there's not an active keyboard for those nice shortcuts on the world map when you're using a touch screen, it's basically impossible to do so, at least competitively. I was able to do the elemental titans, but there's not everybody and their dog out there trying for those, so kill, expand and find, etc, will work... And before somebody says "Penny, buy a computer" I only wish I could......

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#9 BigGrim


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Posted 12 January 2017 - 11:36

Nice Guide! If people wish, this could be added to the Resource Guides page?


~ Grim

#10 drdoom123



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Posted 12 January 2017 - 23:17

Nice Guide! If people wish, this could be added to the Resource Guides page?


~ Grim

i agree :D




drdoom123 - lvl EOC

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#11 ironlegs



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Posted 09 May 2017 - 01:33

Yes i think this would be a great addition to the Resource Guides pages " Lsrpm " you did a great job on this and should get all the credit for doing it  hip hip hooray well done :)

#12 cucullainn



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Posted 09 May 2017 - 03:21

Nice Guide! If people wish, this could be added to the Resource Guides page?

~ Grim


#13 BigGrim


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Posted 09 May 2017 - 10:30

Hey there.


Added to the Resource Guides page. :)


~ Grim

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