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Member Since 06 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 21 2014 19:49

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Clock96 GFX Shop™ **REOPENED**

09 March 2014 - 22:13

Hey clock, I'd like another please, can't post picture so hoping I can use your judgement( will pay extra fsp) looking for an avi this time some sort of rebel fighter type look, eg leather armour dagger type look, with my name only please :)


Edit my name and current guild name and another with my name and Revoked Damage

In Topic: G o t W VOTING THREAD :)

06 March 2014 - 22:32

C it just grabs my attention the most, sort of shows pride

In Topic: Clock96 GFX Shop™ **REOPENED**

06 March 2014 - 22:25

Hey im looking for a avatar for in game, new to this so excuse me if i sound like an idiot, a sort of medevil vampire hunter on one half of the picture engulfed in dark smote with my name written in the smoke or on it either way, http://curiousodditi...poster-crop.jpg bit like that but full body, Thanks :D


Edit: With my clan name below my name :)

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