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Legendary Event!

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#1 BigGrim


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Posted 09 August 2019 - 15:57

Hi all,

The following creatures have been spotted stalking the Realms! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!

Burzzthak the Corrupter (Legendary)

Burzzthak the Corrupter is an Emissary of the Shadowlord. He has been sent to both turn powerful Beings from the Light as well as gift three of the Dark Ones mortal champions and has been tasked with the Destruction of the Cathedral of the Ways. This would hamstring the forces of all that is Good and Right in the World from mobilizing against his Lord.

Recommended Level : 5+

Cerberus Hound (Legendary)

Zeal is a three headed demon of fire from ancient times. Every few thousand years the Hound is released upon this world by it's demonic masters to wreck havoc and bring pain to the feeble mortals.

Recommended Level : 50+

Wolfman of Morbidstein (Legendary)

The Wolfmen of Morbidstein are one of the Doctors first truly successful creations. Combining the intellect of man with the cunning and senses of the wolf, he sends them out periodically to hunt for fresh material or artifacts that will further his nefarious schemes. The Wolfman is a truly fearsome foe, who attacks in a furious charge of rending talons and slavering jaws.

Recommended Level : 110+

Samael (Legendary)

The demon known as Samael has returned to the world via a unguarded portal to the other realms. He hates all life and wants nothing more than to destroy it. This most powerful and evil entity must be sent back to the realm it came from before it completes its plan for a lifeless world.

Recommended Level : 160+

Malahas (Legendary)

The noble Malahas is, or rather was, a guardian spirit of the deep forests. She too has had her essence corrupted by the coming of Burzzthak and where once she protected, now she destroys, slaughtering all before her, forest creature or human. Will you step forth to try to subdue this poor wretch and protect her from herself?

Recommended Level : 375+

Fallen Anteros (Legendary)

Anteros was once a creature who would fly around, spreading Love and Goodwill. However, with the coming of the vile Burzzthak, he too has been corrupted. Now, with his newly barbed arrows, he is spreading Hate and Mistrust everywhere he flies! Do you have the Fortitude to stop this twisted innocent?

Recommended Level : 590+

The Demonic Gladiator (Legendary) (NEW)

For years a lone warrior has waged war in the Colosseum, doing battle with all who would accept his challenge. This poor soul dreamt of glory and immeasurable power. However he has recently become a laughing stock amongst his competitors, having been beaten relentlessly again and again. Driven mad with hopeless desires unfulfilled, he turned to the path of darkness and now serves the Shadow Lord, hunting down all who humiliated him and destroying them in welters of blood and gore!

Designed by : Josh1404

Recommended Level : 990+

Valgotic Golem Engine (Legendary)

The Valgotic Dwarves have not been idle since the destruction of the abominable Doom Maw. Further refinement of their considerable Golem technology, the Golem Engine is a formidable addition to the Valgotic arsenal. This monstrous defensive golem reacts to attack by replicating itself, though this does weaken each new Golem as whatever demonic entity is originally bound to each newborn golem splits the demons soul fire. The blazing red runes in each golems skin glows a little duller. This is seen as an acceptable means of fuelling these new Golems as they have to bind less demons to their original golem stock!

Designed by : UrzasRage

Recommended Level : 1180+

Khimaira (Legendary)

Another 'Sire of Monsters', Khimaira is the primogenitor of the various Chimera that inhabit the Realms. It is the oldest and most powerful of it's vile race. This huge beast has the front third of a lion, the middle is of a goat, with a goats head rising from the center of it's spine. Both heads are skeletal and putrid! The final third of the body is draconic in nature with a tail terminating with the head of a snake which spits poison! Both the goats heat and lions head are capable of spewing torrents of fire! This is a huge and horrifying beast!

Recommended Level : 1425+

Grumpy Groosifoo (Legendary)

Grumpy Groosifoo is a half human, half demon creature from the Shroud, engineered by the Shadowlord himself. He was supposed to be an unstoppable warrior but the human nobility in the creature was hampering Groosifoo's killer instinct. In a rage, the Shadowlord brought the demon to the fore in Groosifoo's mind and unleashed him into the Realms, where the Grumpy Groosifoo has been tearing up trees and devouring anything he crosses. Few Warriors who have survived combat suspect the noble human side of the creature's character is struggling to reassert itself again...

Designed by : Groosalugg!

Recommended Level : 1975+

The Evil Little Coffin Dodger (Legendary)

The Evil Little Coffin dodger was born centuries ago, but died when only a small child. She never was much for doing as told, so when expected to stay in her grave, she didn't listen. She loves animals, and the fact that they usually die from all the attention she gives them isn't much of a problem in her eyes. She will put her cold white arms around the neck of anyone in range, so you'd best watch out, or the next breath you take might very well be your last. She is an evil little coffin dodger, but it's not that she avoids graves, she loves dancing on them! However, she will NEVER sleep in one.

Designed by : bilops

Recommended Level : 2075+

Abominus Rex (Legendary)

The gargantuan horror known as Abominus Rex appeared without warning, tearing through any who appeared before it. Who created this undead monstrosity is not known (and given the unpredictable nature of Abominus Rex itself, likely never will be), all that is known is the beast's unnatural vitality means it shrugs off many wounds and is all but immune to certain attacks. It's thick hide protects it and any attacks that get through are as likely to glance off hardened bone as they are to do damage.

Abominus Rex must be stopped!

Recommended Level : 2400+

Byaphros (Legendary)

Byaphros is a strange beast. The upper body of a man with a truly monstrous face which, from the waist down is actually the front legs and chest of a horse terminating in a vast, powerful fish's tail. This is a vile and malicious creature who will rear out of water near prey and to the surprise of all, will chase his target onto the land before beating them and dragging them back into the soon to be bloody surf!

Recommended Level : 2880+

The Cerulean Queen (Legendary)

The Cerulean Queen is a demonic creature, always lurking behind every choice made by the souls wandering the lands of Erildath. She is always trying to influence the bravest of heroes to succumb to their deepest desires. She has been known to walk the lands, tempting warriors to give into their blood lust with the promise of great rewards. Little do they realize, her rewards are best used for their guilty pleasures.

Designed by : KitiaraLi

Recommended Level : 3025+

Calagroo the Unchecked (Legendary)

Calagroo the Unchecked is a vast draconic beast, horrendously powerful and wreathed in green fire. Once locked away in a magical void due to his destructive ways, he has broken out through sheer bloody minded determination! Now he has renewed his quest for supremacy over all of creation!

Designed by : Groosalugg

Recommended Level : 3275+

Prince Tyler (Legendary)

Tyler is the son of Emperor Sidd and Empress Tinny, born after the Emperor left to join the Shadow Lord. Tyler was brought up solely by his mother who instilled her values of peaceful and anti-aggressive behaviour. However, he saw his Mother's slide to darkness thanks to the corruption of the Emperor. He set out to stop this and confronted his Father, who deceived him into accepting his signet. Upon touching the signet, the Prince joined his Father in Darkness.

Designed by : siddy246

Recommended Level : 3600+

Additionally, the following Creatures have appeared in the Scavenging Caves!

Heartless Shade (Legendary) (NEW)

The shadows crawl beneath the Castle Morbidstein. Are they heartless creatures, or simply incarnations of darkness? No one can provide the answer. One noticeable thing is that they appear to be emotionless, striking down any who get too close with casual indifference. Further study should unlock the mystery of these creatures and where they came from. Fortunately, there is no shortage of test samples for they are multiplying underground endlessly.

Designed by : SoraXKairi

Recommended Level : 450+

Recommended Gold: 21,000+

Vorik Hydra (Legendary)

The Vorik Hydra is one of the greatest of its kind and the devourer of many heroes that were sent to kill it. Now few dare enter its dwellings deep in the Vorik swamps as none return from the quest to kill this immensely evil monster. The consequence is that the Hydra has grown hungry for the meat of man and has been forced from the confines of its stinking realm though hunger and set out on its own quest to devour all humans it finds...

Recommended Level : 900+

Recommended Gold: 29,000+

Ira Heketoro (Legendary)

Various stories have been passed down through the ages , though none create more excitement and fear than the story of Ira Heketoro. Legend speaks of an ancient forest where the mythical Taniwha Ira Heketoro lives and protects a mysterious stone of uncanny strength. Only the strongest and bravest of warriors would seek out the ancient forest. Few have ever returned. Those who return, while battle scarred and weary, possess treasures imbued with strength and spirit, enough to make many a brave man run in fear.

Designed by : Evilbry

Recommended Level : 1600+

Recommended Gold: 45,000+

Deaths Hood the Defiant (Legendary)

Deaths Hood the Defiant was a notorious Highwayman of prodigious skills. He was a bane to all cruel Highborn Nobles or unscrupulous Merchants and Traders. He always wore a black hood with a stylised skull face beneath it. Eventually, his luck ran out and he was caught in an ambush and murdered most foully.

This did not stop him however. His vengeful spirit has returned in defiance of his murderers and he preys on all traffic on the Highways. He has made only one change to his recognisable appearance. The skull face beneath his hood is no longer a mask!

Designed by : robinhood2

Recommended Level : 2400+

Recommended Gold: 45,000+

Ultra Hustler (Legendary) (NEW)

Ultra Hustler is a skillful trader and dealer. This is due to his subtle telepathicpowers. It is said that he was born in the poorest realms, raised in squalor. While this forced him to make dangerous deals to survive, he became a a canny and shrewd dealer! His fortunes changed when he came across a mysterious spirit. The Spirit asked for aid and Hustler bartered and haggled. His prodigious wheeling and dealing resulted in the spirit joining Hustler and granting him his telepathic power, making his hustling all the more potent!

Designed by : 1hustler

Recommended Level : 3000+

Recommended Gold: 45,000+

Mirky the Malevolent (Legendary) (NEW)

Mirky the Malevolent is a vile little backstabber. He hides in water or bogs, his fur looking like floating weeds and scum. He waits for even powerful foes that are well versed in combat, as he knows how to strike at weak or exposed joints in armor!

Designed by : EpicPiety

Recommended Level : 3700+

Recommended Gold: 45,000+

Mirky drops recipes that use older gear. Auctions for that gear have been cancelled and returned to the sellers.

These creatures shall be available until 14:00 on Monday the 12th of August 2019.

Finally, the issue with the Guild Advisor has been fixed. The Advisor will start updating daily information as of tomorrow.


~ The Fallen Sword team.

#2 Etlebrook



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Posted 09 August 2019 - 16:45

The caves do not seem to be working at the moment...


Ah never mind... there is goes. It was repeating the same fight over ten times.


It did however toast my worn equipment almost by 50% for each piece.


Fun fun! LOL

Edited by Etlebrook, 09 August 2019 - 16:50.

#3 winemaker



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Posted 09 August 2019 - 18:59

over 20 mil and not one drop or anything from new LE...Fun

#4 Subject



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Posted 09 August 2019 - 20:39

!!!! This is awesome always good when they’re is something to do! Thanks :)

#5 EpicPiety



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Posted 09 August 2019 - 21:20

I've requested my LE be difficult to obtain drops from. The set is also difficult to create. Although the stats surely pay off for the investment. I'm not sure on the drop rate though could be normal idk.

#6 activeh1



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Posted 09 August 2019 - 21:43

nice to see the S E gear being used ,they will be hunted until they go boom

Edited by activeh1, 09 August 2019 - 22:30.


#7 BadPenny



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Posted 09 August 2019 - 23:20


Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#8 activeh1



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Posted 09 August 2019 - 23:34

Has anyone got the Mirky's Spear Recipe?


lots of players saying they just cant get it 

Edited by activeh1, 09 August 2019 - 23:34.


#9 whydoiplay



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Posted 10 August 2019 - 00:24

So far from what we've seen from the new legendaries


level 450

Heartless Hat

Primary stat damage, Secondary stat armor

Heartless Amulet

Primary stat damage, Secondary stat armor



level 990

Demonic Gladiator Gauntlets

Primary stat armor, Secondary stat damage

Demonic Gladiator Ring

Primary stat armor, Secondary stat damage


Level 3000

Boots of the Hustler

Primary stat Damage, Secondary stat Defense

Shield of the Hustler

Primary stat Damage, Secondary stat Defense


level 3700*

Mirkys Fur Coat

Primary stat Attack, Secondary stat Defense

Mirkys Spear

Primary stat Attack, Secondary stat Defense



*This set has items that are invented with recipes. Mirkys Carcass is one of or the resource.

#10 activeh1



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Posted 10 August 2019 - 01:01



#11 thisple



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Posted 10 August 2019 - 01:05

Anyone care to share which cave the new critters are in?

#12 activeh1



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Posted 10 August 2019 - 01:31



#13 Pardoux



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Posted 10 August 2019 - 03:25

Well, that was a waste of time and gold.


15 million in the right cave, and a whole ONE drop from an old LE and nada from the 30+ encounters with the new 3700 LE.


I think scavenging should be renamed to "Recycle Bin" - at least that's more honest LOL

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#14 sohail94



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Posted 10 August 2019 - 03:58

lol, getting recipes to drop in the caves will be expensive, probably cheaper to buy them and use QF to gather drops

#15 BadPenny



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Posted 10 August 2019 - 05:42

Well, that was a waste of time and gold.


15 million in the right cave, and a whole ONE drop from an old LE and nada from the 30+ encounters with the new 3700 LE.


I think scavenging should be renamed to "Recycle Bin" - at least that's more honest LOL

I've told you guys for years that the caves are a scary and evil place, and should have probably been named "pits" as in bottomless.... NOW do you believe me?

Edited by BadPenny, 10 August 2019 - 05:42.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#16 Pardoux



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Posted 10 August 2019 - 06:35

I've told you guys for years that the caves are a scary and evil place, and should have probably been named "pits" as in bottomless.... NOW do you believe me?


Oh, I've known it for years - preached  about it myself, but one day, just one day, I'd like 'em to be nice to me ... just for a change.

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#17 hades8840



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Posted 11 August 2019 - 10:57

about 400 million into the caves so far still cant get a hustler shield its laughable the boots are dropping now and then but no shields for me

#18 johnagod



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Posted 11 August 2019 - 14:04

about 400 million into the caves so far still cant get a hustler shield its laughable the boots are dropping now and then but no shields for me


I spent quite a lot on the Mystic Cave looking for a set, got a shield right near the start and then nothing from then on. Drop rates are abysmal...


Funny though that the Defiant creature is dropping like a common creature LOL.

#19 Josh1404



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Posted 11 August 2019 - 14:45

Personally scavenging is not my thing. Will leave that to people who know what they are doing.


But people complain so often about how sets are released and become almost immediately worthless. Selling for 1FSP a piece. This time we have 2 sets that are much harder to get and are therefore retaining some value for once. They can't win either way with you lot. :P


I like that the sets are harder to get / invent. A little bit of work has to go into it. Plus more gold sunk is good for the game. I'd like to see more gear released like this.

Edited by Josh1404, 11 August 2019 - 14:46.

#20 sohail94



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Posted 12 August 2019 - 00:27

Level 450 Heartless Set is missing set bonus stats?

Level 3700 Mirkys Fur Coat - attack stat seems high compared to the weapon.

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